All Publications
International Publications
- Deepak Kumar Mohapatra, Chitta Ranjan Deo, Punyapriya Mishra, Chandrakanta Mishra, Investigation of Mechanical Attributes and Dynamic Mechanical Analysis of Hybrid Polyester Composites for Automotive Applications, Fibers and Polymers, Pages 1-19
- Deepak Kumar Mohapatra, Chitta Ranjan Deo, Punyapriya Mishra, Padmanav Dash, Effect of pistachio shell particles on mechanical and erosion wear performance of hybrid kenaf/glass polyester composites, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, 13506501231224686
- Lipsamayee Mishra, Trupti Ranjan Mahapatra, Debadutta Mishra, Punyapriya Mishra, Pratap Chandra Padhi, Study of Nd: YAG laser micro-drilling machinability and parametric optimization of graphite/Epoxy and carbon black/Epoxy nanocomposites, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part N: Journal of Nanomaterials, Nanoengineering and Nanosystems, 23977914231217921
- Dilip K. Sahu, Priyam P. Tripathy, Trupti R. Mahapatra, Punyapriya Mishra, Debadutta Mishra, Design optimization of structural component (hitch bracket of tractor): A reverse engineering approach, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 89(5)
- Binita Dash, Trupti R. Mahapatra, Punyapriya Mishra, Debadutta Mishra, Hygrothermal sound radiation analysis of layered composite plate using HFEM-IBEM micromechanical model and experimental validation, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 89(3), 265-281
- Itishree Rout, Trupti Ranjan Mahapatra, Punyapriya Mishra, Debadutta Mishra, Free Vibration and Acoustic Responses of Partially Biodegradable Hybrid Composites: Numerical Analysis and Experimental Validation, Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies, 1-20
- Deepak Kumar Mohapatra, Chitta Ranjan Deo, Punyapriya Mishra, Padmanav Dash, Influence of pistachio shell filler addition and interply hybridization on mechanical and thermal performances of polyester composites, Journal of Elastomers & Plastics, 56(2), 169-193
- Chetana Tripathy, Deepak Kumar Mohapatra, Chitta Ranjan Deo, Padmanav Dash, Punyapriya Mishra, Experimental and numerical evaluation of mechanical performances of hybrid Palmyra-Palm-Leaf-Stalk/Glass fiber reinforced polyester composites, Journal of Elastomers & Plastics, 56(2), 141-168
- Alam J, Panda S*. Exploring Tribological Behaviors of Profile-Shifted Spur Gears: An Experimental Investigation, Tribology Transactions, 2024,
- Deepak Kumar Mohapatra, Chitta Ranjan Deo, Punyapriya Mishra, Chandrakanta Mishra, Influence of Load and Sliding Velocity on Abrasive Wear of Polyester Composites Reinforced with Bio-Particulates as Filler Material, Transactions of Indian Institute of Metals, 1, 1-10
- Alam J, Panda S*. A Comprehensive Approach for Analysing Optimized Profile-Shifted Gears with a Focus on Tribological Parameters., Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Mechanical Engineering., 2024 DOI : 10.1007/s40997-024-00794-7
- Ajit Kumar Behera, Punyapriya Mishra, Punyatoya Mishra, Chitta Ranjan Deo, Deepak Kumar Mohapatra, Debasish Rout, Effect of impact velocity and impingement angle on the Erosive wear behaviour of ceramic reinforced polymer composites, Transactions of Indian Institute of Metals, 77(2), 371-378
- Swagatika Mishra, Punyapriya Mishra, Punyatoya Mishra, Deepak Kumar Mohapatra, Dinesh Kumar Mishra, Krushna Prasad Shadangi, Study of frequency dependence properties of CCTO-BT/epoxy composites, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 238 (6), 2140-2149
- S. Sahoo, P. Patro and H. Barik, Thermal and hydrodynamic analysis of nanofluid flow in a circular pipe using euler-granular mixture model, Multiphase Science and Technology 36 (3), 79-99, (2024).
- Chetana Tripathy, Deepak Mohapatra, Chitta Ranjan Deo, Punyapriya Mishra, Erosive wear study of PPLSF/Glass fiber reinforced hybrid laminates, Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology (New Series)
- D. K. Sethy and P. Patro, Parametric study and development of a correlation for Nusselt number in Nanofluid jet impingement, Multiphase Science and Technology, 36(3), 1-18 (2024).
- Chandrakanta Mishra, Deepak Kumar Mohapatra, Chitta Ranjan Deo, Punyapriya Mishra, Kiran Kumar Ekka, Erosion wear behaviour of kenaf/glass hybrid polymer composites. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology (New Series), 31 (1), 78-89
- Swagatika Mishra, Punyapriya Mishra, Punyatoya Mishra, Dinesh Kumar Mishra, Krushna Prasad Shadangi, Deepak Kumar Mohapatra, Evaluation of dielectric properties of CCTO-BT/epoxy composites for electronic applications. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology (New Series), 31(1), 69-77
- Alam J, Panda S*. Multi-objective optimisation with finite element analysis of profile shifted altered tooth sum spur gear, Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies,2023 10 (2), 1024-1051
- S. Sahoo, H. Barik and P. Patro, Heat Transfer Study of Water and Air Based Nanofluids with Al2O3 Nanoparticle in a Circular Pipe Using Multiphase Approach, Particulate Science and Technology, 42(3), 393-407 (2023).
- R. Ray, A Mohanty, P. Patro and S. K. Senapati, Performance improvement of a heat sink with triangular slotted and interrupted fins: A Computational study, Applied Thermal Engineering, 230, 120783 (2023).
- Swagatika Mishra, Punyapriya Mishra, Punyatoya Mishra, Deepak Kumar Mohapatra, Dinesh Kumar Mishra, Krushna Prasad Shadangi, Study of Mechanical and Morphological properties of CCTO-BT/epoxy composite, Composite Theory and Practices, 23(3), 123-128
- Sabindra Kachhap, Pabitra Kumar Sahu, Punyapriya Mishra, Investigation and optimization of wire EDM process parameters for Al 5454 alloy machining, Materials today proceeding
- Rath D, Panda S*. Pal, K Performance Analysis of Hybrid Ceramic Insert in Dry Turning of Hardened Tool Steel, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 2022,
- Rath D, Panda S*. Analysis and prediction of tool wear in dry turning of hardened D3 steel using hybrid insert: A novel wear map approach, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 2022,
- Alam J, Panda S*. A comprehensive review on design and analysis of spur gears, International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing, 2022, 17,993-1019.
- D. K. Sethy and P. Patro, Single-phase modeling of nanofluid jet impingement heat transfer, International Journal of Fluid Mechanics Research, 49(6), 47–61 (2022).
- R. Ray, A Mohanty, P. Patro and K. Tripathy, Performance enhancement of heat sink with branched and interrupted fins, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 133, 105945 (2022) .
- A. Khuntia. P. Patro and S. Ghosal, Thermal performance analysis of a synthetic jet actuator with moving boundary condition, Journal of Enhanced Heat Transfer, 28(3), 1–18 (2022).
- Deepak K Mohapatra, Chitta R Deo, Punyapriya Mishra, Kiran K Ekka, Chandrakanta Mishra, “Mechanical characterization of kenaf/glass fibre hybrid composite laminates: An experimental and numerical approach”, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering, 09544089221136813
- Deepak Kumar Mohapatra, Chitta Ranjan Deo, Punyapriya Mishra, “Investigation of glass fiber influence on mechanical characteristics of natural fiber reinforced polyester composites: an experimental and numerical approach”, Composites theory and practice, 22: 3, 123-129
- Swagatika Mishra, Punyapriya Mishra, “ Synthesis and characterization of CCTO0.5 BT0.5/epoxy hybrid ceramic polymer composite for electronic applications” Materials Today: Proceedings, Volume 67, Part 2, Pages 372-376
- Rout, L. N., Mishra, D., & Swain, P. T. R., (2022). “Influence of Silicon Carbide (SiC) Reinforcement on Sliding and Erosive Wear Characteristics of Glass Fiber/Epoxy Hybrid Compositesâ€, Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals, pp. 1-9, 2022, doi:
- Purohit, A., Tripathy, V., Mishra, S. K., Swain, P. T. R., & Patnaik, P. K., “Mechanical and Tribo-performance Analysis of Linz Donawitz Sludge-Filled Glass–Epoxy Composites using Taguchi Experimental Designâ€, Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series E, vol. 103, no. 2, pp. 245-251, 2022, doi:
- Patnaik, P. K., Mishra, S. K., Swain, P. T. R., Purohit, A., Parija, S. K., & Panda, S. S., “Multi-objective optimization and experimental analysis of electro-discharge machining parameters via Gray-Taguchi, TOPSIS-Taguchi and PSI-Taguchi methodsâ€, Materials Today: Proceedings, vol. 62, pp. 6189-6198, 2022, doi:
- Pattanaik S, Panda, S* and Mishra, D. A Multi-Objective Approach for Local Path Planning of Autonomous Mobile Robot, 2021, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, Willey, (In press)
- Alam J, Panda S*. A comprehensive study on multi-objective design optimization of spur gear, Mechanics based design of Structures and machines, 2021,
- P. Patro, Dilute phase pneumatic conveying in a horizontal pipe: Effect of restitution coefficient and specularity coefficient, International Journal of Fluid Mechanics Research, 48 (1), 63-74 (2021).
