ବୀର ସୁରେନ୍ଦ୍ର ସାଏ ବୈଷୟିକ ବିଶ୍ୱବିଦ୍ୟାଳୟ

वीर सुरेंद्र साई प्रौद्योगिकी विश्वविद्यालय

Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology


Dr. Sumanta Panda

Associate Professor

Qualification : B.E(Mech.) -UCE Burla (1999), MTech-IIT Delhi (2005), PhD- Sambalpur University(2012)

Specialization : Tribology, Machine Dynamics and Maintenance Engineering

B.E(Mech.) -UCE Burla (1999), MTech-IIT Delhi (2005), PhD- Sambalpur University(2012)

Tribology, Machine Dynamics and Maintenance Engineering

Teaching-18 years, Industry and research -3 years

Graduate Level : AMOS, Tribology, Machine Design, Mechanics, Theory of Metal Forming, NTM, Advanced Casting Welding, Tool Design, QAR.
Post Graduate Level : Theory of Elasticity and Plasticity, Tribology, Manufacturing System and Automation, Diagnostics Technique.

Tribology, Machine Design and Condition Monitoring

Ph. D. Candidates : 05 (Awarded) 02(Continuing)
M. Tech. Candidates : 30 Nos (Completed) 01 (On-going)
  1. 2022 ISSN International Research Awards (IIRA-2022)
  2. 2018-Outstanding contribution in reviewing-J Mfg. Process (Elsevier)
  3. 2017-Reviewer award JKSU-Engineering Science (Elsevier)
  4. 2017-Reviewer award CIM & Robotics (Elsevier)
  5. 2016-Reviewer award Applied Soft Computing (Elsevier)
  1. Research project sponsored by TEQIP-III, VSSUT
  2. Seed Grant project sponsored by TEQIP-II,VSSUT, Burla
  3. Projects Applied to SERB, AICTE INDIA

