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वीर सुरेंद्र साई प्रौद्योगिकी विश्वविद्यालय

Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology


Dr. Sarojrani Pattnaik

Associate Professor

Qualification : BTtech- KIIT, University (2001), MTech-CET Bhubaneswar (2008) , PhD - IIT Roorkee (2014)

Specialization : Production Engineering

BTtech- KIIT, University (2001), MTech-CET Bhubaneswar (2008) , PhD - IIT Roorkee (2014)

Production Engineering

1. Teaching: 07 Years
2. Research: 4.5 Years

Graduate Level :
  1. Manufacturing Science & Technology-II
  2. Metrology & Quality Control
  3. Production & Operation Management
  4. Engineering Mechanics
Post Graduate Level :
  1. Theory of Machining & Grinding
  2. Computer Aided Design & Manufacturing
  3. Industrial Engineering

  1. Investment Casting 
  2. Sand Casting
  3. Advanced Machining Process 
  4. Composite Materials

Ph. D. Candidates : 02 No (Continuing)
M. Tech. Candidates : 04 No (Guided) & 02 No (Continuing)
  1. Second Prize for Productivity for Global Competitiveness Presentation by National Productivity Council (NPC).
  2. Development in Investment Casting Process: A Review, Top 25 most downloaded article of 2013 ELSEVIER.
  3. Optimization of multiple responses in the lost wax process using Taguchi method, A review of rapid protyping integrated investment casting processes, Influence of injection process parameters on dimensional stability of wax patterns made by the lost wax process using Taguchi method: Most downloaded papers 2013, IMECHE Part L
  1. PIC, PRODUCTION ENGG. LABORATORY, Department of Mechanical Engineering,VSSUT, BURLA.
  2. PIC, METROLOGY LABORATORY, Department of Mechanical Engineering,VSSUT, BURLA.
  3. PIC, DEPT. TIME-TABLE COMMITTEE, Department of Mechanical Engineering,VSSUT, BURLA.
  4. PIC, DEPT., LIBRARY, Department of Mechanical Engineering,VSSUT, BURLA.
  5. MEMBER OF DEPT. BOARD OF STUDIES, Department of Mechanical Engineering,VSSUT, BURLA.
  6. DEPT. NAAC COMMITTEE MEMBER, Department of Mechanical Engineering,VSSUT, BURLA.
  7. DEPT. ACADEMIC COMMITTEE (DAC) MEMBER, Department of Mechanical Engineering,VSSUT, BURLA.
  8. NBA Coordinator, P.G. Programme, Department of Mechanical Engineering,VSSUT, BURLA.
  9. Judged the Event INOVA 2015 & 2016, Department of Mechanical Engineering,VSSUT, BURLA.
  10. Chaired the session of Two Days National Conference on Technological Advancement in Manufacturing & Processing of New Materials TAMPNM 2016, Department of Mechanical Engineering,VSSUT, BURLA, 9th -10th April, 2016.
  1. Computational analysis of the thermal aspects of metal casting process, Seed grant, TEQIP-II, VSSUT, Burla (01 Lakh).
  2. Computational Investigation of the thermo-mechanical properties of the Investment Casting Process, UGC, MRP (Applied) (05 Lakhs).