- Panda S*. Panda S. N. Modelling and Optimization of Rolling Process: A Muti-objective approach, Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems,2020 19(4): 343-364.
- Pattanaik S, Mishra, D. and Panda, S*. A comparative study of meta-heuristics for local path planning of mobile robots, J. Engineering Optimization, 2020.
- Sahu, A, Pattanaik S., Panda, S*. A Study on WEDM Microdrilling of 316L Stainless Steel Orthopedic Implant, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, Part C, 2020,
- Pattanaik S., Panda, S*. and Dhupal, D. Laser micro drilling of 316L stainless steel orthopedic implant: A study,J. Manufacturing process,2020 52: 220-234.
- A. Barik, S. Rout and P. Patro, Evolution of designs for constructal cooling of a square plate using water, ionic liquid (ILs) and nano-enhanced ionic liquids (NEILs), ASME Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications, 12, 021020 1-10 (2020).
- P. Patro and S. Garnayak, Heat transfer enhancement from a heated plate with convex dimples by forced convection along with a cross flow jet impingement, International Journal of Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 25 (1), 127-141 (2020).
- Narasingh Deep, Punyapriya Mishra, Layatitdev Das, “Application of adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) for predicting dielectric characteristics of CNT/PMMA nanocomposites.” Materials Today: Proceedings, 33, 5200-5205
- Patnaik, P. K., Mishra, S. K., Swain, P. T. R., & Panda, D., “Effect of Groundnut Shell Particulate Content on Physical and Mechanical Behavior of Jute–Epoxy Hybrid Compositeâ€, Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series E, pp. 1-8, 2020, doi: 10.1007/s40034-020-00185-y
- Patnaik, P. K., Swain, P. T. R., Purohit, A., & Biswas, S., “Tribological study on slurry abrasive wear behavior of nonwoven viscose fabric composites with doe approachâ€, Surface Review and Letters, vol. 27, no. 08, pp. 1950185, 2020, doi:
- Patnaik, P. K., Mishra, S. K., & Swain, P. T. R., “Erosion wear behavior of needle-punched nonwoven fabric (NPNF) reinforced epoxy composites–An evaluation using Taguchi’s designâ€, Materials Today: Proceedings, vol. 33, pp. 5683-5686, 2020, doi:
- Patnaik, P. K., Swain, P. T. R., Mishra, S. K., Purohit, A., & Biswas, S., “Composite material selection for structural applications based on AHP-MOORA approachâ€, Materials Today: Proceedings, vol. 33, pp. 5659-5663, 2020, doi:
- Purohit, A., Satapathy, A., Swain, P. T. R., & Patnaik, P. K., “Analysis of sliding wear behavior of LD sludge filled epoxy composites using response surface methodologyâ€, Materials Today: Proceedings, vol. 33, pp. 5066-5069, 2020, doi:
- Purohit, A., Swain, P. T. R., & Patnaik, P. K., “Mechanical and sliding wear characterization of LD sludge filled hybrid compositesâ€, Materials today: proceedings, vol. 26, pp. 1654-1659, 2020, doi:
- Purohit, A., Satapathy, A., & Swain, P. T. R., “Analysis of Erosion Wear Behavior of LD Sludge Filled Polypropylene Composites Using RSMâ€, Materials Science Forum, vol. 978, pp. 222-228, 2020, doi:
- Swain, P. T. R., Das, S. N., Patnaik, P. K., & Purohit, A., “The influence of moisture absorption on the mechanical and thermal properties of chemically treated DPL reinforced hybrid compositeâ€, Materials Science Forum, vol. 978, pp. 316-322, 2020, doi:
- Patnaik, P. K., Swain, P. T. R., Mishra, S. K., Purohit, A., & Biswas, S., “Recent developments on characterization of needle-punched nonwoven fabric reinforced polymer composites–A reviewâ€, Materials Today: Proceedings, vol. 26, pp. 466-470, 2020, doi:
- Rath D, Panda S. Pal, K Particle Swarm Optimization and Machinability Aspects during Turning of Hardened D3 Steel, Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems, 2019, (In Press)
- Acharya N., Nanda P. and Panda S. A comparative study of stability characteristics of mahua and jatropha biodiesel and their blends, Journal of King Saud University – Engineering Sciences, 2019 31(2), 184-190
- Debasmita Pani, Punyapriya Mishra, Study of mechanical properties of natural fiber reinforced hybrid polymer composites, International journal of Advanced Mechanical Engineering, 9(1), 1-6
- Punyapriya Mishra, Narasingh Deep, Sagarika Pradhan, Vikram G Kamble “Effect of functionalized MWCNT on the mechanical and dielectric properties of PMMA nano composites”, International Journal of Nano Science, 18 (6), 1850035-304
- Rath D, Panda S*. Pal, K Dry turning of AISI D3 steel using a mixed ceramic insert: A study, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, Part C, 2019 233(19-20),6698-6712.
- Panda S*., Mishra, D., and Biswal, B. B An approach for design optimization of 3R manipulator using adaptive cuckoo search algorithm, Mechanics based design of Structures and machines, 2019,
- Panda S*., Mishra, D., and Biswal, B. B., Workspace optimization of 3R manipulator-a multi-objective approach, Int. J. Intelligent Machine and Robotics, 2019 1(3),210-236.
- Patnaik, P. K., Swain, P. T. R., & Biswas, S., “Investigation of mechanical and abrasive wear behavior of blast furnace slagâ€filled needleâ€punched nonwoven viscose fabric epoxy hybrid compositesâ€, Polymer Composites, vol. 40, no. 6, pp. 2335-2345, 2019, doi:
- Patnaik, P. K., Swain, P. T. R., & Purohit, A., “Selection of composite materials for structural applications through MCDM approachâ€, Materials Today: Proceedings, vol. 18, pp. 3454-3461, 2019, doi:
- Purohit, A., Satapathy, A., Swain, P. T. R., & Patnaik, P. K., “A study on erosion wear behavior of ld sludge reinforced polypropylene compositeâ€, Materials Today: Proceedings, vol. 18, pp. 4299-4304, 2019, doi:
- P. Patro, Pneumatic conveying in horizontal pipes: Eulerian modeling and pressure drop characteristics, American Journal of Mathematical and Computational Sciences, 3 (1), 10-16 (2018),
- Narasingh Deep, Punyapriya Mishra “Fabrication and characterization of thermally conductive PMMA/MWCNT nanocomposites”, Materials Today Proceedings, 5(14), 28328-28336
- Debasmita Pani, Punyapriya Mishra, Tribological behavior of sponge gourd based hybrid reinforced polymer composite, International Journal of Advanced Mechanical Engineering, 8(1), Special edition, 89-96
- S N Panda, S.Panda, D.S.Khamari, P.Mishra, “Re-examination for effect of ball race conformity on life of Rolling Element bearing using Metaheuristic, International Journal of Advanced Mechanical Engineering, 8 (1) 285-294
- N. Acharya, Nanda P.& Panda S. Biodiesel from Non-Edible Vegetable Oils: A Review on Engine Performance and Emission Characteristics, Nature Environment and Pollution Technology,2018, (in Press).
- Narasingh Deep, Punyapriya Mishra, “Evaluation of mechanical properties of functionalized carbon nano tube reinforced PMMA polymer nanocomposite”, Karbala International Journal of Modern Science, 4(2), 207-215
- Tanushree Bera, S.K.Acharya, Punyapriya Mishra “Synthesis, mechanical, thermal Properties of carbon black/epoxy composites”, International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology, 10 (4), 12-20
- Panda S* and Mishra D. Process Parameter Optimization of hydrostatic extrusion using Metaheuristic, Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems,2018 17(4): 487-504.
- Panda S*., Mishra, D., and Biswal, B. B., Optimum design of 3R manipulator using hybrid PSOGSA Algorithm, Int. J. Mechanisms and Robotic Systems, 2018 DOI: 10.1504/IJMRS.2021.115135
- Pattanaik S., Panda, S*. Laser Beam Micro Drilling – a Review Lasers in Manufacturing and Materials Processing,2018, 5, 366–394
- Panda S*. and Panda, S. N. A multi objective optimum design approach for rolling element bearing, International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing, 2018 12,1095-1108.
