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वीर सुरेंद्र साई प्रौद्योगिकी विश्वविद्यालय

Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology


The Mechanical Engineering department is well equipped with a Computational Laboratory. Most of the Computers are loaded with different type of softwares, like NASTRAN & PATRAN, NISA - II, Auto Cad, Ansysis JAVA. Further in other laboratories we have purchased software for Robotics, Heat

Transfer and Material Analysis related to Metrology. 2 Nos. of PC XT, One 486 PC & Six Pentiums PCs. A Cad/Cam work station with 586 base system installed along with a printer, plotter and a deskjet printer.

The Department has well developed material testing laboratory which undertakes the assignment of testing specimen for Government as well as Non-government agencies. 

Material Testing Laboratory
PIC: Dr.  B.B. Pani, Dr. M.K. Sutar, Lab Supporting Staff: Mr. B.K. Bhoi
Sl No Name of the Equipment Details of Equipment
1 Erichson Cupping Apparatus  
2 Rockwell Hardness Testing Machine  
3 Impact Testing Machine  
4 Brinell Hardness Testing machine  
5 Vicker cum Brinell Hardness Testing Machine  
6 Dynamic Fatigue Testing Machine  
7 Universal Testing Machine Capacity 400 kN
8 UTM INSTRON 3382 Capacity 100 kN (Computer Controlled)
9 Universal Testing Machine Capacity 1000 KN
Production Engineering Laboratory
PIC: Dr. S. K. Sarangi, Dr. S. Pattnaik, Lab Supporting Staff: Mr. B.K. Bhoi
Sl No Name of the Equipment Sl No. Name of the Equipment
1 Buffing Machine 2 Sieve Shaker
3 Surface Roughness Tester 4 Spinning Machine
5 Drill Machine 6 Capstan and Turret Lathe
7 Hydraulic Press (Electric)
Capacity 50 ton
8 Hydraulic Press (Manual)
Capacity 500 kN
9 Sintering Furnace 10 Hydro Forming apparatus
11 Magnetic Crack Detector 12 Compression Moulding Machine
Capacity 300 kN
13 Kistler Piezoelectric Force Dynamometer (Capacity 10 kN)    
Dynamic and Vibration Laboratory
PIC:  Dr. P.K. Pradhan, Lab Supporting Staff: Mr. A.K. Samal
Sl No Name of the Equipment Details of Equipment
1 Flywheel
2 Torsional Apparatus
3 Power Screw Lifting machine
4 Winch Crab (Single Stat)
5 Worm and Worm Wheel
6 Epicyclic Gear Train
7 Band Brake Dynamometer
8 Universal Governor
9 Linear Variable Differential Transducer
10 Hartnell Spring Controlled Governor
Metrology Laboratory
PIC: Dr. J.R. Mohanty, Dr. S. Pattnaik, Lab Supporting Staff: Mr. A.K.  Samal
Sl No Name of the Equipment Details of Equipment
1 Slip Gauge
2 Tool Maker’s Microscope
4 Taylor Hobson Talysurf Surface Roughness Tester
5 Optical Microscope
Thermal Laboratory
PIC:  Dr Debasmita Mishra, Mr P K Jena, Dr Dulari Hansdah, Lab Supporting Staff: Mr. G. Rath
Sl No Name of the Equipment Sl No. Name of the Equipment
1 Natural Convection Experimental Set-up 2 Conduction Through Composite Wall
3 Force Convection Experimental Set-up 4 Emissivity Measurement Apparatus
5 VCR Petrol Engine 6 AC Tutor
7 Refrigeration Tutor 8 Ruston Diesel Engine
9 Twin Cylinder 4S CI Engine 10 BMC Petrol Engine
11 FAN Testing Apparatus 12 Single Cylinder 4S SI Engine
13 Impulse Steam Turbine 14 Double Cylinder Double Acting Steam Engine
15 Two Stage Reciprocating Air Compressor