ବୀର ସୁରେନ୍ଦ୍ର ସାଏ ବୈଷୟିକ ବିଶ୍ୱବିଦ୍ୟାଳୟ

वीर सुरेंद्र साई प्रौद्योगिकी विश्वविद्यालय

Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology


Dr. Punyapriya Mishra

Associate Professor

Qualification : Btech-UCE, Burla (2005), Mtech- NIT Rourkela (2007), Phd- NIT Rourkela (2012)

Specialization : Production Engg.

Btech-UCE, Burla (2005), Mtech- NIT Rourkela (2007), Phd- NIT Rourkela (2012)

Production Engg.

13 years

Graduate Level : UG- Manufacturing Science & Technology-I, Industrial Engineering & Operation Research, Advanced Manufacturing Process, Materials Engineering, Engineering Materials and Metallurgy
Post Graduate Level : Inspection & Quality Assurance, Tool & Die Design, Product Design, Discrete system simulation, Total quality system in engineering, Reliability

Composite materials

Ph. D. Candidates : 03 Nos (Awarded) 01 (Submitted) 03 (Ongoing)
M. Tech. Candidates : 27 Nos (Awarded)
  1. Institution award by the Institution of Engineers (India), Orissa state center during the 63rd Annual Technical Session and 20th Prof.(Dr) Bhubaneswar Behera Memorial Lecture, 2024.
  2. Best Woman Faculty Award by Novel Research Academy (2023)
  3. Outstanding Woman in Engineering by Venus International Foundation (2020)
  4. Brundaban Sahu Memorial Award by Institution of Engineering (India), Odisha State Center (2020)
  5. Institution Award by Institution of Engineers (India), Odisha State Center (2018)
  6. Bharat Gourav Award IIFS (2016)
  7. Odisha Young Scientist Award (2012) from Odisha Vigyan Academy
  8. Young Investigator Award ICMIE, Singapore(2012)
  9. Brindaban Sahoo Memorial Award, Institute of Engineer (2009)
1. Tribology Society of India (LM 3951) 2. ISTE (LM95610) 3. Center for Education, Growth and Research (CEGR) (CEGR/LT/2015/FK) 4. Odisha Bigyan Academy (549) 5. The Institution of Engineers (India) (M-162275-1) 6. The Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA) (L26020) 7. Failure Analysis Society (FLM-SFA-0593) 8. Society of Materials and Mechanical Engineers (SOMME) (LM-10065) 9. Asian Polymer Association (L-652) 10. International Association of Engineers (332330)