International Publications

  1. Sarojrani Pattnaik, An Investigation on Enhancing Ceramic Shell Properties using Naturally Available Additives, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, DOI 10.1007/s00170-016-9975-4.
  2. Sarojrani Pattnaik, D.B. Karunakar and P.K. Jha, Developments in investment casting process-A review, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 212, 2332–2348, 2012.
  3. Sarojrani Pattnaik, D.B. Karunakar and P.K. Jha, Multi-characteristic optimization of wax patterns in the investment casting process using grey–fuzzy logic, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 67, 1577–1587, 2013.
  4. Sarojrani Pattnaik, D.B. Karunakar and P.K. Jha, Utility-Fuzzy-Taguchi based hybrid approach in investment casting process, International Journal of Interactive Design and Manufacturing, 8:77–89, 2014.
  5. Sarojrani Pattnaik, D.B. Karunakar and P.K. Jha, Influence of injection process parameters on dimensional stability of wax patterns made by the lost wax process using Taguchi approach, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials Design and Applications, 227(1) 52–60, 2012.
  6. Sarojrani Pattnaik, D.B. Karunakar and P.K. Jha, Optimization of multiple responses in the lost wax process using Taguchi method and grey relational analysis, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials Design and Applications, 227(2) 156-167, 2012.
  7. Sarojrani Pattnaik, P.K. Jha, D.B. Karunakar, A review of rapid prototyping integrated investment casting processes, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials Design and Applications, DOI: 10.1177/1464420713479257, 2013.
  8. Sarojrani Pattnaik, D.B. Karunakar and P.K. Jha, A prediction model for the lost wax process through fuzzy-based artificial neural network, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, DOI: 10.1177/0954406213507701, 2013.
  9. Sarojrani Pattnaik, D.B. Karunakar and P.K. Jha, Parametric optimization of the investment casting process using utility concept and Taguchi method, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials Design and Applications, DOI: 10.1177/1464420713487654, 2013.
  10. Sarojrani Pattnaik, D.B. Karunakar and P.K. Jha, Modeling and parametric optimization of investment casting process by uniting desirability function approach and fuzzy logic, Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems - IOS Press 10.3233/IFS-130809, 2013.
  11. Sarojrani Pattnaik, P.K. Jha, D.B. Karunakar, A novel method of increasing ceramic shell permeability and optimizing casting shrinkage and tensile strength of the investment cast parts, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, DOI: 10.1177/0954405415606386, 2015.
  12. Sarojrani Pattnaik , Mihir Kumar Sutar, Jayadev Rana, Multi-objective optimization of the EMS processed IC by grey-fuzzy method, Materials Today: Proceedings, 2(4), 2555-2561, 2015.
  13. Mihir Kumar Sutar, Sarojrani Pattnaik  and Jayadev Rana, Neural Based Controller for Smart Detection of Crack in Cracked Cantilever Beam, Materials Today: Proceedings,  2(4), 2648-2653, 2015.
  14. Mihir Kumar Sutar and Sarojrani Pattnaik, Vibration characteristics of a cracked cantilever beam under free vibration, Noise and Vibration worldwide, 16-21, 41 (9), 2010.
  15. Sarojrani Pattnaik, D.B. Karunakar and P.K. Jha, Application of computer simulation for finding optimum gate location in plastic injection moulding, International Journal of Advanced Engineering Resesarch and studies, 1 (2), 159-161, 2012.
  16. Sarojrani Pattnaik and Dr. M.S.Khan, Application of TQM to Assure Supply Chain Security, International Journal of Advanced Engineering Applications, 1 (2), 1-14, 2008.
  17. Sarojrani Pattnaik and Mihir Kumar Sutar, Supply chain integration in relation to manufacturing industries, International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Industrial Engineering (IJMTIE), 1(1), 79-84, 2010.
  1. Optimization of the investment casting process using genetic algorithm: Springer Publisher in 2014.
  1. Convenor of Workshop on Advances in Mechanical Engineering (AME-2015), Department of Mechanical Engineering, VSSUT, BURLA, 10th -11th July, 2015.
  2. Convenor of  QIP Short Term Course on Eclectic Modelling and Analysis Techniques in Mechanical Engineering (EMATME-2016), Department of Mechanical Engineering,VSSUT, BURLA, 11th -16th April, 2016.
  3. Organizing Secretary of TEQIP Sponsored Two Days National Workshop on Technical Advancement in Manufacturing and Processing of New Materials (TAMPNM-2016), Department of Mechanical Engineering,VSSUT, BURLA, 9th -10th April, 2016.
Member of accreditation committee, Anti-ragging squad