- Swain, P. T. R., & Biswas, S., “A comparative analysis of physicoâ€mechanical, water absorption, and morphological behaviour of surface modified woven jute fiber compositesâ€, Polymer Composites, vol. 39, no. 8, pp. 2952-2960, 2018, doi:
- Swain, P. T. R., Das, S. N., & Jena, S. P., (2018). “Manufacturing and Study of Thermo-Mechanical Behaviour of Surface Modified Date Palm Leaf/Glass Fiber Reinforced Hybrid Composite†Materials Today: Proceedings, vol. 5, no. 9, pp. 18332-18341, 2018, doi:
- Swain, P. T. R., & Biswas, S., “Influence of fiber surface treatments on physico-mechanical behaviour of jute/epoxy composites impregnated with aluminium oxide fillerâ€, Journal of Composite Materials, vol. 51, no. 28, pp. 3909-3922, 2017, doi:
- Swain, P. T. R., & Biswas, S., “Abrasive wear behaviour of surface modified jute fiber reinforced epoxy compositesâ€, Materials Research, vol. 20, pp. 661-674, 2017, doi:
- Swain, P. T. R., & Biswas, S., “Effect of moisture absorption on the mechanical properties of ceramic filled jute/epoxy hybrid compositesâ€, IOP conference series: materials science and engineering vol. 178, no. 1, pp. 1-9, 2017 doi: 10.1088/1757-899X/178/1/012010
- P. Patro, Effect of numerical parameters on pressure drop prediction in pneumatic conveying, Multiphase Science and Technology, 28 (3), (2016) 1–11.
- P. Patro, A. K. Barik, and B. Patro, Computational study of a turbulent gas-solid confined jet flow, Powder Technology, 297 (2016), 229-238.
- P. Patro, Computation of wall to suspension heat transfer in vertical pipes, Drying Technology, 34 (6) (2016), 703-712.
- Narasingh Deep, Punyapriya Mishra & Swadhin Kumar Patel, Abrasive wear behavior of graphite reinforced PMMA matrix composites, International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD) special issue, 329-334
- Acharya N., Nanda P. and Panda S. Analysis of properties and estimation of optimum blending ratio of blended mahua biodiesel, Engineering Science and Technology,2016 20(2) 511-517.
- Panda S*. Biswal, B. B., Jena S. D. and Mishra, D., An Approach to weight optimization of a spur gear, Engineering Tribology, 2016 231(2),189-202.
- P. Patro, R. Gupta, and A. Khuntia. Numerical Study for the Prediction of Heat Transfer in a Pulsating Turbulent Flow in a Pipe, Procedia Engineering, 127 (2015), 854-861.
- A. K. Barik, A. Mukherjee and P. Patro, Heat transfer enhancement from a mini rectangular channel with different surface protrusions by a turbulent cross flow jet, International Journal of Thermal Science, 98 (2015), 32-41.
- Narasingh Deep, Punyapriya Mishra, Fabrication, Modeling and Analysis of The Erosive Wear Properties of Multi Walled Carbon Nanotube Reinforced PMMA Composite Using Taguchi Approach, Int. J. Recent Sci. Res, 6, 10, 6802-6806
- Panda, S*. Panda S. N. Mishra, D. Nanda P. Comparative study on optimum design of rolling element bearing, Tribology International,2015, 92,595-604.
- Panda S*., Mishra D., Biswal, B.B. and Nanda P. Optimization of Multiple Response Characteristics of EDM Process Using Taguchi-Based Grey Relational Analysis and Modi?ed PSO, J. Advanced Manufacturing System,2015 14(3),123-148.
- A. K. Barik, S. Dash, P. Patro and S. Mohapatra, Experimental and numerical investigation of air entrainment into a louvered funnel, Applied Ocean Research, 48 (2014), 176-185.
- P. Patro, B. Patro and S. Murugan, Prediction of Two-Phase Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop in Dilute Gas-Solid Flows: A Numerical Investigation, Drying Technology, 32 (10) (2014), 1167-1178.
- P. Patro and S. Dash, Two-fluid modeling of particulate two-phase flows in vertical pipes, Powder Technology, 264 (2014), 320–331.
- Punyapriya Mishra & Tanushree Bera. “Fabrication and characterization of composite using carbon black-waste from petroleum products.” International Journal of Advanced Research (IJAR), Volume 2, Issue 7, 122-130
- P. Patro and S. Dash, Prediction of acceleration length in turbulent gas-solid flows, Advanced Powder Technology, 25 (2014), 1643-1652.
- Punyapriya Mishra, “Mechanical behavior of bagasse fiber reinforced epoxy composites at liquid nitrogen temperature”. Journal of Solid waste Technology and Management, Vol. 40, No.3, Page No.197-202
- P. Patro and S. Dash, Computations of particle-laden turbulent jet flows based on Eulerian model, ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering, 136 (2014), 011301 1-16.
- P. Patro and S. Dash, Numerical simulation for Hydrodynamic analysis and pressure drop prediction in horizontal gas-solid flows, Particulate Science and Technology, 32 (1) (2014), 94-103.
- Panda S*., Mishra, D., and Biswal, B. B., Revolute manipulator workspace optimization using a modified bacteria foraging algorithm: A comparative study, J. Engineering Optimization,2014. 46(2) 181-199.
- Swain, P. T. R., & Biswas, S., “Selection of materials using multi criteria decision making method by considering physical and mechanical properties of jute/Al2O3 compositesâ€, Applied Mechanics and Materials, vol. 592, pp. 729-733, 2014, doi:
- Swain, P. T. R., & Biswas, S., “Physical and mechanical behavior of Al2O3 filled jute fiber reinforced epoxy compositesâ€, International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, vol. 2, pp. 67-71, 2014, doi:
- Punyapriya Mishra, “Statistical analysis for the abrasive wear behavior of bagasse fiber reinforced polymer composite”. International Journal of Applied research in Mechanical Engineering (IJARME) Vol. 2, Issue 3, P. 154-158
- S. Jena and P. Patro, Computational Investigation of Suction in Taylor-Couette Pump, International Journal of Current Engineering and Technologies, 3(1) (2013) 21-24.
- S. Jena, P. Patro and S. S. Behera, Multi-Objective Optimization of Design Parameters of a Shell &Tube type Heat Exchanger using Genetic Algorithm, International Journal of Current Engineering and Technologies, 3(4) (2013), 1379-1386.
- Panda S., Mishra, D., and Biswal, B. B., Revolute manipulator workspace optimization: A comparative study, J. Applied Soft Computing,2013 13,899-910.
- P. Patro, B. Patro, Kinetic theory based CFD modeling of particulate flows in horizontal pipes, International Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 7(3) 2013, 451-457.
- Gujjala Raghavendra, S.K.Acharya. C.R.Deo, P.Mishra “Fabrication-modelling and analysis on tribological performance of natural composites using taguchi approach.” Procedia Engineering, Volume 38, p.2635-2644
- B. Patro, S. Murugan and P. Patro, Numerical modeling of gas-solid flow in a horizontal pipe, Multiphase Science and Technology, 24(4) (2012), 299-322.
- Panda S*., Mishra, D., and Biswal, B. B., (2012) Robot workspace optimization using modified differential evolutionary technique, Int. J. Computational Methods, 2012 9, 1-21.
- P. Patro, S. Jena and B. Patro, Numerical Modeling of Dilute Particulate Flows in Horizontal and Vertical Pipes, International Journal of Current Engineering and Technologies, 2(3) (2012) 300-304.
- P. Patro, B. Patro and A. Barik, CFD simulation of a Conjugate Heat Transfer Problem in a Rectangular Cavity , International Journal of Thermal Technologies, 2(2) (2012) 148-152.
- Punyapriya Mishra and S.K.Acharya. “Study on dielectric properties of bagasse fiber reinforced epoxy composite.” Journal of Inventi. Volume 2, No.1
- Samir Kumar Acharya, Punyapriya Mishra and Suraj Kumar Mehar. “Effect of surface treatment on the mechanical properties of bagasse fiber reinforced polymer composite.” Journal of Bioresources. Volume 6, No. 3, pp. 3155-3165
- Panda S., Mishra, D., and Biswal, B. B.,Determination of optimum parameters with multi-performance characteristics in laser drilling
- Punyapriya Mishra and S.K.Acharya. “Effect of fiber loading on the abrasive wear behaviour of bagasse fiber reinforced epoxy composite.” Journal of Tribology Research, Volume 1, No. 2, pp. 59-64
- Punyapriya Mishra & S.K.Acharya. “Solid particle erosion of bagasse fiber reinforced epoxy composite.” International Journal of Physical Science, Volume 5, No.2, pp. 109-115
- Punyapriya Mishra and S.K.Acharya. “Anisotropy abrasive wear behaviour of bagasse fiber reinforced polymer composite.” International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology, Volume 2, No. 11, pp. 104-112.