International Publications

  1. Deepak Kumar Mohapatra, Chitta Ranjan Deo, Punyapriya Mishra, Chandrakanta Mishra, Investigation of Mechanical Attributes and Dynamic Mechanical Analysis of Hybrid Polyester Composites for Automotive Applications, Fibers and Polymers, Pages 1-19
  2. Deepak Kumar Mohapatra, Chitta Ranjan Deo, Punyapriya Mishra, Padmanav Dash, Effect of pistachio shell particles on mechanical and erosion wear performance of hybrid kenaf/glass polyester composites, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, 13506501231224686
  3. Lipsamayee Mishra, Trupti Ranjan Mahapatra, Debadutta Mishra, Punyapriya Mishra, Pratap Chandra Padhi, Study of Nd: YAG laser micro-drilling machinability and parametric optimization of graphite/Epoxy and carbon black/Epoxy nanocomposites, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part N: Journal of Nanomaterials, Nanoengineering and Nanosystems, 23977914231217921
  4. Dilip K. Sahu, Priyam P. Tripathy, Trupti R. Mahapatra, Punyapriya Mishra, Debadutta Mishra, Design optimization of structural component (hitch bracket of tractor): A reverse engineering approach, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 89(5)
  5. Binita Dash, Trupti R. Mahapatra, Punyapriya Mishra, Debadutta Mishra, Hygrothermal sound radiation analysis of layered composite plate using HFEM-IBEM micromechanical model and experimental validation, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 89(3), 265-281
  6. Itishree Rout, Trupti Ranjan Mahapatra, Punyapriya Mishra, Debadutta Mishra, Free Vibration and Acoustic Responses of Partially Biodegradable Hybrid Composites: Numerical Analysis and Experimental Validation, Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies, 1-20
  7. Deepak Kumar Mohapatra, Chitta Ranjan Deo, Punyapriya Mishra, Padmanav Dash, Influence of pistachio shell filler addition and interply hybridization on mechanical and thermal performances of polyester composites, Journal of Elastomers & Plastics, 56(2), 169-193
  8. Chetana Tripathy, Deepak Kumar Mohapatra, Chitta Ranjan Deo, Padmanav Dash, Punyapriya Mishra, Experimental and numerical evaluation of mechanical performances of hybrid Palmyra-Palm-Leaf-Stalk/Glass fiber reinforced polyester composites, Journal of Elastomers & Plastics, 56(2), 141-168
  9. Deepak Kumar Mohapatra, Chitta Ranjan Deo, Punyapriya Mishra, Chandrakanta Mishra, Influence of Load and Sliding Velocity on Abrasive Wear of Polyester Composites Reinforced with Bio-Particulates as Filler Material, Transactions of Indian Institute of Metals, 1, 1-10
  10. Ajit Kumar Behera, Punyapriya Mishra, Punyatoya Mishra, Chitta Ranjan Deo, Deepak Kumar Mohapatra, Debasish Rout, Effect of impact velocity and impingement angle on the Erosive wear behaviour of ceramic reinforced polymer composites, Transactions of Indian Institute of Metals, 77(2), 371-378
  11. Swagatika Mishra, Punyapriya Mishra, Punyatoya Mishra, Deepak Kumar Mohapatra, Dinesh Kumar Mishra, Krushna Prasad Shadangi, Study of frequency dependence properties of CCTO-BT/epoxy composites, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 238 (6), 2140-2149
  12. Chetana Tripathy, Deepak Mohapatra, Chitta Ranjan Deo, Punyapriya Mishra, Erosive wear study of PPLSF/Glass fiber reinforced hybrid laminates, Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology (New Series)
  13. Chandrakanta Mishra, Deepak Kumar Mohapatra, Chitta Ranjan Deo, Punyapriya Mishra, Kiran Kumar Ekka, Erosion wear behaviour of kenaf/glass hybrid polymer composites. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology (New Series), 31 (1), 78-89
  14. Swagatika Mishra, Punyapriya Mishra, Punyatoya Mishra, Dinesh Kumar Mishra, Krushna Prasad Shadangi, Deepak Kumar Mohapatra, Evaluation of dielectric properties of CCTO-BT/epoxy composites for electronic applications. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology (New Series), 31(1), 69-77
  15. 2023
  16. Swagatika Mishra, Punyapriya Mishra, Punyatoya Mishra, Deepak Kumar Mohapatra, Dinesh Kumar Mishra, Krushna Prasad Shadangi, Study of Mechanical and Morphological properties of CCTO-BT/epoxy composite, Composite Theory and Practices, 23(3), 123-128
  17. Sabindra Kachhap, Pabitra Kumar Sahu, Punyapriya Mishra, Investigation and optimization of wire EDM process parameters for Al 5454 alloy machining, Materials today proceeding
  18. 2022
  19. Deepak K Mohapatra, Chitta R Deo, Punyapriya Mishra, Kiran K Ekka, Chandrakanta Mishra, “Mechanical characterization of kenaf/glass fibre hybrid composite laminates: An experimental and numerical approach”, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering, 09544089221136813
  20. Deepak Kumar Mohapatra, Chitta Ranjan Deo, Punyapriya Mishra, “Investigation of glass fiber influence on mechanical characteristics of natural fiber reinforced polyester composites: an experimental and numerical approach”, Composites theory and practice, 22: 3, 123-129
  21. Swagatika Mishra, Punyapriya Mishra, “ Synthesis and characterization of CCTO0.5 BT0.5/epoxy hybrid ceramic polymer composite for electronic applications” Materials Today: Proceedings, Volume 67, Part 2, Pages 372-376