International Publications

  1. Alam J, Panda S*. Exploring Tribological Behaviors of Profile-Shifted Spur Gears: An Experimental Investigation, Tribology Transactions, 2024, https://doi.org/10.1080/10402004.2024.2369185.
  2. Alam J, Panda S*. A Comprehensive Approach for Analysing Optimized Profile-Shifted Gears with a Focus on Tribological Parameters., Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Mechanical Engineering., 2024 DOI : 10.1007/s40997-024-00794-7
  3. 2023
  4. Alam J, Panda S*. Multi-objective optimisation with finite element analysis of profile shifted altered tooth sum spur gear, Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies,2023 10 (2), 1024-1051
  5. 2022
  6. Rath D, Panda S*. Pal, K Performance Analysis of Hybrid Ceramic Insert in Dry Turning of Hardened Tool Steel, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 2022, https://doi.org/10.1007/s13369-022-06639-2
  7. Rath D, Panda S*. Analysis and prediction of tool wear in dry turning of hardened D3 steel using hybrid insert: A novel wear map approach, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1177/09544054221076242
  8. Alam J, Panda S*. A comprehensive review on design and analysis of spur gears, International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing, 2022, 17,993-1019.
  9. 2021
  10. Pattanaik S, Panda, S* and Mishra, D. A Multi-Objective Approach for Local Path Planning of Autonomous Mobile Robot, 2021, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, Willey, (In press)
  11. Alam J, Panda S*. A comprehensive study on multi-objective design optimization of spur gear, Mechanics based design of Structures and machines, 2021, https://doi.org/10.1080/15397734.2021.1996246.
  12. 2020
  13. Panda S*. Panda S. N. Modelling and Optimization of Rolling Process: A Muti-objective approach, Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems,2020 19(4): 343-364.
  14. Pattanaik S, Mishra, D. and Panda, S*. A comparative study of meta-heuristics for local path planning of mobile robots, J. Engineering Optimization, 2020.
  15. Sahu, A, Pattanaik S., Panda, S*. A Study on WEDM Microdrilling of 316L Stainless Steel Orthopedic Implant, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, Part C, 2020, https://doi.org/10.1177/0954406220936302
  16. Pattanaik S., Panda, S*. and Dhupal, D. Laser micro drilling of 316L stainless steel orthopedic implant: A study,J. Manufacturing process,2020 52: 220-234.
  17. 2019
  18. Rath D, Panda S. Pal, K Particle Swarm Optimization and Machinability Aspects during Turning of Hardened D3 Steel, Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems, 2019, (In Press)
  19. Acharya N., Nanda P. and Panda S. A comparative study of stability characteristics of mahua and jatropha biodiesel and their blends, Journal of King Saud University – Engineering Sciences, 2019 31(2), 184-190
  20. Rath D, Panda S*. Pal, K Dry turning of AISI D3 steel using a mixed ceramic insert: A study, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, Part C, 2019 233(19-20),6698-6712.
  21. Panda S*., Mishra, D., and Biswal, B. B An approach for design optimization of 3R manipulator using adaptive cuckoo search algorithm, Mechanics based design of Structures and machines, 2019, doi.org/10.1080/15397734.2019.1675166.
  22. Panda S*., Mishra, D., and Biswal, B. B., Workspace optimization of 3R manipulator-a multi-objective approach, Int. J. Intelligent Machine and Robotics, 2019 1(3),210-236.
  23. 2018
  24. N. Acharya, Nanda P.& Panda S. Biodiesel from Non-Edible Vegetable Oils: A Review on Engine Performance and Emission Characteristics, Nature Environment and Pollution Technology,2018, (in Press).
  25. Panda S* and Mishra D. Process Parameter Optimization of hydrostatic extrusion using Metaheuristic, Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems,2018 17(4): 487-504.
  26. Panda S*., Mishra, D., and Biswal, B. B., Optimum design of 3R manipulator using hybrid PSOGSA Algorithm, Int. J. Mechanisms and Robotic Systems, 2018 DOI: 10.1504/IJMRS.2021.115135
  27. Pattanaik S., Panda, S*. Laser Beam Micro Drilling – a Review Lasers in Manufacturing and Materials Processing,2018, 5, 366–394
  28. Panda S*. and Panda, S. N. A multi objective optimum design approach for rolling element bearing, International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing, 2018 12,1095-1108.
  29. 2016
  30. Acharya N., Nanda P. and Panda S. Analysis of properties and estimation of optimum blending ratio of blended mahua biodiesel, Engineering Science and Technology,2016 20(2) 511-517.
  31. Panda S*. Biswal, B. B., Jena S. D. and Mishra, D., An Approach to weight optimization of a spur gear, Engineering Tribology, 2016 231(2),189-202.
  32. 2015
  33. Panda, S*. Panda S. N. Mishra, D. Nanda P. Comparative study on optimum design of rolling element bearing, Tribology International,2015, 92,595-604.
  34. Panda S*., Mishra D., Biswal, B.B. and Nanda P. Optimization of Multiple Response Characteristics of EDM Process Using Taguchi-Based Grey Relational Analysis and Modi?ed PSO, J. Advanced Manufacturing System,2015 14(3),123-148.
  35. 2014
  36. Panda S*., Mishra, D., and Biswal, B. B., Revolute manipulator workspace optimization using a modified bacteria foraging algorithm: A comparative study, J. Engineering Optimization,2014. 46(2) 181-199. https://doi.org/10.1080/0305215X.2020.1858074
  37. 2013
  38. Panda S., Mishra, D., and Biswal, B. B., Revolute manipulator workspace optimization: A comparative study, J. Applied Soft Computing,2013 13,899-910.
  39. 2012
  40. Panda S*., Mishra, D., and Biswal, B. B., (2012) Robot workspace optimization using modified differential evolutionary technique, Int. J. Computational Methods, 2012 9, 1-21.
  41. 2011
  42. Panda S., Mishra, D., and Biswal, B. B.,Determination of optimum parameters with multi-performance characteristics in laser drilling
  43. 2010
  44. Panda, S., and Mishra, D.,(2010) Trobological Failure Knowledge Model for Steam Power Plant Equipment, (International Journal of Knowledge Engineering and Datamining,2010,2,99-114)
  45. Panda S., Mishra, D., A Study on Development of Fluid Film Bearings , Institution of Engineers, 2010, Vol.90, 3-7.Springer
  46. 2009
  47. Panda, S., and Mishra, D., A Multi-objective optimum Design of Dynamically Loaded Journal Bearing for a piâtilm, (SAE Technical Paper Series, SAE International, Document no. 2009-01-1679)
  48. 2008
  49. Panda, S., and Mishra, D.,Test-rigs for Dynamically Loaded Journal Bearings: A Study, (SAE Technical Paper Series,SAEInternational,Document no. 2008-01-2759)