- Panda, S., and Mishra, D.,(2010) Trobological Failure Knowledge Model for Steam Power Plant Equipment, (International Journal of Knowledge Engineering and Datamining,2010,2,99-114)
- A. Dewan, P. Patro, I Khan, P Mahanta, Effect of Fin Spacing and Material on Performance of Circular Pin Fin Heat Sink, Proc. of IMechE, Part A, Journal of Power and Energy, 224 (2010) 35-46.
- Panda S., Mishra, D., A Study on Development of Fluid Film Bearings , Institution of Engineers, 2010, Vol.90, 3-7.Springer
- P.Mishra & Dr. S.K.Acharya, S.K.Mehar. “The influence of fiber treatment on the performance of bagasse fiber reinforced polymer composite.” International Journal of Reinforced plastics and Composites, Volume 28, No. 24, pp.3027-3036.
- Panda, S., and Mishra, D., A Multi-objective optimum Design of Dynamically Loaded Journal Bearing for a piâtilm, (SAE Technical Paper Series, SAE International, Document no. 2009-01-1679)
- A. Dewan, V. Bharti, V. Mathur, U.K. Saha, P. Patro, A Comparison of Tapered and Straight Circular Pin Fin Compact Heat Exchangers for Electronic Appliances, Journal of Enhanced Heat Transfer, 16(3) (2009) 301-314.
- P.Mishra & Dr. S.K.Acharya, S.K.Meher, V.Dikshit “Weathering behavior of bagasse fiber reinforced polymer composite.” International Journal of Reinforced plastics and Composites, Volume 27, No. 16-17, pp.1839-1846.
- P.Mishra & Dr. S.K.Acharya, V.Dikshit “Erosive wear behavior of red mud filled metal matrix composite.” International Journal of Reinforced plastics and Composites, Volume 27, No. 2, pp.145-152.
- Panda, S., and Mishra, D.,Test-rigs for Dynamically Loaded Journal Bearings: A Study, (SAE Technical Paper Series,SAEInternational,Document no. 2008-01-2759)
- Dr. S.K.Acharya, P.Mishra, Dr.S.C.Mishra “Effect of environment on the mechanical properties of fly ash – jute – polymer Composite.” Indian Journal of Engineering and Material Science, Volume 15, No. 6, pp. 483-488.
- Ranjan, R., Surekha, B., Ghose, P., Mishra, P.C. Regression model based properties prediction of A356 aluminum alloy rheocast using cooling slope technique. Discov Appl Sci 6, 90 (2024). IF: 2.6 (SCIE), ISSN: 3004-9261,
- Subhakanta Nayak & Jyoti Ranjan Mohanty (2017): Optimization of operating parameters for abrasion of areca sheath reinforced polymer composite: grey based Taguchi approach, Int J Plast Technol, DOI: 10.1007/s12588-017-9198-z.
- Biswal, S., Das, S.R., Saha, N., Mishra, P.C. Environmental sustainability assessment of gasoline and methanol blended smart fuel for reduced emission formation. Environ Dev Sustain 26, 26753–26784 (2024). IF: 4.7 (SCI), ISSN: 1573-2975,
- Subhakanta Nayak & Jyoti Ranjan Mohanty (2018): Study of Mechanical, Thermal, and Rheological Properties of Areca Fiber-Reinforced Polyvinyl Alcohol Composite, Journal of Natural Fibers, DOI: 10.1080/15440478.2018.1432000.
- Subhakanta Nayak & Jyoti Ranjan Mohanty (2018): Influence of chemical treatment on tensile strength, water absorption, surface morphology, and thermal analysis of areca sheath fibers, Journal of Natural Fibers, DOI: 10.1080/15440478.2018.1430650.
- Pradhan SK, Gupta A, Mishra PC. Investigating into the Effects of Bore Irregularities on the Hydrodynamic Performance Journal Bearing Using Response Surface Methodology. Tribology in Industry, Volume 45, No 2, 2023, Pages 201-211, IF: (SCOPUS), ISSN: 0354-8996, DOI: 10.24874/ti.1431.01.23.03.
- Mishra, P.C.; Roychoudhury, A.; Banerjee, A.; Saha, N.; Das, S.R.; Das, A. Coated Piston Ring Pack and Cylinder Liner Elastodynamics in Correlation to Piston Subsystem Elastohydrodynamic: Through FEA Modelling. Lubricants 2023, 11, 192. IF: 3.1 (SCIE), ISSN: 2075-4442,
- Subhakanta Nayak & Jyoti Ranjan Mohanty (2018): Polyvinyl Chloride Reinforced with Areca Sheath Fiber Composites—An Experimental Study, Journal of Natural Fibers, DOI: 10.1080/15440478.2018.1534186
- Saha, N.; Mishra, P.C. Modified Whale Algorithm-Based Optimization for Fractional Order Concurrent Diminution of Torque Ripple in Switch Reluctance Motor for EV Applications. Processes 2023, 11, 1226. IF: 2.8 (SCIE), ISSN: 2227-9717,
- Subhakanta Nayak & Jyoti Ranjan Mohanty (2018):Tribological behaviour of benzoyl chloride modified areca sheath fiber reinforced polymer composits, Indian Journal of Fiber & Textile Research, CSIR, NISCAIR.
- Pradeep K Jena, Subhakanta Nayak & Jyoti Ranjan Mohanty (2019): The effect of chemical treatment on the properties of vetiver fiber: A potential candidate as reinforcement in composite fabrication, Journal of Natural Fibers.
- Saha, N.; Mishra, P.C. A Multi-Objective Hybrid BESSA Optimization Scheme for Parameter Extraction from PV Modules. Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 4705. IF: 2.5 (SCIE), ISSN: 2076-3417,
- Biswal, S.; Mishra, P.C. Piston Compression Ring Elastodynamics and Ring–Liner Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication Correlation Analysis. Lubricants 2022, 10, 356. IF: 3.1 (SCIE), ISSN: 2075-4442,
- J R Mohanty. Prediction of Fatigue Life of 8090 Al-Alloy Using Beta Mode. International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology, 2017:6(2):56-60.
- Mohanty JR, Verma BB, Ray PK. Evaluation of overload-induced fatigue crack growth retardation parameters using an exponential model. Engineering Fracture Mechanics; Elsevier; 2008;75(13):3941–3951.
- Pradhan, S.K.; Kumar, R.; Mishra, P.C. Grey-Fuzzy Hybrid Optimization for Thermohydrodynamic Performance Prediction of Misaligned Rough Elliptic Bore Journal Bearing. Lubricants 2022, 10, 274. IF: 3.1 (SCIE), ISSN: 2075-4442,
- Mohanty JR, Verma BB, Ray PK. Prediction of fatigue crack growth and residual life using an exponential model: Part I (constant amplitude loading). International Journal of Fatigue; Elsevier; 2009;31:418–424.
- Mishra, P.C.; Gupta, A.; Samanta, S.; Ishaq, R.B.; Khoshnaw, F. Framework for Energy-Averaged Emission Mitigation Technique Adopting Gasoline-Methanol Blend Replacement and Piston Design Exchange. Energies 2022, 15, 7188. IF: 3.0 (SCIE), ISSN: 1996-1073,
- Pradhan, S.K.; Kumar, R.; Mishra, P.C. Computer Simulation and Optimization Elliptic Bore Journal Bearing, Tribology in Industry, 44(1):322-333 2022, IF: (SCOPUS), ISSN: 0354-8996, DOI:10.24874/ti.1179.09.21.01.
- Mohanty JR, Verma BB, Ray PK. Prediction of fatigue crack growth and residual life using an exponential model: Part II (mode-I overload induced retardation). International Journal of Fatigue; Elsevier; 2009;31:425–432.
- Mohanty JR, Verma BB, Ray PK. Prediction of fatigue life with interspersed mode-I and mixed mode (I & II) overloads by an exponential model: Extensions and Improvements. Engineering Fracture Mechanics; Elsevier; 2009;76:454–468.
- Mishra, PC, Ishaq, R. and Khoshnaw, F. (2020) Mitigation Strategy of Carbon Dioxide Emissions through Multiple Muffler design exchange and Gasoline-Methanol blend replacement. Journal of Cleaner production, ELSEVIER,286, 125460. IF:11.072(SCI), ISSN: 0959-6526,
- Mohanty JR, Verma BB, Ray PK, Parhi DRK. Application of artificial neural network for Predicting fatigue crack propagation life of aluminum alloys. ARCHIVES of Computational Materials science and Surface Engineering; 2009;1(3):133-138.
- Ramya Prakash Sahu, Mihir Kumar Sutar, Sarojrani Pattnaik (2021). "A Generalized Finite Element Approach towards the Free Vibration Analysis of Non-uniform Axially Functionally Graded Beam". Scientia Iranica, SCI, Impact Factor: 1.435, paper accepted for publication.