  22. 2020
  23. Narasingh Deep, Punyapriya Mishra, Layatitdev Das, “Application of adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) for predicting dielectric characteristics of CNT/PMMA nanocomposites.” Materials Today: Proceedings, 33, 5200-5205
  24. 2019
  25. Debasmita Pani, Punyapriya Mishra, Study of mechanical properties of natural fiber reinforced hybrid polymer composites, International journal of Advanced Mechanical Engineering, 9(1), 1-6
  26. Punyapriya Mishra, Narasingh Deep, Sagarika Pradhan, Vikram G Kamble “Effect of functionalized MWCNT on the mechanical and dielectric properties of PMMA nano composites”, International Journal of Nano Science, 18 (6), 1850035-304
  27. 2018
  28. Narasingh Deep, Punyapriya Mishra “Fabrication and characterization of thermally conductive PMMA/MWCNT nanocomposites”, Materials Today Proceedings, 5(14), 28328-28336
  29. Debasmita Pani, Punyapriya Mishra, Tribological behavior of sponge gourd based hybrid reinforced polymer composite, International Journal of Advanced Mechanical Engineering, 8(1), Special edition, 89-96
  30. S N Panda, S.Panda, D.S.Khamari, P.Mishra, “Re-examination for effect of ball race conformity on life of Rolling Element bearing using Metaheuristic, International Journal of Advanced Mechanical Engineering, 8 (1) 285-294
  31. Narasingh Deep, Punyapriya Mishra, “Evaluation of mechanical properties of functionalized carbon nano tube reinforced PMMA polymer nanocomposite”, Karbala International Journal of Modern Science, 4(2), 207-215
  32. Tanushree Bera, S.K.Acharya, Punyapriya Mishra “Synthesis, mechanical, thermal Properties of carbon black/epoxy composites”, International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology, 10 (4), 12-20
  33. 2016
  34. Narasingh Deep, Punyapriya Mishra & Swadhin Kumar Patel, Abrasive wear behavior of graphite reinforced PMMA matrix composites, International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD) special issue, 329-334
  35. 2015
  36. Narasingh Deep, Punyapriya Mishra, Fabrication, Modeling and Analysis of The Erosive Wear Properties of Multi Walled Carbon Nanotube Reinforced PMMA Composite Using Taguchi Approach, Int. J. Recent Sci. Res, 6, 10, 6802-6806
  37. 2014
  38. Punyapriya Mishra & Tanushree Bera. “Fabrication and characterization of composite using carbon black-waste from petroleum products.” International Journal of Advanced Research (IJAR), Volume 2, Issue 7, 122-130
  39. Punyapriya Mishra, “Mechanical behavior of bagasse fiber reinforced epoxy composites at liquid nitrogen temperature”. Journal of Solid waste Technology and Management, Vol. 40, No.3, Page No.197-202
  40. 2013
  41. Punyapriya Mishra, “Statistical analysis for the abrasive wear behavior of bagasse fiber reinforced polymer composite”. International Journal of Applied research in Mechanical Engineering (IJARME) Vol. 2, Issue 3, P. 154-158
  42. 2012
  43. Gujjala Raghavendra, S.K.Acharya. C.R.Deo, P.Mishra “Fabrication-modelling and analysis on tribological performance of natural composites using taguchi approach.” Procedia Engineering, Volume 38, p.2635-2644
  44. 2011
  45. Punyapriya Mishra and S.K.Acharya. “Study on dielectric properties of bagasse fiber reinforced epoxy composite.” Journal of Inventi. Volume 2, No.1
  46. Samir Kumar Acharya, Punyapriya Mishra and Suraj Kumar Mehar. “Effect of surface treatment on the mechanical properties of bagasse fiber reinforced polymer composite.” Journal of Bioresources. Volume 6, No. 3, pp. 3155-3165
  47. 2010
  48. Punyapriya Mishra and S.K.Acharya. “Effect of fiber loading on the abrasive wear behaviour of bagasse fiber reinforced epoxy composite.” Journal of Tribology Research, Volume 1, No. 2, pp. 59-64
  49. Punyapriya Mishra & S.K.Acharya. “Solid particle erosion of bagasse fiber reinforced epoxy composite.” International Journal of Physical Science, Volume 5, No.2, pp. 109-115
  50. Punyapriya Mishra and S.K.Acharya. “Anisotropy abrasive wear behaviour of bagasse fiber reinforced polymer composite.” International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology, Volume 2, No. 11, pp. 104-112.
  51. 2009
  52. P.Mishra & Dr. S.K.Acharya, S.K.Mehar. “The influence of fiber treatment on the performance of bagasse fiber reinforced polymer composite.” International Journal of Reinforced plastics and Composites, Volume 28, No. 24, pp.3027-3036.
  53. 2008
  54. P.Mishra & Dr. S.K.Acharya, S.K.Meher, V.Dikshit “Weathering behavior of bagasse fiber reinforced polymer composite.” International Journal of Reinforced plastics and Composites, Volume 27, No. 16-17, pp.1839-1846.
  55. P.Mishra & Dr. S.K.Acharya, V.Dikshit “Erosive wear behavior of red mud filled metal matrix composite.” International Journal of Reinforced plastics and Composites, Volume 27, No. 2, pp.145-152.
  56. Dr. S.K.Acharya, P.Mishra, Dr.S.C.Mishra “Effect of environment on the mechanical properties of fly ash – jute – polymer Composite.” Indian Journal of Engineering and Material Science, Volume 15, No. 6, pp. 483-488.

