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वीर सुरेंद्र साई प्रौद्योगिकी विश्वविद्यालय

Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology


Dr. Prakash Chandra Mishra

Associate Professor

Qualification : Post Doctoral; Loughborough University (2010); PhD Loughborough University (2008); MTech IIT Delhi(2005); BE IGIT Sarang (1995)

Specialization : Machine Design, Engine Tribology, Emission, Friction Modeling

Post Doctoral; Loughborough University (2010); PhD Loughborough University (2008); MTech IIT Delhi(2005); BE IGIT Sarang (1995)

Machine Design, Engine Tribology, Emission, Friction Modeling

  • Teaching
    • Associate Professor at Department of mechanical Engineering; VSSUT Burla (Since September 2017)
    • Associate Professor (II) in School of Mechanical Engineering ; KIIT University (Nov.2010 to Sept. 2017)
    • Worked as University Teacher in Loughborough University (2009-10)
    • Lecturer; CV Raman College of Engineering , Bhubaneswar (1998-2003)
  • Research
    • Post Doctoral Research Associate in Wolfson School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Loughborough University (2009-2010)
    • Research Assistant in Wolfson School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Loughborough University (2005-2008)
  • Industry
    • Mechanical Engineer Trainee ; BISRA STONE LIME CO. (1997-1998)

Graduate Level :
  • Design of machine element - I
  • Design of machine element – II
  • Mechanics of Materials - I
  • Mechanics of Materials - II
  • Mechanics of Solid
  • Engine Tribology
  • Engineering Tribology
  • Automobile Engineering
  • Engineering Mechanics
  • Design of Machine element
  • Metrology
  • Contact Mechanics and Tribology
Post Graduate Level :
  • Advance Mechanics of Solid and Structure
  • Engineering Tribology
  • Composite Materials

Engine Tribology; Emission; Friction Modeling

Ph. D. Candidates : 02 (Completed), 03 (Continuing)
M. Tech. Candidates : 12 (Completed), 02 (continuing)
  1. Best Faculty staff award with Gold Medal, KIIT University, 2016
  2. EPSRC, UK award of PhD studentship, 2005
  3. National Scholarship for securing 53rd position in the state in 10th board examination,1988
  4. District level selection in National Rural Talent Search Examination,1986
  • Fellow, Institution of Engineers (India), FIE  (F-1211621)
  • Life Member, Indian National Science Congress (L29393)
  • Fellow, Engineering and Physical Science Research Council, UK
  • Member, International Association of Engineers (113568)
  1. AICTE sponsored research project (Rs. 17.8 lakhs) 20/AICTE/RIFD/RPS43/2012-1
  2. KIIT University seed grant for Green Engine Development (Rs. 10 Lakhs)