- A. Jena, S. K. Pattnaik, S. K. Sarangi, The performance of advanced cutting tools used for dry machining of aluminium, Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, Springer, 2.2 SCIE, 46 (2024) 441, 10.1007/s40430-024-05025-3
- Roychoudhury A, Banerjee A, Mishra PC, Khoshnaw F (2020) An FEA Material Strength Modelling of a Coated Engine Piston. Materials Today: Proceedings: ELSEVIER. 44(1), pp.1320-1325. IF: (SCOPUS), ISSN: 2214-7853,
- 14. Pradhan SK, Kumar R, Mishra PC (2020). Material Modeling and Optimization of Rough Elliptic bore Journal bearing. Materials Today: Proceedings: ELSEVIER. 44(1), pp.1021-1027. IF: (SCOPUS), ISSN: 2214-7853,
- Mohanty JR, Verma BB, Ray PK, Parhi DRK. Prediction of residual fatigue life under interspersed mixed mode (I and II) overloads by Artificial Neural Network. Fatigue Fracture Engineering Material Structure; Blackwell; 2009;32:1020-1031.
- Sarojrani Pattnaik, Mihir Kumar Sutar (2021). "Enhancement of Ceramic Slurry Rheology in Investment Casting Process". Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (2021), SCI, Impact Factor:2.334.
- A. Jena, B. B. Palei S. K. Pattnaik, S. K. Sarangi, AFM, Nano-indentation and TEM characterization study of HFCVD diamond on Tantalum and Diamond seeded cemented carbide inserts, Int. J. Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, Elsevier Science, 3.6 SCI 118 (2024) 106503, 10.1016/j.ijrmhm.2023.106503
- Sarojrani Pattnaik, Mihir Kumar Sutar (2021). "Influence of Ultra- Sonic Drilling on Colloidal Silica Based Ceramic Moulds for Investment Casting". Sillicon, 01166-5. SCI, Impact Factor:2.670.
- A. Jena, S. K. Pattnaik, B. B. Palei, S. K. Sarangi Synthesis of diamond crystal growth on tungsten carbide inserts by HFCVD using various seeding powders Applied Physics A, Springer 2.584 SCI 128 (2022) 287 10.1007/s00339-022-05417-z
- Mohanty JR, Verma BB, Ray PK. Determination of fatigue crack growth rate from experimental data: A new approach. International Journal of Microstructure and Materials properties; Inder science; 2010;5(1):79–87.
- Gupta,A., Mishra, P.C.(2020) Methanol and petrol blended alternate fuel for future sustainable engine: A performance and emission analysis. Measurement, 155.Â Â (IF -2.826)
- Mishra PC (2020) Thermal Modeling of Thin Lubricant Film Within Piston Compression Ring and Rough Cyliner Liner Conjuction. Front. Mech. Eng. 5:68. doi:10.3389/fmech.2019.00068
- Mohanty JR, Verma BB, Ray PK, Parhi DRK. Application of artificial neural network for fatigue life prediction under interspersed mode-I spike overload. Journal of Testing & evaluation; ASTM; 2010;38(2):1–11.
- Sarojrani Pattnaik, Mihir Kumar Sutar (2021) "Effect of Saw Dust Content on Slurry Rheology and Mechanical Properties of the Investment Casting Ceramic Shell". International Journal of Metalcasting, vol. 15, pp. 470–487, 020-00478-3. SCI, Impact Factor: 1.805.
- L. R. Bhandarkar, P. P. Mohanty, S. K. Sarangi Experimental study and multi-objective optimization of process parameters during turning of 100Cr6 using C-type advanced coated tools Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science 1.762 SCOPUS 235 (2021) 7634-7654 10.1177/09544062211043144
- Mohanty JR, Verma BB, Ray PK, Parhi DRK. Application of adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system in modeling  fatigue life under interspersed mode-I overload. Expert System with Application; 2010;37:3075–3087.
- Sahu, P., Mishra, P.C. Combine experimental and FEM analysis of adhesive bonded single lap joint with Al-alloy flat adherends and pre-embedded artificial defects. SN Appl. Sci. 1, 1455 (2019).
- Sarojrani Pattnaik, Mihir Kumar Sutar (2021). "Advanced Taguchi- Neural Network Prediction Model for Wire Electrical Discharge Machining Process". Advanced Taguchi-Neural Network Prediction Model for Wire Electrical Discharge Machining Process. Process Integration and Optimization for Sustainability, vol.5, pp. 159–172. (Scopus).
- L. R. Bhandarkar, M. Behera, P. P. Mohanty, S. K. Sarangi Experimental investigation and multi-objective optimization of process parameters during machining of AISI 52100 using high performance coated tools Measurement, Elsevier Science 3.464 SCOPUS 172 (2021) 108842 February 2021
- Satyajit Dwivedi, Sarojrani Pattnaik, Mihir Kumar Sutar (2021). "Tensile properties and regression analysis of natural fiber and intralaminar mat reinforcement". Materials Today: Proceedings, vol. 44(1), pp. 1783-1787. (Scopus).
- S. K. Pattnaik, M. Behera, S. Padhi, P. R. Dash, S. K. Sarangi Study of cutting force and tool wear during turning of aluminium with WC, PCD and HFCVD coated MCD tool Manufacturing Review, EDP Sciences 1.44 SCOPUS 7 (2020) 27 August 2020
- Mohanty JR, Verma BB, Ray PK, Parhi DRK. Application of adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system in modeling fatigue life under interspersed mixed-mode (I and II) spike overload. Expert System with Application; 2011;38(10):12302–12311.
- Gupta,A., Mishra, P.C.(2019) Optimization of emission characteristics of spark ignition engine with chambered straight muffler running in methanol blend:An engine development technique for environmental sustainability. Journal of Cleaner Production, 238. (IF -7.051)
- Mishra PC and Kumar S (2019) Modeling for Design Optimization of Piston Crown Geometry Through Structural Strength and Lubrication Performance Correlation Analysis. Front. Mech. Eng. 5:17. doi: 10.3389/fmech.2019.00017 (IF -***) .
- Mohanty JR, Das SN, Das HC, Swain SK. Effective Mechanical Properties of Polyvinylalcohol Biocomposites with Reinforcement of Date Palm Leaf Fibers. Polymer composite; 2013; 34(6):959-966
- Sarojrani Pattnaik, Mihir Kumar Sutar (2021). "Analysis of surface roughness of high carbon steel by WEDM". Materials Today: Proceedings, vol. 44(1), pp. 1765-1769. (Scopus).
- M. Behera, A. Jena, S. K. Pattnaik, S. Padhi, S. K. Sarangi The effect of transition-metal seeding powder on deposition and growth of diamond synthesized by hot filament chemical vapor deposition processes on cemented carbide substrates and its characterization Materials Chemistry and Physics, Elsevier Science 3.47 SCOPUS 256 (2020) 123638 August 2020 10.1016/j.matchemphys.2020.123638
- Mohanty, J.R.; Das, S.N.; Das, H.C.; Swain, S.K. Effect of chemically modified date palm leaf fiber on mechanical, thermal and rheological properties of polyvinyl pyrrolidone. Fibers & Polymers. 2014, 15(5):1062-1070.
- Mishra, P.C., Kar, S., Mishra, H.(2018) “Effect of perforation on exhaust performance of a turbo pipe type muffler using methanol and gasoline blended fuel: A step to NOx control” Journal of Cleaner Production, 183,869-879. Â (IF -7.051)
- Prafulla Kumar Sahoo, Sarojrani Pattnaik, Mihir Kumar Sutar (2021). "Investigation of the Foundry Properties of the Locally Available Sands for Metal Casting". Sillicon, SCI, Impact Factor:2.670.
- D. K. Sahu, S. K. Sarangi, K. U. Sri Influence of substrate bias on performance of diamond coating on WC cutting inserts for machining of aluminium by HFCVD process International Journal of Materials Engineering Innovation, Inderscience SCOPUS 11 Issue 4 (2020) 293-308
- Mihir Kumar Sutar, Abinash Nayak. (2020). "Composites and Effects of Discontinuities on Its Performance: A Review", Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series C, vol. 101, pp. 203-217. (Scopus).
- S. Padhi, M. Behera, S. K. Pattnaik, S. K. Sarangi Diamond Thin Film Coating on WC Substrate by HFCVD Method using Different Seeding Powders and Its Characterization International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering SCOPUS 8 Issue-2 (2019) 5175-5180 10.35940/ijrte.B3169.078219
- Sahu, V.K.; Anil kumar, J.K.S.; Mohanty, J.R.; Verma, B.B.; Ray, P.K. Effect of low-temperature overload on fatigue crack growth retardation and prediction of post overload fatigue life. Aerospace Science & Technology. 2014, 33(1):100-106.