International Conferences

  1. "Effect of graphite filler on the dielectric properties of polymer composites” 5th International conference on Processing and characterization of materials (ICPCM 2023), NIT, Rourkela, 2023
  2. "Analysis of Cutting Performance in Dry Turning using Surface Textured Tools: Quantitative analysis" ICAMAE 2023, Bangalore
  3. "Wear characterization of polymer ceramic composite" ICMech-REC-2023, NIT, Warangal
  4. "Solid particle erosion wear behaviour of Barium Titanate (BT) - Calcium Copper Titanate (CCTO) ceramic polymer composites, ICAMS 2023
  5. "Effect of wood dust filler on mechanical properties of polyester composite" ETETI-2023, IGIT, Sarang
  6. "Study on mechanical performances of polyster composites filled with pistachio shell particle" ETETI-2023, IGIT, Sarang
  7. "Investigation on mechanical properties of kenaf fiber reinforced polyster composite laminates by finite element method" AFTMME 2021, IIT, Roopar
  8. "Dielectric properties of Graphite filler polymer composite" AFTMME 2021, IIT, Roopar
  9. "Synthesis and characterization of silicon carbide and graphite reinforced copper based hybrid composite" ICPCM 2021, NIT, Rourkela
  10. "Effect of glass fiber hybridization on mechanical properties of kenaf fiber polyster composite laminates", ICPCM 2021, NIT, Rourkela
  11. "Fabrication and characterization of thermally conductive PMMA/MWCNT nano composites" ICCMMEMS 2018, Punjab
  12. "Wear of functionalized multiwalled carbon nanotubes decorated polymethylmethacrylate nano composites" ICCMS 2017, Hyderabad
  13. "Optimization of the properties of multiwalled carbon nano tube reinforced PMMA composite using Taguchi approach", Nanocon-14, Pune
  14. "Statistical analysis for the abrasive wear behaviour of bagasse fiber reinforced polymer composite", ICMIE-2012, Singapore
  15. "A study on the potential of bagasse fiber reinforced polymer composite for tribological applications", ICIT-2010, Ranchi
  16. "Effect of surface treatment on the mechanical properties of bagasse fiber reinforced polymer composite", ICRAME 2010, Kanyakumari
  17. "Influence of impingement angle on solid particle erosion of bagasse fiber reinforced polymer composite", ISTAM-2008, Hyderabad
  18. "Erosive wear behaviour of bagasse fiber reinforced polymer composite", ICAT-2008, NUS, Singapore
  19. "Investigation of solid particle erosion behaviour of bagasse fiber reinforced polymer composite" ICIT-08, New Delhi
  20. "The influence of fiber treatment on the performance of bagasse fiber reinforced polymer composites", ISTAM 2007, BNMIT, Bangalore

