Funding Agency (Scheme) Year : DST (SERC)-2007Title : Design, Development and Fabrication of a CVD set-up for diamond coating on cemented carbide cutting tool inserts for machining non-ferrous materialsPI/Co-PI : PIDuration(years) : 3.0Amount Sanctioned(In Lakhs) : 18.36Status - completed / ongoing : Completed
Funding Agency (Scheme) Year : AICTE (RPS)-2008
Title : Characterization of Hot Filament Chemical Vapour Deposition (HFCVD) diamond coated carbide inserts
Duration(years) : 2.0
Amount Sanctioned(In Lakhs) : 5.50
Status - completed / ongoing : Completed
Funding Agency (Scheme) Year : DST (FIST)-2008Title : Development of Mechanical Engineering LaboratoryPI/Co-PI : Co-PIDuration(years) : 5.0Amount Sanctioned(In Lakhs) : 70.00Status - completed / ongoing : Completed
Funding Agency (Scheme) Year : AICTE (RPS)-2009
Title : Biasing and Nucleation study by addition of metal powders on growth of diamond by Hot Filament Chemical Vapor Deposition (HFCVD) method on cemented carbide inserts
Duration(years) : 3.0
Amount Sanctioned(In Lakhs) : 6.49
Status - completed / ongoing : Completed
Funding Agency (Scheme) Year : AICTE (MODROB)-2010
Title : Modernization of Material Research Laboratory
PI/Co-PI : Co-PI
Duration(years) : 1.5
Amount Sanctioned(In Lakhs) : 7.56
Status - completed / ongoing : Completed
Research Project: Department of Aerospace Engineering, KAIST, Republic of Korea (06/2008-06/2010).
Funding Agency (Scheme) Year : AICTE (RPS)-2012Title : Development of nano/ultranano diamond coating on cemented carbide inserts by Hot Filament Chemical Vapor Deposition (HFCVD) methodPI/Co-PI : PIDuration(years) : 2.0Amount Sanctioned(In Lakhs) : 14.10Status - completed / ongoing : Completed
Project title: Bubble cloud collapse due to shock wave propagation.
In the capacity of H.O.D. : I was looking after for the purchase and installation of two major equipments (i.e. Instron make UTM of 10 ton capacity and Piezo-electric Force Dynamometer) costing Rs 55 lakhs funded by DST-FIST (from February 2009 to July 2014).
Research project sponsored by TEQIP-III, VSSUT
Funding Agency (Scheme) Year : CSIR-ERD-2013Title : Development of NCD and UNCD diamond coatings and their characterization on cemented carbide insertsPI/Co-PI : PIDuration(years) : 3.0Amount Sanctioned(In Lakhs) : 21.92Status - completed / ongoing : Completed
Development of numerical algorithm for two−fluid two−phase flows with phase change for bubble cloud collapse due to shock wave propagation in water.
Seed Grant Project from TEQIP III of ₹ 50,000/- (2021)
Computational analysis of the thermal aspects of metal casting process, Seed grant, TEQIP-II, VSSUT, Burla (01 Lakh).
Principal Investigator of DRDO Project-ERIP/ER/1203119/M/01 - 2014, “ Development of ultrasonic absorbent composite material using date palm leaf fiberâ€, 7.358 Lacs.
AICTE sponsored research project (Rs. 17.8 lakhs) 20/AICTE/RIFD/RPS43/2012-1
AICTE - MODROB project costing Rs 7.56 lakhs for “Modernization of Materials Research Laboratory†(2010-2013).
Research Grant under “Collaborative Research and Innovation Scheme†of TEQIP-III (VSSUT, Burla) with Project Title: Development of light weight fiber reinforced polymer composite for a low cost mobile shelter house order No. VSSUT/TEQIP/162/2021, dated 18-03-2021 with a Grant Sanctioned: INR 50,000/-.
Seed Grant project sponsored by TEQIP-II,VSSUT, Burla
Funding Agency (Scheme) Year : UGC-MRP-2013Title : Development of a high vacuum brazing furnace for joining metals to ceramicsPI/Co-PI : PIDuration(years) : 3.0Amount Sanctioned(In Lakhs) : 14.97Status - completed / ongoing : Completed
Investigation of shock structure upon bubble cloud collapse.
Seed Grant Project from TEQIP III of ₹ 1,00,000/- (2016)
Computational Investigation of the thermo-mechanical properties of the Investment Casting Process, UGC, MRP (Applied) (05 Lakhs).
Co-investigator of DRDO Project-ERIP/ER/1203150/M/01 - 2015, “Study of propagation of ultrasonic waves in solvent mixture used in preparation of natural fiber from agricultural wastesâ€, 8.285Lacs.
KIIT University seed grant for Green Engine Development (Rs. 10 Lakhs)
AICTE - MODROB project costing Rs 2.8 lakhs for “Machining Performance Evalution of CVD/PVD Coated Carbide Al2O3 ceramics and CBN/Diamond cutting tool insertsâ€. (in June 2014).
"Performance enhancement of a slotted fin heat sink: An Experimental and Computational investigation" funded by OSHEC(Odisha State Higher Education Council)