- Gupta A. and Mishra P.C. (2017) “Emission and Friction Analysis of IC engine running in Methanol Blend” Oxidation Communications, Â 41(1) (IF -0.48)
- Mishra P.C. (2017) “Computational Fluid Dynamics Model for Geometric Optimisation of Reflective Sound Cancellation Type Exhaust Muffler, Journal of Balkan Tribological Association,4(1310-4772):592 (IF -0.737)
- Mohanty, J.R.; Das, S.N.; Das, H.C. Tribological behavior of acrylic acid modified date palm leaf reinforced polyvinyl alcohol composite. Tribology Transaction. 2014, 57:546-552.
- Prafulla Kumar Sahoo*, Sarojrani Pattnaik, Mihir Kumar Sutar (2020). Investigation on the Influence of Different Additives on Properties of Green Sand Mould. Materials Science Forum, Vol. 978, pp. 29-33. (Scopus).
- R. Kumar, S. K. Pattnaik, J. K. Minz, S. Padhi, S. K. Sarangi Influence of cutting parameters on cutting forces and surface roughness in dry turning of Al. using PCD and different coated tools Sadhana, Academic of Sciences, Springer 0.592 44 (2019) 186 10.1007/s12046-019-1155-4Sadhana(0123456789().,-volV)F]T(30123456789().,-volV)
- Sarojrani Pattnaik, An Investigation on Enhancing Ceramic Shell Properties using Naturally Available Additives, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, DOI 10.1007/s00170-016-9975-4.
- Mohanty, J.R.; Das, S.N.; Das, H.C. Effect of fiber content on abrasive wear behavior of date palm leaf reinforced polyvinyl pyrrolidone composite. ISRN Tribology, 2014, 10.1155/2014/453924
- Kumar S. and Mishra P.C. (2016) “ Finite element modeling for structural strength of quadcoptor type multi-mode vehicle” Aerospace Science and Technology 53, pp.252-266. (IF -3.001)
- Prafulla Kumar Sahoo*, Sarojrani Pattnaik, Mihir Kumar Sutar (2019). "A State-of-the-Art Review on Manufacturing and Additive Influences on Sand-Cast Components". Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Vol. 44, pp. 9805-9835. SCI, Impact Factor: 2.334.
- S. K. Pattanik, N. K. Bhoi, S. Padhi, S. K. Sarangi Dry machining of aluminium for proper selection of cutting tool: tool performance and tool wear The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Springer 1.568 98 (2018) 55 10.1007/s00170-017-0307-0
- Mihir Kumar Sutar, Pushpraj Mani Pathak (2019). Hybrid trajectory/force control strategy for the in vivo robot during stomach biopsy, Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering volume 41, 440, 1954-x, SCI, Impact Factor: 2.22.
- P. R. Dash, K. Ray, S. K. Sarangi, P. K. Pradhan Analysis of Static Instability of an Asymmetric, Rotating Sandwich-Beam Advances in Acoustics and Vibration Open Access 2012 (2012) 191042 10.1155/2012/191042
- Sarojrani Pattnaik, D.B. Karunakar and P.K. Jha, Developments in investment casting process-A review, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 212, 2332–2348, 2012.
- Mohanty, J.R.; Das, S.N.; Das, H.C., Mahanta, T.K., Ghadei, S.B. Solid particle erosion of date palm leaf fiber reinforced polyvinyl alcohol composites. Advances in Tribology, 2014, 10.1155/2014/293953.
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- Rana J., Mishra P.K and Prasad B.V.S.S.S., "A Transient Three Dimensional Thermal Model for Laser Heat Treatment of Finite Size Work pieces’’ Journal of Materials Processing and Manufacturing Science, Vol-5, April, 1997, pp 283-293.
- Mishra P.C. (2014) “Modeling for route cause of engine friction loss: Transient elastohydrodynamics of piston compression ring and cylinder liner lubricated contactâ€Applied Mathematical Modeling, 37(8), pp.5896-5912. (IF -3.112)
- ThrinadhJadam, Santosh Kumar Sahu, SauravDatta, ManojMasanta (2020)Powder-mixed electro-discharge machining performance of Inconel 718: effect of concentration of multi-walled carbon nanotube added to the dielectric media, Indian Academic of Sciences, Shadhana, 45(135), 1-16, Springer.DOI.10.1007/s12046-020-01378-2.
- Sarojrani Pattnaik, D.B. Karunakar and P.K. Jha, Multi-characteristic optimization of wax patterns in the investment casting process using grey–fuzzy logic, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 67, 1577–1587, 2013.
- Mohanty, J.R.; Mahanta, T.K.; Mohanty, A.; Thatoi, D.N. Prediction of constant amplitude fatigue crack growth life of 2024 T3 Al-alloy with R-ratio effect by GP. Applied Soft Computing, 2015:26:428-434.
- Madan Mohan Behera, Sarojrani Pattnaik, Mihir Kumar Sutar (2019). "Thermo-mechanical analysis of investment casting ceramic shell: A case study". Measurement, Vol. 147:106805. SCI, Impact Factor:3.927.
- S. K. Sarangi, A. Chattopadhyay, A.K. Chattopadhyay Influence of process parameters on crystal growth of diamond on cemented carbide substrates by HFCVD system Int. J. Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, Elsevier Science 1.989 31 (2012) 1 10.1016/j.ijrmhm.2011.07.007
- Sarojrani Pattnaik, D.B. Karunakar and P.K. Jha, Utility-Fuzzy-Taguchi based hybrid approach in investment casting process, International Journal of Interactive Design and Manufacturing, 8:77–89, 2014.
- Niladri Sarkar, Gyanaranjan Sahoo, Tanmayee Khuntia, Proxima Priyadarsini, Jyoti Ranjan Mohanty, Sarat K. Swain. Fabrication of Acrylic Modified Coconut Fiber Reinforced Polypropylene Biocomposites: Study of Mechanical, Thermal, and Erosion Properties. Polymer Composites, 2015: DOI: 10.1002/pc.23887.I.F-2.004.
- Rana J., Prasad B.V.S.S.S and Mishra P.K., "Case Hardening of Laser Treated Steel Specimen Using Energy Integral Method". Journal of Materials Processing and Manufacturing Science, Vol-6, Jan, 1998, pp229-238.
- Mishra P.C.(2012) “Mathematical modeling of stability in rough elliptic bore misaligned journal bearing considering thermal and non-Newtonian effects”Applied Mathematical Modeling, 37(8), pp.5896-5912. (IF -3.112)
- ThrinadhJadam, Santosh Kumar Sahu, SauravDatta, ManojMasanta (2019) EDM performance of Inconel 718 superalloy: application of multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) added dielectric media, Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 41(8), 305-324. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. DOI: 10.1007/s40430-019-1813-9.
- Swain PR, Dash P, Singh BN. Stochastic nonlinear bending analysis of piezoelectric laminated composite plates with uncertainty in material properties. Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines. 2021; 49 (2): 194-216
- Prabhat Pradhan, Mihir Kumar Sutar, Sarojrani Pattnaik (2019). "A state of the art in Functionally Graded Materials and their Analysis". Materials Today: Proceedings, Vol. 18(7), pp. 3931-3936. (Scopus).
- A. K. Chattopadhyay, P. Roy, S. K. Sarangi Study of wettability test of pure aluminum against uncoated and coated carbide inserts Surface and Coatings Technology, Elsevier Science 2.135 204 (2009) 410 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2009.07.038
- AdhikariB, DashP, SinghBN. Buckling analysis of porous FGM sandwich plates under various types nonuniform edge compression based on higher order shear deformation theory. Composite Structures 2020; 251: 112597
- Sasmita Kar, Saojrani Pattnaik, Mihir Kumar Sutar (2019). "Development of Pseudo ductile behavior of carbon fiber reinforced composites-An Overview". Materials Today: Proceedings, Vol. 18(7), pp. 4315-4321. (Scopus).
- P. Roy, S. K. Sarangi, A. Ghosh, A.K. Chattopadhyay Machinability study of pure aluminium and Al-12% Silicon alloys against uncoated and coated carbide inserts Int. J. Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, Elsevier Science 1.989 27 (2009) 535 10.1016/j.ijrmhm.2008.04.008
- Manoj Kumar Dash, Santosh Kumar Senapati and Aurovinda Mohanty,"Natural Convection Around Three Horizontal Cylinders in Vertical Array: A Numerical Approach", Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer,
- Sarojrani Pattnaik, D.B. Karunakar and P.K. Jha, Influence of injection process parameters on dimensional stability of wax patterns made by the lost wax process using Taguchi approach, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials Design and Applications, 227(1) 52–60, 2012.
- Jyoti R Mohanty. Investigation on solid particle erosion behavior of date palm leaf fiberreinforced polyvinyl pyrrolidone composites. Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials, 2016: DOI: 10.1177/0892705715614079, 1-14.