International Publications

  1. Ranjan, R., Surekha, B., Ghose, P., Mishra, P.C. Regression model based properties prediction of A356 aluminum alloy rheocast using cooling slope technique. Discov Appl Sci 6, 90 (2024). IF: 2.6 (SCIE), ISSN: 3004-9261, https://doi.org/10.1007/s42452-024-05720-9.
  2. Biswal, S., Das, S.R., Saha, N., Mishra, P.C. Environmental sustainability assessment of gasoline and methanol blended smart fuel for reduced emission formation. Environ Dev Sustain 26, 26753–26784 (2024). IF: 4.7 (SCI), ISSN: 1573-2975, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10668-023-03752-6.
  3. Pradhan SK, Gupta A, Mishra PC. Investigating into the Effects of Bore Irregularities on the Hydrodynamic Performance Journal Bearing Using Response Surface Methodology. Tribology in Industry, Volume 45, No 2, 2023, Pages 201-211, IF: (SCOPUS), ISSN: 0354-8996, DOI: 10.24874/ti.1431.01.23.03.
  4. Mishra, P.C.; Roychoudhury, A.; Banerjee, A.; Saha, N.; Das, S.R.; Das, A. Coated Piston Ring Pack and Cylinder Liner Elastodynamics in Correlation to Piston Subsystem Elastohydrodynamic: Through FEA Modelling. Lubricants 2023, 11, 192. IF: 3.1 (SCIE), ISSN: 2075-4442, https://doi.org/10.3390/lubricants11050192.
  5. Saha, N.; Mishra, P.C. Modified Whale Algorithm-Based Optimization for Fractional Order Concurrent Diminution of Torque Ripple in Switch Reluctance Motor for EV Applications. Processes 2023, 11, 1226. IF: 2.8 (SCIE), ISSN: 2227-9717, https://doi.org/10.3390/pr11041226.
  6. Saha, N.; Mishra, P.C. A Multi-Objective Hybrid BESSA Optimization Scheme for Parameter Extraction from PV Modules. Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 4705. IF: 2.5 (SCIE), ISSN: 2076-3417, https://doi.org/10.3390/app13084705.
  7. Biswal, S.; Mishra, P.C. Piston Compression Ring Elastodynamics and Ring–Liner Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication Correlation Analysis. Lubricants 2022, 10, 356. IF: 3.1 (SCIE), ISSN: 2075-4442, https://doi.org/10.3390/lubricants10120356.
  8. Pradhan, S.K.; Kumar, R.; Mishra, P.C. Grey-Fuzzy Hybrid Optimization for Thermohydrodynamic Performance Prediction of Misaligned Rough Elliptic Bore Journal Bearing. Lubricants 2022, 10, 274. IF: 3.1 (SCIE), ISSN: 2075-4442, https://doi.org/10.3390/lubricants10100274.
  9. Mishra, P.C.; Gupta, A.; Samanta, S.; Ishaq, R.B.; Khoshnaw, F. Framework for Energy-Averaged Emission Mitigation Technique Adopting Gasoline-Methanol Blend Replacement and Piston Design Exchange. Energies 2022, 15, 7188. IF: 3.0 (SCIE), ISSN: 1996-1073, https://doi.org/10.3390/en15197188.
  10. Pradhan, S.K.; Kumar, R.; Mishra, P.C. Computer Simulation and Optimization Elliptic Bore Journal Bearing, Tribology in Industry, 44(1):322-333 2022, IF: (SCOPUS), ISSN: 0354-8996, DOI:10.24874/ti.1179.09.21.01.
  11. Mishra, PC, Ishaq, R. and Khoshnaw, F. (2020) Mitigation Strategy of Carbon Dioxide Emissions through Multiple Muffler design exchange and Gasoline-Methanol blend replacement. Journal of Cleaner production, ELSEVIER,286, 125460. IF:11.072(SCI), ISSN: 0959-6526, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.125460.
  12. Roychoudhury A, Banerjee A, Mishra PC, Khoshnaw F (2020) An FEA Material Strength Modelling of a Coated Engine Piston. Materials Today: Proceedings: ELSEVIER. 44(1), pp.1320-1325. IF: (SCOPUS), ISSN: 2214-7853, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2020.11.387.
  13. 14. Pradhan SK, Kumar R, Mishra PC (2020). Material Modeling and Optimization of Rough Elliptic bore Journal bearing. Materials Today: Proceedings: ELSEVIER. 44(1), pp.1021-1027. IF: (SCOPUS), ISSN: 2214-7853, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2020.11.174.
  14. Gupta,A., Mishra, P.C.(2020) Methanol and petrol blended alternate fuel for future sustainable engine: A performance and emission analysis. Measurement, 155. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.measurement.2020.107519   (IF -2.826)
  15. Mishra PC (2020) Thermal Modeling of Thin Lubricant Film Within Piston Compression Ring and Rough Cyliner Liner Conjuction. Front. Mech. Eng. 5:68. doi:10.3389/fmech.2019.00068
  16. Sahu, P., Mishra, P.C. Combine experimental and FEM analysis of adhesive bonded single lap joint with Al-alloy flat adherends and pre-embedded artificial defects. SN Appl. Sci. 1, 1455 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s42452-019-1535-8
  17. Gupta,A., Mishra, P.C.(2019) Optimization of emission characteristics of spark ignition engine with chambered straight muffler running in methanol blend:An engine development technique for environmental sustainability. Journal of Cleaner Production, 238. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.117778 (IF -7.051)
  18. Mishra PC and Kumar S (2019) Modeling for Design Optimization of Piston Crown Geometry Through Structural Strength and Lubrication Performance Correlation Analysis. Front. Mech. Eng. 5:17. doi: 10.3389/fmech.2019.00017 (IF -***) .
  19. Mishra, P.C., Kar, S., Mishra, H.(2018) “Effect of perforation on exhaust performance of a turbo pipe type muffler using methanol and gasoline blended fuel: A step to NOx control” Journal of Cleaner Production, 183,869-879.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2018.02.236  (IF -7.051)
  20. Gupta A. and Mishra P.C. (2017) “Emission and Friction Analysis of IC engine running in Methanol Blend” Oxidation Communications,  41(1) (IF -0.48)
  21. Mishra P.C. (2017) “Computational Fluid Dynamics Model for Geometric Optimisation of Reflective Sound Cancellation Type Exhaust Muffler, Journal of Balkan Tribological Association,4(1310-4772):592 (IF -0.737)
  22. Kumar S. and Mishra P.C. (2016) “ Finite element modeling for structural strength of quadcoptor type multi-mode vehicle” Aerospace Science and Technology 53, pp.252-266. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ast.2016.03.020 (IF -3.001)
  23. Mishra P.C., Kar S, Mishra H, Gupta A (2016) Modeling for combined effect of muffler geometry modification and blended fuel use on exhaust performance of a four stroke engine: A Computational Fluid Dynamics approach” Applied Thermal Engineering ,108(5), pp.1105-1118. DOI: 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2016.08.00   (IF -4.026)
  24. Mishra P.C. (2014) “Modeling for route cause of engine friction loss: Transient elastohydrodynamics of piston compression ring and cylinder liner lubricated contact”Applied Mathematical Modeling, 37(8), pp.5896-5912. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apm.2014.10.011  (IF -3.112)
  25. Mishra P.C.(2012) “Mathematical modeling of stability in rough elliptic bore misaligned journal bearing considering thermal and non-Newtonian effects”Applied Mathematical Modeling, 37(8), pp.5896-5912. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apm.2012.11.020 (IF -3.112)
  26. Mishra, P. C.(2012) “Tribodynamic modeling of piston compression ring and cylinder liner conjunction in high pressure zone of engine cycle” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology: 66(5-8), pp. 1075-1085.DOI:10.1007/s00170-012-4390-y(IF -2.75)
  27. Mishra, P. C.,Rahnejat, H. and King, P.D., (2009) “Tribology of ring-bore conjuction subjected to mixed regime of lubrication” IMechE, Part.C, Journal of Mech.Engg.Sc., 223,pp.987-998. DOI: 10.1243/09544062JMES1220.(IF -1.359)
  28. Mishra, P. C., Rahnejat, H. and Balakrishnan, S., (2008) “Tribology of Piston compression ring and cylinder contact at reversal” IMechE, Part.J,Engineering Tribology, 222(7), pp.815-826. DOI: 10.1243/13506501JET410 (IF -1.137)
  29. Mishra, P. C., (2007) “Thermal Analysis of Elliptic Bore Journal Bearing”Tribology Transaction STLE, 50, pp 137-144.DOI:10.1080/10402000601105573.(IF -1.723)
  30. Mishra, P. C.,Pandey, R.K., Athre, K., (2006)''Temperature Profile of an Elliptic Bore Journal Bearing’’, Tribology International: ELSEVIER, 40, 2007, pp 453- 458.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.triboint.2006.04.009. (IF -3.517)
  31. Mishra P.C. (2011) “Thermal analysis of elliptic bore journal bearing considering shaft misalignment” Tribology Online, Japanese Societies of Tribologists, 6 (5), 239-246. DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.2474/trol.6.239 
  32. Mishra P.C. (2014) “Effect of surface forces on Ultra thin film lubrication” ISRN Tribology: Hindawi:. http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/612195
  33. Mishra P.C.(2013) “Modeling for friction of four stroke four cylinder petrol engine”Tribology in Industry, 35(3), pp.237-245.(SNIP-1.44)
  34. Mishra P.C.(2014) “Analysis of a rough elliptic bore journal bearing using expectancy model of roughness characterization”Tribology in Industry, 36(2), pp.211-219.(SNIP-1.44)
  35. Mishra P.C.(2012) “Isothermal analysis of elliptic bore journal bearing considering isotropic roughness”International Journal of Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering, 12(4), pp.24-31.(SNIP-1.44)
  36. Mishra P.C.(2014) “A review on piston compression ring tribology”Tribology in Industry, 36(3), pp.269-280.(SNIP-1.44)
  37. Mishra P.C.(2015) “FEM analysis for coating strength of a piston compression ring in contact with cylinder line: A Tribodynamic analysis”Tribology in Industry, 37(1), pp.42-54.(SNIP-1.44)
  38. Gupta A. and Mishra P.C. (2017) “Emission and Friction Analysis of IC Engine Running in Methanol Blend” Tribology in Industry , https://doi.org/10.24874/ti.2018.40.01.02   (SNIP -1.44)

