ବୀର ସୁରେନ୍ଦ୍ର ସାଏ ବୈଷୟିକ ବିଶ୍ୱବିଦ୍ୟାଳୟ

वीर सुरेंद्र साई प्रौद्योगिकी विश्वविद्यालय

Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology

Lecture Notes

S.N. Programme Semester Name of Subject Subject Code Download
1 M.Tech 2nd CAD and Manufacturing MME-1213
2 B.Tech Metal Forming Process BME 312
3 B.Tech Operation Management MME 1216
4 B.Tech Advanced Casting and Welding MME 1112
5 B.Tech 4th Fluid Mechanics
6 B.Tech 5th Fluid Dynamics & Hydraulic Machines
7 B.Tech 8th Mechanical Vibration
8 B.Tech 5th Machine Design - II
9 B.Tech 5th Metal Forming Process
10 B.Tech Machine Dynamics - I
11 B.Tech 8th Internal Combustion Engine and Gas Turbines BME 423
12 B.Tech 6th Machine Dynamics II BME 317
13 B.Tech 8th Production and Operation Management
14 B.Tech 8th Automobile Engineering
15 B.Tech 6th Industrial Engineering and Operation Research BME 316
16 B.Tech 8th Introduction to Nanotechnology
17 B.Tech 5th Fluid Mechanics & Fluid Power Engg. BME 308
18 B.Tech Machine Dynamics – I
19 B.Tech. 5th Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics BME 307
20 B.Tech 5th Digital Circuit and Design BEC 1405
21 B.Tech 7th Refrigeration Engineering BME 421
22 B.Tech 7th Power Plant Engineering BME 419
23 B.Tech. Engineering Thermodynamics
24 B.Tech. 5th Manufacturing Science & Technology - II BME 311
25 B.Tech 7th Metrology Quality Control & Reliability BME 420
26 B.Tech 3rd Conventional Machining Processes and Machine Tools
27 B.Tech 3rd Welding and Cutting Process
28 B.Tech 3rd Manufacturing Science & Technology-I
29 B.Tech 1st & 2nd Engineering Mechanics BME 101
30 B.Tech Mechanics of Solids BME 203
31 B.Tech 5th Machine Design-I BME 310