ବୀର ସୁରେନ୍ଦ୍ର ସାଏ ବୈଷୟିକ ବିଶ୍ୱବିଦ୍ୟାଳୟ

वीर सुरेंद्र साई प्रौद्योगिकी विश्वविद्यालय

Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology

All Projects

  1. Funding Agency (Scheme) Year : DST (SERC)-2007Title : Design, Development and Fabrication of a CVD set-up for diamond coating on cemented carbide cutting tool inserts for machining non-ferrous materialsPI/Co-PI : PIDuration(years) : 3.0Amount Sanctioned(In Lakhs) : 18.36Status - completed / ongoing : Completed
  2. Funding Agency (Scheme) Year : AICTE (RPS)-2008
    Title : Characterization of Hot Filament Chemical Vapour Deposition (HFCVD) diamond coated carbide inserts
    PI/Co-PI : PI
    Duration(years) : 2.0
    Amount Sanctioned(In Lakhs) : 5.50
    Status - completed / ongoing : Completed
  3. Funding Agency (Scheme) Year : DST (FIST)-2008Title : Development of Mechanical Engineering LaboratoryPI/Co-PI : Co-PIDuration(years) : 5.0Amount Sanctioned(In Lakhs) : 70.00Status - completed / ongoing : Completed
  4. Funding Agency (Scheme) Year : AICTE (RPS)-2009
    Title : Biasing and Nucleation study by addition of metal powders on growth of diamond by Hot Filament Chemical Vapor Deposition (HFCVD) method on cemented carbide inserts
    PI/Co-PI : PI
    Duration(years) : 3.0
    Amount Sanctioned(In Lakhs) : 6.49
    Status - completed / ongoing : Completed
  5. Funding Agency (Scheme) Year : AICTE (MODROB)-2010
    Title : Modernization of  Material Research Laboratory
    PI/Co-PI : Co-PI
    Duration(years) : 1.5
    Amount Sanctioned(In Lakhs) : 7.56
    Status - completed / ongoing : Completed
  6. Research Project: Department of Aerospace Engineering, KAIST, Republic of Korea (06/2008-06/2010).
  7. Funding Agency (Scheme) Year : AICTE (RPS)-2012Title : Development of nano/ultranano diamond coating on cemented carbide inserts by Hot Filament Chemical Vapor Deposition (HFCVD) methodPI/Co-PI : PIDuration(years) : 2.0Amount Sanctioned(In Lakhs) : 14.10Status - completed / ongoing : Completed
  8. Project title: Bubble cloud collapse due to shock wave propagation.
  9. In the capacity of H.O.D. : I was looking after for the purchase and installation of two major equipments (i.e. Instron make UTM of 10 ton capacity and Piezo-electric Force Dynamometer) costing Rs 55 lakhs funded by DST-FIST (from February 2009 to July 2014).
  10. Research project sponsored by TEQIP-III, VSSUT
  11. Funding Agency (Scheme) Year : CSIR-ERD-2013Title : Development of NCD and UNCD diamond coatings and their characterization on cemented carbide insertsPI/Co-PI : PIDuration(years) : 3.0Amount Sanctioned(In Lakhs) : 21.92Status - completed / ongoing : Completed
  12. Development of numerical algorithm for two−fluid two−phase flows with phase change for bubble cloud collapse due to shock wave propagation in water.
  13. Seed Grant Project from TEQIP III of ₹ 50,000/- (2021)
  14. Computational analysis of the thermal aspects of metal casting process, Seed grant, TEQIP-II, VSSUT, Burla (01 Lakh).
  15. Principal Investigator of DRDO Project-ERIP/ER/1203119/M/01 - 2014, “ Development of ultrasonic absorbent composite material using date palm leaf fiber”, 7.358 Lacs.
  16. AICTE sponsored research project (Rs. 17.8 lakhs) 20/AICTE/RIFD/RPS43/2012-1
  17. AICTE - MODROB project costing Rs 7.56 lakhs for “Modernization of Materials Research Laboratory” (2010-2013).
  18. Research Grant under “Collaborative Research and Innovation Scheme” of TEQIP-III (VSSUT, Burla) with Project Title: Development of light weight fiber reinforced polymer composite for a low cost mobile shelter house order No. VSSUT/TEQIP/162/2021, dated 18-03-2021 with a Grant Sanctioned: INR 50,000/-.
  19. Seed Grant project sponsored by TEQIP-II,VSSUT, Burla
  20. Funding Agency (Scheme) Year : UGC-MRP-2013Title : Development of a high vacuum brazing furnace for joining metals to ceramicsPI/Co-PI : PIDuration(years) : 3.0Amount Sanctioned(In Lakhs) : 14.97Status - completed / ongoing : Completed
  21. Investigation of shock structure upon bubble cloud collapse.
  22. Seed Grant Project from TEQIP III of ₹ 1,00,000/- (2016)
  23. Computational Investigation of the thermo-mechanical properties of the Investment Casting Process, UGC, MRP (Applied) (05 Lakhs).
  24. Co-investigator of DRDO Project-ERIP/ER/1203150/M/01 - 2015, “Study of propagation of ultrasonic waves in solvent mixture used in preparation of natural fiber from agricultural wastes”, 8.285Lacs.
  25. NIL
  26. KIIT University seed grant for Green Engine Development (Rs. 10 Lakhs)
  27. NIL
  28. AICTE - MODROB project costing Rs 2.8 lakhs for “Machining Performance Evalution of CVD/PVD Coated Carbide Al2O3 ceramics and CBN/Diamond cutting tool inserts”. (in June 2014).
  29. "Performance enhancement of a slotted fin heat sink: An Experimental and Computational investigation" funded by OSHEC(Odisha State Higher Education Council)
  30. Projects Applied to SERB, AICTE INDIA