National Conferences

  1. Paper presentation in National Conference on “Recent advances in Materials and particle physics 2023”, Nov. 2023, Berhampur University, Odisha
  2. "Central Defection Optimization of Laminated Composite Plate under Static Load using Nonlinear FEM and Metaheuristic methods" RAMM-2023, CIPET, Bhubaneswar
  3. "Mechanical properties of kenaf glass fiber composite" RAIMS-2022, VSSUT, Burla
  4. "Tribological behaviour of sponge gourd based hybrid reinforced polymer composite" GCE, Kalahandi
  5. "Study of wear properties of natural fiber composite" RAIMS-2015, VSSUT, Burla
  6. "Tribological behaviour of multi walled carbon nanotube poly methyl methacrylate composite", RAIMS-2014, VSSUT, Burla
  7. "Study of the mechanical properties of carbon black composite" ENMEA-2013, VSSUT, Burla
  8. "Production and characterization of LM25 aluminium alloy composites reinforced with micro and nano Al2O3 particles" RAST-2012, VSSUT, Burla
  9. "Study on the fracture mechanism of the natural fiber reinforced polymer composite", RAMM-2012, VSSUT, Burla
  10. "Wear behaviour of bagasse fiber reinforced epoxy composite" Technologia 2010, MPCCET, CG
  11. "Weathering behaviour of bagasse fiber polymer composite", NCDC-2007, NIT, Rourkela
  12. "Advances in vehicle suspension system", 48th annual Technical session, IE, Odisha State Center, 2007