- Rana J., Goswami G.L., Jha S.K., Mishra P.K. and Prasad B. V.S.S.S. "Experimental studies on the microstructure and hardness of laser-treated steel specimens". Journal of Optics and Laser Technology, Vol- 39, 2007, pp 385-393.
- Mishra, P. C.(2012) “Tribodynamic modeling of piston compression ring and cylinder liner conjunction in high pressure zone of engine cycle” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology: 66(5-8), pp. 1075-1085.DOI:10.1007/s00170-012-4390-y(IF -2.75)
- DebashishSahu, Santosh Kumar Sahu, ThrinadhJadam, SauravDatta (2019)Electroâ€Discharge Machining Performance of Nimonic 80A: An Experimental Observation,Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 44, 10155–10167.Springer Berlin Heidelberg. DOI: 10.1007/s13369-019-04112-1.
- Rana J., Suar S. and Bhoi R.K., "Optimization of Process Parameters in Laser Drilling Using Taguchi Technique", International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Research, Vol-4, No. 1-2, Jan- June 2008, pp. 77-78.
- Mishra, P. C.,Rahnejat, H. and King, P.D., (2009) “Tribology of ring-bore conjuction subjected to mixed regime of lubrication” IMechE, Part.C, Journal of Mech.Engg.Sc., 223,pp.987-998. DOI: 10.1243/09544062JMES1220.(IF -1.359)
- Santosh Kumar Sahu, SauravDatta (2018) Experimental Studies on Graphite Powder Mixed Electro-Discharge Machining of Inconel 718 Super Alloys: Comparison with Conventional EDM, Proceedings of the iMeche, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering. SAGE. DOI: 10.1177/0954408918787104.
- Sarojrani Pattnaik, D.B. Karunakar and P.K. Jha, Optimization of multiple responses in the lost wax process using Taguchi method and grey relational analysis, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials Design and Applications, 227(2) 156-167, 2012.
- J R Mohanty. Prediction of post overload fatigue crack growth life of HSLA steel under mixed-mode (I and II) spike overload by using genetic programming. International Journal of Engineering and Computer Science, 2016:5(11):18856-18870: doi: 10.18535/ijecs/v5i11.25.
- Adhikari, B, Dash P. Geometrically nonlinear free vibration analysis of laminated composite plates: A finite element assessment of a higher order non-polynomial shear deformation theory. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures. 2019; 1-12
- Alok Ranjan Pradhan, Sarojrani Pattnaik, Mihir Kumar Sutar (2019). "Improving the Filling System for a Defect Free Casting: A Review". Materials Today: Proceedings, Vol. 18(7), pp. 2887-2892. (Scopus).
- A. K. Chattopadhyay, P. Roy, A. Ghosh, S. K. Sarangi Wettability and machinability study of pure aluminum towards uncoated and coated carbide cutting tool inserts Surface and Coatings Technology, Elsevier Science 2.135 203 (2009) 94110.1016/j.surfcoat.2008.08.047
- Mohanty, Aurovinda, Santosh Kumar Senapati, Viplove Ranjan Ganguly, and Manoj Kumar Dash. “Computation of Natural Convection Heat Transfer from an Infrared Suppression Device (IRS) with Multiple Louvered Cylindrical Funnels.” Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, (2024), 1–17. doi:10.1080/10407782.2024.2328763.
- Sarojrani Pattnaik, P.K. Jha, D.B. Karunakar, A review of rapid prototyping integrated investment casting processes, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials Design and Applications, DOI: 10.1177/1464420713479257, 2013.
- J R Mohanty. Genetic programming approach to predict mode-I overload-induced fatigue life of aluminum alloys. International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 2016:41(1):85-89: doi: 10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V41P216.
- Rana J., Prasad B.V.S.S.S. and Mishra P.K., "Optimization of Process parameters for CO2 Laser transformation hardening", Published in International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Research, Vol. 4, No. 3-4, July- Dec, 2008, pp. 75-81.
- Mishra, P. C., Rahnejat, H. and Balakrishnan, S., (2008) “Tribology of Piston compression ring and cylinder contact at reversal” IMechE, Part.J,Engineering Tribology, 222(7), pp.815-826. DOI: 10.1243/13506501JET410 (IF -1.137)
- Santosh Kumar Sahu, ThrinadhJadam, SauravDatta, Goutam Nandi (2018) Effect of using SiC powder-added dielectric media during electro discharge machining of Inconel 718 super alloys, Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 40(7), 330-349. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. DOI:10.1007/s40430-018-1257-7
- Sahu SK, Pal K, Mahto RP, Dash P. Monitoring of friction stir welding for dissimilar Al 6063 alloy to polypropylene using sensor signals. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2019;104 (1-4): 159-177
- Sarojrani Pattnaik, Mihir Kumar Sutar (2019). "Graphene Base Nanocomposites: An overview". Materials Today: Proceedings, Vol. 18(7), pp. 5432-5437. (Scopus).
- A. Chattopadhyay, S. K. Sarangi, A. K. Chattopadhyay Effect of negative dc substrate bias on morphology and adhesion of diamond coating synthesised on carbide turning tools by modified HFCVD method Applied Surface Science, Elsevier Science 2.711 255 (2008) 1661 10.1016/j.apsusc.2008.04.065
- Rahul Ray, Aurovinda Mohanty*, Pandab Patro, Santosh Kumar Senapati"Performance improvement of a heat sink with triangular slotted and interrupted fins: A computational study",Applied Thermal Engineering,Volume 230, Part B, 2023,DOI:
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- Aurovinda Mohanty, Santosh Kumar Senapati and Manoj Kumar Dash, “Cooling Characteristic of an Infrared Suppression Device with Single Perforated Funnel: A Computational Fluid Dynamics Approachâ€, Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications; 2023, Volume 15, issue1, Pages: 1-10.DOI:
- Mihir Kumar Sutar, Sarojrani Pattnaik (2015). “Neural Based Controller for Smart Detection of Crack in Cracked Cantilever Beamâ€, Materials Today: Proceedings, vol. 2(4-5), pp. 2648-2653. (Scopus).
- Sarojrani Pattnaik, D.B. Karunakar and P.K. Jha, A prediction model for the lost wax process through fuzzy-based artificial neural network, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, DOI: 10.1177/0954406213507701, 2013.
- J R Mohanty. Prediction of post-overload fatigue crack growth life of 7075 Al-alloy under mixed-mode (I and II) spike overload using a BP artificial neural network. International Journal of Scientific Research and Education, 2016:4(11):6024-6031: doi: 10.18535/ijsre/v4i11.05.
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- Mishra, P. C., (2007) “Thermal Analysis of Elliptic Bore Journal Bearingâ€Tribology Transaction STLE, 50, pp 137-144.DOI:10.1080/10402000601105573.(IF -1.723)
- Santosh Kumar Sahu, SauravDatta,SarojKumar Patel, SibaSankarMahapatra, (2015) Appraisement and Benchmarking of Supply Chain Performance Extent: A Fuzzy Grey Relation Method, Grey Systems, Theory and Application, 5(1), 2-30, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, UK. DOI:10.1108/GS-10-2014-0036
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- AnoopKumar Sahoo, Santosh Kumar Sahu, SauravDatta, SibaSankarMahapatra, (2015) Supply Chain flexibility assessment and decision-making: a fuzzyintelligentapproach, International Journal of Business Excellence, 8(6):675-699, IndersciencePublishers, Switzerland. DOI: 10.1504/IJBEX.2015.072305
- Sarojrani Pattnaik, Mihir Kumar Sutar (2015). “Multi Objective Optimization of the EMS processed IC by Grey-Fuzzy Methodâ€, Materials Today: Proceedings, vol. 2(4-5), pp. 2555-2563, 2015. (Scopus).
- Sarojrani Pattnaik, D.B. Karunakar and P.K. Jha, Parametric optimization of the investment casting process using utility concept and Taguchi method, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials Design and Applications, DOI: 10.1177/1464420713487654, 2013.
- J R Mohanty. Fatigue Crack Growth Life Prediction of 6061 Al-Alloy under Load Ratio Effect by Using ANFIS. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 2016:3(11):199-204: doi: 10.22161/ijaers/3.11.30.
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- Vikrant Chandrakar, Arnab Mukherjee, Jnana Ranjan Senapati and Aurovinda Mohanty, “Entropy Generation Study of Turbine Exhaust Gas Through an Infrared Suppression Deviceâ€, Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, 2021, Pages: 1-12.
- Barik. H. and Chang, K.S. “Simulation of Two-phase flows with phase change by HLL scheme.” Physics of Fluids, In Preparation, (2016).
- Mihir Kumar Sutar, Pushpraj Mani Pathak, A.K. Sharma, N.K. Mehta, V.K. Gupta (201). “Inverse Kinematic and Control of 4- Degree of Freedom Wire Actuated In-Vivo Robot,†Journal of Systems and Control Engineering, vol. 229(2), pp.77-91, 2015, SCI, Impact Factor- 1.714.