International Conferences

  1. S. Panda et al. Prediction Of Surface Quality Using Chip Morphology With Nodal Temperature Signatures In Hard Turning Of AISI D3 Steel, Material today,2018.
  2. S. Panda et al. A Multiobjective Ideal Design of Rolling Element Bearing Using Metaheuristics, SIST,Springer, ,Smart Computing and Informatics ,2017,pp 21-31
  3. S. Panda et al. Reevaluation of Ball-Race Conformity Effect on Rolling Element Bearing Life Using PSO, AISC,Springer, oi.org/10.1007/978-981-10-8055-5_15
  4. S. Panda et al. Optimization of machining parameters during hard turning of AISI D3 steel using FuzzyTOPSIS approach, National Conference on Advanced Materials, Manufacturing and Metrology,2018,CMERI,Durgapur.
  5. Panda S. and Pal, K. Parametric Study on Surface Integrity and Chip Morphology in Hard turning of AISI D3 Steel,AIMTDR,Dec 7-8,2016 Pune,India
  6. Acharya, A., Acharya S., Panda, S. and Nanda, P., An artificial neural network model for a biodiesel engine fulled with mahua biodiesel, ICCIDM,2016, Bhubaneswar
  7. Panda, S., Pattnaik, S. K., Dhalmohapatra K. multi characteristics optimization of laser drilling process parameters using grey fuzzy reasoning method, ICMPC, March 4-5 2015,GRIET(procedia), Hyderabad
  8. Panda S., Mishra, D., and Biswal, B. B., (2014), Optimum Design of Rolling Element Bearing, SEMCCO 2014, LNCS Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg
  9. Panda, S., Pattnaik, S. K., Dhalmohapatra K. Multi Objective Optimization of EDM process parameters using FUZZY TOPSIS Method, IEEE ICIIECS, March 19-21 2015. Coimbatore
  10. Biswal, B. B., Panda S., and Mishra, D., (2011), Optimization for Workspace Volume of a 3R Robot Manipulator Using Modified Differential Evolution, LNCS 6466,pp. 111-118, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg
  11. Panda S., Mishra, D., and Biswal, B. B., (2009), An Appropriate Tool for Optimizaing the workspace of 3R Robot Manipulator. 2009, world congress on Nature & Biologically Inspired Computing, (NaBIC’09),1156-1161,17-18 December2009,India,IEEE Xplore
  12. Panda S., Mishra, D., and Biswal, B. B., (2009), An Appropriate Formulation for Workspace Cross Section Area of 3R Robot Manipulator. 4th Int. Conf. on Industrial and Information system(ICIIS’09),511-515,28-31 December,2009,Sri Lanka. IEEE Xplore
  13. Panda S., Ojha, D., A optimization study of effect of process parameter of EDM on machining of 304 stainless steel, AIME 2014, 12-13 March, 70-78, IGIT, Sarang
  14. Panda S., Ojha, D. and Mishra D.,A Study on Effect of EDM Process Parameters on AISI 304L Stainless Steel,AIMTDR-2014,Dec 12-14,2014,IIT Guwahati,India
  15. Panda S., Jena, S., Study of structural, modal and harmonic analysis of a single stage spur gear train using FEM. ENMEA-2013,19th -20th Jan, 45-51,VSSUT,Burla
  16. Panda S., Babu, S., A single cylinder SI Engine Crank shaft stress analysis using FEM, ENMEA-2013,19th -20th Jan, 133-140,VSSUT,Burla
  17. Panda S., Mohanty, T., Bearing Materials a review,ENMEA-2013,19th -20th Jan, 141-153,VSSUT,Burla
  18. Panda S., Mishra, D., Workspace optimization through kinematic parameter of 3R manipulator using modified PSO, RAMM-2012,Feb.25-26,35-40,VSSUT,Burla
  19. Panda S., Mishra, D., and Biswal, B. B., (2008), A Study on Some Common Cutting Tool Condition Monitoring Methods and Systems, National Conference on Mechanism Science and Technology: from Theory to Application, November 13-14, 2008,National Institute of Technology, Hamirpur
  20. Panda S., Mishra, D., S.K. Pattnaik and Biswal, B. B., (2008), A Study on Some Common Cutting Tool Condition Monitoring Methods, NCRAME-2008, December 20-21, NIT Silchar,Assam, India


  1. 06 Nos.
  2. BOOKS : 03
Co-Ordinator T&P, HOD Mechanical Engineering (2022-continuing) HOD, Production Engineering (2012-2015), HOD, Chemical Engineering Department (2017-2019), Member in various Committees of the University
  • Reviewer of Professional Journals:
    1. Applied soft Computing, Elsevier.
    2. Engineering Optimization, Taylor & Francis.
    3. Journal of Mechanical Science Part C, IMechE.
    4. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Springer.
    5. International Journal of Structure and Multi-Disciplinary Optimization,Springer.
    6. SAE Transaction.
    7. International Journal of Industrial Robot, Emerald.
    8. Robotica Cambridge Press.
    9. Robotics & Computer Integrated Manufacturing,Elsevier.
    10. Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence.
    11. Mechanism and Machine Theory, Elsevier.
    12. Journal of Brazillian society of Mechanical science & Engineering,Springer.
    13. Tribology in Industry, Journal of the Serbian Tribology Society.
    14. BioMed research journal, Hindawi.
    15. Int. . of Manufacturing Technology Management, Inderscience.
    16. Journa of King saud University- Engineering Science, Elsevier.
    17. National academic science letter.Springer.
    18. Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines, An International Journal,Taylor & Francis
    19. Laser in Manufacturing and Material Processing, Springer Nature
    20. Australian Journal of Mechanial Science, Taylor & Francis
    21. Journal of Manufacturing Process, Elsevier
    22. Energy, Elsevier
    23. International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM), Springer Nature.
    24.  Steel Research International, Wiley

    25.  Engineering Reports, Wiley 

    26.  Journal of Robotics, Wiley 

    27.  Intelligent Service Robotics, Springer Nature

    28.  Advances in Mechanical Engineering,Sage 

    29.  Journal of Intelligent & Robotics Systems,Springer Nature 

    30.  Book Proposal: Integrated Long term forecasting, Elsevier.

  • Project Reviewer Fast Track Project DST
Present Address : 
C/O- B.K.Panda Charvati, Sambalpur Odisha-768001
  Permanent Address : 
C/O- B.K.Panda Charvati, Sambalpur Odisha-768001