  1. “3D Printing: state of art and future prospects (3DP-2023)” organized by NIT, Rourkela, 2023
  2. “Inculcating Universal Human Values in Technical education” organized by AICTE at VSSUT, Burla, 2023
  3. “Advances in natural fiber reinforced polymer composites (ANFRPC-2023)", 2023, NIT, Rourkela
  4. “Characterization and Testing of Components Following Laser Materials Processing including Surface Engineering and Additive Manufacturing“ organized by the Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India, 2023
  5. “Statistical and machine learning techniques with applications” 2023 organized by IIIT, Kalyani, West Bengal
  6. “Tribology for Equipment Reliability (NWTER-2022), 2022 organized by NIT, Rourkela
  7. “Concepts to commercialization of FRP composites” 2022 organized by NIT Rourkela
  8. “Additive Manufacturing and 3D printing (AM & 3DP)” jointly organized by Electronics and ICT Academies at IIT Roorkee, MNIT Jaipur, NIT Patna and PDPM IIITDM Jabalpur, 2022
  9. “14th Summer school in Tribology” organized by Tribology Society of India, 2022 at IIPM, Gurugram
  10. National Level FDP on “Excellence in higher education: - Perspective of NEP” 2021, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan’s Sardar Patel college of Engineering and Federation of Education leaders and Administrators (FELA) in collaboration with SAE India Western Section and IIIE SPCE student chapter under IQAC SPCE
  11. ATAL FDP on “Processing of novel materials for defense and aerospace applications”, IIT, Tirupati, 2021
  12. ATAL FDP on “Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning”, VSSUT, Burla, 2021
  13. ATAL FDP on “Novel Materials”, NIT, Mizoram, 2021
  14. ATAL FDP on “Novel materials, fabrication, design and optimization”, VSSUT, Burla, 2021
  15. “Applied machine learning, AI and its applications using python”, E-cell, IIT, Hyderabad, 2021
  16. Innovations and Challenges in Industry 4.0 Automation and Smart Manufacturing, Kallam Haranadhareddy Institute of Technology, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, 2021
  17. Advancement in Manufacturing Processes and Techniques, IIT, Bhubaneswar, 2021
  18. NAAC sponsored two days workshop on “Role of revised accreditation framework for enhancing the quality and innovation in education (RRAFEQIE)-2020”, VSSUT, Burla
  19. Professional development training program for Faculty and Administrators of Project Institutions of Technical Education Quality Improvement Program-III, IIM, Visakhapatnam, 2020
  20. Finite Element Analysis using ANSYS, Entuple Technology, Hyderabad, 2020
  21. “Advanced techniques for characterization and optimization of mechanical systems”, VSSUT, Burla, 2019
  22. “Application of optimization techniques on advanced manufacturing processes”, VSSUT, Burla, 2019
  23. Faculty Induction Workshop, Continuing Education Cell, IIT, Kharagpur, 2018
  24. "Composites: Manufacturing, Machining, Modelling, and Optimization (CMMMO)", VSSUT, Burla, 2018
  25. “Recent trends in Industrial and mechanical engineering", 2016, VSSUT, Burla
  26. “Management capacity enhancement-a technical education perspective”, 2016, VSSUT, Burla
  27. "Recent Advances in Manufacturing Engineering", VSSUT, Burla, 2016
  28. "Eclectic Modelling and Analysis Techniques in Mechanical Engineering", VSSUT, Burla, 2016
  29. "Intelligent robotics, control and communication (IRCC)", VSSUT, Burla, 2016
  30. “Advances in Mechanical Engineering”, 2015, VSSUT, Burla
  31. Advanced Aerospace Materials: Processing, Characterization and Applications, IIT, Roorkee, 2015
  32. "Advance Manufacturing Systems", VSSUT, Burla, 2015
  33. “Advances in Industrial Tribology and Maintenance (AITM-2014), NIT, Rourkela, 2014
  34. “Materials for advanced Applications”, IIT, Kharagpur, 2013
  35. “Finite element analysis of structures with MATLAB and ABAQUS based simulations”, IIT, Delhi, 2012
  36. “Micro manufacturing” IIT, Kanpur, 2011
  37. “Recent trends in Advanced Composites” NIT, Rourkela, 2008
  38. “Robotics and Robot Application” BPUT, Campus Office, Techno Campus, Bhubaneswar, 2007
  39. “Industry-Institute Interaction”, 2006, NIT, Rourkela
  40. Vocational training, Rourkela Steel Plant, Rourkela, 2006
  41. Master-CAM, CTTC, Bhubaneswar, 2004
  42. Auto-CAD, CTTC, Bhubaneswar, 2003
1 Filed
  1. P.Mishra, D.Pani, Effect of chemical modification on physical properties of natural fiber reinforced hybrid polymer composites (2019), Innovation in Materials Science and Engineering, Page No. 17-26, Springer, DOI: 10.1007/978-981-13-2944-9_3.