- Sarojrani Pattnaik, D.B. Karunakar and P.K. Jha, Modeling and parametric optimization of investment casting process by uniting desirability function approach and fuzzy logic, Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems - IOS Press 10.3233/IFS-130809, 2013.
- P. Mahana, N. Prasada, J R Mohanty. Fresh Martensite Formation from Reversed Austenite Phase in Medium Manganese Steel During Intercritical Annealing. Transylvanian Review, 2016:XXIV(11):841-849: ISSN: 1221-1249.
- Satapathy B.B., Rana J. and Maity K.P., "Effect of Process Parameters in Laser Drilling", International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Vol-6, No.18,2011, pp. 2258-2262.
- Mishra P.C. (2011) “Thermal analysis of elliptic bore journal bearing considering shaft misalignment” Tribology Online, Japanese Societies of Tribologists, 6 (5), 239-246. DOI:Â
- Santosh Kumar Sahu, SauravDatta, SarojKumar Patel, SibaSankarMahapatra, (2013) Supply Chain Performance Appraisement, Benchmarking and Decision-Making: Empirical StudyusingGrey Theory and Grey-MOORA, International Journal of Process Management and Benchmarking,3(3):233-289, IndersciencePublishers, Switzerland. DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2013.058155
- Dash P, Singh BN. Static response of geometrically nonlinear laminated composite plates having uncertain material properties. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures. 2015; 22 (4): 269-280
- Rahul Ray, Aurovinda Mohanty*, Pandab Patro and Kartik Tripathy, “Performance enhancement of heat sink with branched and interrupted finsâ€, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, Volume 133,2022, Pages: 1-11.
- Dash P, Singh BN. Buckling and post-buckling response of laminated composite plate with random system properties. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures. 2014; 21 (6): 516-529
- Vikrant Chandrakar, Arnab Mukherjee, Jnana Ranjan Senapati and Aurovinda Mohanty, “Conjugate free convection with surface radiation from real-scale IRS system with multiple conical funnels: A numerical analysisâ€, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, Volume 134, 2022.
- Barik. H. “Numerical simulation of two-phase quasi-1D bubbly cavitating nozzle flow solutions” Shock Waves, In Preparation,(2016).
- A. Garg, C.S. Vikram, S. Gupta, Mihir Kumar Sutar, P.M. Pathak, A.K. Sharma, N.K. Mehta, V.K. Gupta (2014). “Design and Development of In-Vivo Robot for Biopsy,†Journal of Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines, vol. 42, pp. 278-295, 2014, SCI, Impact Factor – 2.286.
- Sarojrani Pattnaik, P.K. Jha, D.B. Karunakar, A novel method of increasing ceramic shell permeability and optimizing casting shrinkage and tensile strength of the investment cast parts, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, DOI: 10.1177/0954405415606386, 2015.
- J R Mohanty. Fatigue Life Prediction of 6082 T651 Al-alloy under Low Temperature Spike Overload by ANFIS. International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, 2016:5(12):21036-21043: doi: 10.15680/IJIRSET.2016.0512155.
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- Mishra P.C. (2014) “Effect of surface forces on Ultra thin film lubrication” ISRN Tribology: Hindawi:.
- ChhabiRam Matawale, SoumyaPanigrahi, Santosh Kumar Sahu, SauravDattaand SibaSankarMahapatra, (2014) Fuzzy-TOPSIS for Appropriate Site Selection for Establishing aThermalPower Plant, Applied MechanicsandMaterials,619:385-389.TransTechPublications, Switzerland. DOI: 10.4028/
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- Mishra P.C.(2013) “Modeling for friction of four stroke four cylinder petrol engine”Tribology in Industry, 35(3), pp.237-245.(SNIP-1.44)
- Santosh Kumar Sahu, SauravDatta, SarojKumar Patel, SibaSankarMahapatra, (2013) Supply Chain Performance Appraisement Platform: Exploration of Interval-Valued Fuzzy Sets Theory, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Research, 3(2):108-112. Research India Publications, New Delhi.
- Barik. H. and Chang, K.S. “ Numerical study of shock wave interaction with aqueous foams” Shock Waves, In Preparation, (2016).
- Mihir Kumar Sutar, P.M. Pathak, A.K. Sharma, N.K. Mehta, V.K. Gupta, (2013). “Forward Kinematic Analysis of In- Vivo Robot for Stomach Biopsy,†Journal of Robotic Surgery, vol. (7), pp. 281- 287. (Scopus)
- Sarojrani Pattnaik , Mihir Kumar Sutar, Jayadev Rana, Multi-objective optimization of the EMS processed IC by grey-fuzzy method, Materials Today: Proceedings, 2(4), 2555-2561, 2015.
- J R Mohanty. Low Temperature Fatigue Crack Growth Test and Life Estimation of 7475-T7351 Al-ally by ANN. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 2016:3(12):19932-19935: doi: org/10.22161/ijaers/3.12.48.
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- Vikrant Chandrakar, Jnana Ranjan Senapati & Aurovinda Mohanty, “Conjugate heat transfer due to conduction, natural convection, and radiation from a vertical hollow cylinder with finite thickness, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, 2020,Pages: 1-25.
- Barik, H. and Chatterjee, A., “Complex shock wave reflection configurations in shock-vortex interactions.” Fluid Dynamics Research, Under revision, (2015).
- L. Sardan, Mihir Kumar Sutar, P.M. Pathak (2013). “A Geometric Approach for Inverse Kinematics of a 4-link Redundant Manipulator,†Robotics & Autonomous System, vol. 61(12), pp. 1306-1313. SCI, Impact Factor- 3.12.
- Mihir Kumar Sutar, Sarojrani Pattnaik  and Jayadev Rana, Neural Based Controller for Smart Detection of Crack in Cracked Cantilever Beam, Materials Today: Proceedings, 2(4), 2648-2653, 2015.
- J R Mohanty. Constant amplitude fatigue crack growth life prediction of 8090 Al-alloy by ANFIS. International Journal of Engineering and Computer Science, 2017:6(1):19932-19935: doi: 10.18535/ijecs/v6i1.13.
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- Mishra P.C.(2014) “Analysis of a rough elliptic bore journal bearing using expectancy model of roughness characterization”Tribology in Industry, 36(2), pp.211-219.(SNIP-1.44)
- Santosh Kumar Sahu, SauravDatta, SarojKumar Patel, SibaSankarMahapatra, (2013) Supply Chain performance appraisement Platform in Fuzzy Context, International Journal of Information &ComputationTechnology,3(1):74-77. International Research Publication House, NewDelhi.
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- Ashok K. Barik, Arouvinda Mohanty, Jnana R. Senapati, Mohamed M. Awad, “Constructural design of different ribs for thermos-fluid performance enhancement of a solar air heater (SAH)â€, International Journal of Thermal Science, Volume 160, 2020, Pages: 1-14.
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- Mihir Kumar Sutar and Sarojrani Pattnaik, Vibration characteristics of a cracked cantilever beam under free vibration, Noise and Vibration worldwide, 16-21, 41 (9), 2010.
- J Dehury, J R Mohanty, S Biswas, V BhagaT. Physical, Mechanical and Water Absorption Behavior of Bi-Directional Jute/Glass Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Composites. International Journal of Engineering Research, 2017:6(1):1-6: doi: 10.18535/ijecs/v6i1.13.
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- Sarojrani Pattnaik, D.B. Karunakar and P.K. Jha, Application of computer simulation for finding optimum gate location in plastic injection moulding, International Journal of Advanced Engineering Resesarch and studies, 1 (2), 159-161, 2012.
- J R Mohanty. Low temperature fatigue crack growth life prediction of SA312 type 304L steel by using genetic programming. International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development, 2017:4(1):49-55: doi: 10.21090/IJAERD.04018.
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- Sarojrani Pattnaik and Dr. M.S.Khan, Application of TQM to Assure Supply Chain Security, International Journal of Advanced Engineering Applications, 1 (2), 1-14, 2008.
- J R Mohanty. Prediction of Fatigue Life of 8090 Al-Alloy Using Beta Mode. International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology, 2017:6(2):56-60.
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National Publications
- P. Patro, A. Rout and A. Barik, Numerical heat transfer prediction for laminar flow in a circular pipe with a 90-degree bend, Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India): Series C, 99(3), 323-327 (2018).
- P. Patro, A. Dewan and L. Dayanand, Thermal Performance of a Circular Pin Fin Compact Heat Exchanger, International Journal of Chemical Sciences, 5 (2007) 1929-1937.
- Mohanty, J.R.; Das, H.C.; Mohanty, A.C. A comparative study of fatigue life prediction of 7020 Al-alloy under load ratio effect. Indian Journal of Engineering & Materials Sciences, 2014:21:179-188.
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