  • Given a talk as Resource Person on ‘Challenges in Investment Casting Process’ for a National Seminar on ‘Recent Advancement in Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Materials (RAMEEM-2016) organized by Gandhi Institute for Technological Advancement (GITA), BBSR, 29th -30th April, 2016.
  •   Given a talk as Resource Person on ‘Industrial Application of Taguchi Method: A Case Study’ for QIP Short Term Course on‘Eclectic Modeling and Analysis Techniques in Mechanical Engineering, EMATME-2016’, VSSUT, BURLA, 11th-16th April, 2016.
  • Given a talk as Resource Person on ‘Multi-Response Optimization using Grey Relational Analysis in Investment Casting’ for QIP Short Term Course on ‘ Eclectic Modeling and Analysis Techniques in Mechanical Engineering, EMATME-2016’, VSSUT, Burla, 11th-16th April, 2016.
  •    Given a talk as Resource Person on ‘Development of Investment Casting Process’ for TEQIP sponsored Two Days National Workshop on Advances in Mechanical Engineering (AME-2015), VSSUT, Burla, 10th – 11th July, 2015.
  •    Given a talk as Resource Person on Supply Chain Management for AICTE sponsored Staff Development programme on Advances in Planning and Quality Control in Manufacturing and Service Organizations, SIET, Dhenkanal, Odisha, (13-25)th July, 2009.
  • Reviewed the following manuscripts in reputed journals
    • Characterization of the <alpha>-case generated due to the ZrSiO4 and Al2O3 mould material degradation in the Ti-6Al-4V turbine blade investment casting: Journal of Materials Processing Technology (Elsevier).
    • Ceramic core shifting monitoring through clamping rods optimization for wax pattern of turbine blade" International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (Springer).
    • A deformation compensation method for wax pattern dies of turbine blade: International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (Springer).
    • Dimensional shrinkage prediction based on displacement field in investment casting: International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (Springer).
    • Comparative analysis of the properties of the Nodular Cast Iron with Carbides and the Austempered Ductile Iron with use of the machine learning and the Support Vector Machine: International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (Springer).
    • Fuzzy Logic Based Model for Predicting Surface Roughness of Machined Al-Si-Cu-Fe Die Casting Alloy Using Different Additives-Turning: Measurement (Elsevier).
    • Development of bio-medical implant (hip joint) by combination of fused deposition modelling and investment casting: Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India): Series C (Springer).
    • Experimental investigations for controlling surface roughness of implants prepared by combining fused deposition modelling and investment casting: Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India): Series C (Springer).
    • Multi-Response Optimization of Surface Integrity Characteristics of EDM Pro-cess using Grey-Fuzzy Logic-based Hybrid Approach: Engineering Science and Technology: an International Journal (Elsevier).
    • Multi criteria optimization using Taguchi based utility concept coupled with analytic hierarchy process in turning operation: Engineering Science and Technology: an International Journal (Elsevier).
    • Application of grey fuzzy logic for the optimization of CNC milling parameters for Al-4.5% Cu-TiC MMCs with multi performance characteristics: Engineering Science and Technology: an International Journal (Elsevier).
    • Effect of graphite filler on the abrasive wear behaviour of Polyamide66 polymer based composites using Taguchi method: Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L, Journal of Materials: Design and Applications (Sage).
    • A Taguchi and experimental investigation into the optimal processing conditions for the abrasive jet processing of high-value components: Advances in Mechanical Engineering (Sage).
    • Effect of graphite filler on abrassive wear behaviour of Polyamide66 polymer based composites using Taguchi method: Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L. Journal of Materials: Design and Applications (Sage).
    • Adaptive neuro-fuzzy approach for accurate prediction of tool wears in turning operation for maximum utilization of cutting tool: MATHMOD 2015 International Conference.
    • Optimization of cutter geometric parameters in end milling of titanium alloy using the Grey-Taguchi method: Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Hindwai Publication.
Present Address : 
Mechanical Engineering Department, VSSUT Burla
  Permanent Address : 
Housing board colony, Plot No. 20/1 Chandrasekharpur, Bhubaneswar, Odissa