  2. P.Mishra, N.Deep, “Study and Optimization of Erosive behavior of carbon black epoxy polymer composites using Taguchi method” (2019), Innovation in Materials Science and Engineering, Page No. 209-217, Springer, DOI: 10.1007/978-981-13-2944-9_21.
  3. S N Panda, S.Panda, P.Mishra, “Reevaluation of ball-race conformity effect on rolling element bearing life using PSO”,(2019), Computational Intelligence in Data Mining, Page No. 155-164, Springer, DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-8055-5_15.
  4. P.Mishra, A.Mallick, S.K.Swain, “The effect of functionalized MWCNT on mechanical and electrical properties of PMMA nano composites”,(2018), Nano Electronic Materials and Devices, Page No. 1-9, Springer, DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-7191-1_1.
  5. S N Panda, S.Panda, P.Mishra, A multiobjective ideal design of rolling element bearing using Metaheuristics, Smart Computing and Informatics,(2018), Vol 77, Page No. 21-31, Springer, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-10-5544-7_3.
Short term courses/ FDP conducted 1. AICTE-QIP sponsored short term course on “Advanced Materials: Synthesis, Processing, Characterization and Applications(AMSPCA-15)”,7thto12thDecember2015. 2. TEQIP-III sponsored faculty development program on “Recent Advancement of Materials and its Application”. VSSUT, Burla, 15.09.2020 – 19.09.2020. Conferences conducted 1. National conference on “Emerging New Materials in Engineering Applications” at VSSUT, Burla, Odisha on 19-20th January 2013.
Department level 1. Prof. in-charge, Model Room & Dept. Library - 2010 to 2015 2. Prof. in-charge, CAD/CAM Laboratory - 2012 to 2016 3. Member of Dept. Time Table committee - 2012 to 2015 4. Member of Departmental Academic Committee - 2015-16, 2017-18 5. PIC, Dept. Library - 2017 to 2023 6. Member, Dept. Board of studies - 2016-18, 2022-24 7. Member, Department Syllabus committee - 2021 8. Academic coordinator of UG – 2021 9. Prof. in Charge, Production Engineering Lab-from 27-05-2023 to three yrs 10. NBA co-ordinator, 2023 11. Member, Purchase Committee, School of Mechanical Sciences University level: 1. Executive Member, Alumni Association, VSSUT - 2018-19, 2019-20 2. Member, IQAC, 2019-20, 2021-22 3. Coordinator, GEM portal - 2019 to till date 4. Chair-Person, Internal Complaint Committee (ICC) - 2019-2022 5. Member, Committee for implementation of Outcome based Education (OBL) - 2019-20 6. Nodal Officer, Procurement, TEQIP-III - 2020 7. Member. NAAC Preparatory Committee - 2020 8. Member, Grievance Redressal and Counselling Committee (GRCC) – Jan 2022 to till date 9. Member, Student Monitoring and Counselling Committee (SMCC) – Jan 2022 to till date 10. Member, Internal Complaint Committee (ICC) - 2022 to till date 11. Member, Digitization of documents of Academic Section 12. Member, Central Research Facility – 2023 13. Member, Departmental Purchase Committee, Academic Section, VSSUT, Burla 14. Convenor, Accommodation Committee, Smart India Hackathon 2023, 19th to 20th December 2023 at VSSUT, Burla Others: 1. Presiding Officer, Internal Complaint Committee (ICC), Odisha State Open University (OSOU) - 2021 to till date 2. Assistant Center Supervisor (VSSUT, Burla), Written Examination for lecturers, OTE&TS (OPSC), Cuttack, 2023 3. Mentor, Smart India Hackathon 2023, 19th to 20th December 2023 at VSSUT, Burla 4. Panel of Judge, Finale of Smart India Hackathon 2023, 19th to 20th December 2023 at VSSUT, Burla Extra-curricular activities: 1. Faculty Advisor, Yoga Centre - 2011-12 2. Faculty Advisor, Art & Photography Club - 2012-13 3. Faculty Advisor, Dramatic Association - 2013-14 Hostel Administration: 1. Asst. Warden, Anuradha Hall of Residence - 24th July 2012 to 30th Sep. 2014 2. Warden, Arundhati Hall of Residence - 13th December 2017 to 12th December 2019 3. Hostel Management committee -2020 4. Associate Dean, Student Welfare - January 2022 to till date Reviewer: 1. Journal of Natural Fibers, Taylor & Francis 2. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Wiley (2020, 2021) 3. Inspire Awards MANAK, National Innovation Foundation (NIF), India (2020-21, 2021-22, 2022-23) 4. International Conference (ICRAMERD-21), SOA University 5. International Conference (ICRAMERD-22), SOA University 6. International Conference (ETETI-2023), IGIT, Sarang 7. BP International, 2023 8. Journal of Engineering Research and Reports, 2023 9. Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 2024 10. Asian Journal of Physical and Chemical Sciences, 2024
Present Address : 
Qr. No.-3R/8 VSSUT Professor Colony VSSUT, Burla Sambalpur, Odisha-768018
  Permanent Address : 
C/O- Nihar Ranjan Debata Plot No-1033,Mahanadi vihar Cuttack, Odisha-753004