National Publications

  1. NIL

International Conferences

  1. A K Acharya, I Panigrahi and Mishra P.C. An Analysis of rear axle failure of tractors used in haulage operation. 2nd KIIT International Symposium on Advances in Automotive Technology, KIIT University, Bhubaneswar, 2013
  2. P C Mishra, I Panigrahi, A K Acharya. Effect of liner roughness on friction between piston compression ring and cylinder liner contact. 2nd KIIT International Symposium on Advances in Automotive Technology, KIIT University, Bhubaneswar, Dec. 2013.
  3. Mishra P.C. Automotive tribodynamics using contour maping technique. 1st KIIT International Symposium on Advances in Automotive Technology, KIIT University, Bhubaneswar, Jan. 2013.
  4. Rahnejat, H., King, P.D., Balakrishna, S., Mishra, P.C., Howell-Smith, S. and Teodorescu, M.  Mitigating against friction in high performance engines. Tribology in motor sports, IOP and IMechE conference-2008, BP-Castrol R&D centre, Pengburn, UK. 2008
  5. Mishra, P. C., Rahnejat, H. and King, P.D. Performance analysis of compression ring– cylinder liner conjunction in high pressure zone of engine cycle. 36th Leeds-Lyon symposium in Tribology-2008, INSA DE LYON, FRANCE, 2008.
  6. Mishra, P. C., Rahnejat, H. and King, P.D. Tribology of Compression ring-to-liner conjuction. Focus on reciprocating seals: Exploring the latest development and their application. Woburn House, London. 25th June 2008.


  1. NIL
  1. Mishra, P. C., Rahnejat, H. and King, P.D. (2010) “Tribology of piston compression ring” Woodhead publishing, Cambridge, UK: ISBN: 13: 978 1 84569 361 9.
  2. Mishra, P. C., Rahnejat, H. “Tribology of big end bearing” (2010) Woodhead publishing, Cambridge, UK: ISBN: 13: 978 1 84569 361 9.
  1. Convener, 1st and 2nd and 3rd KIIT International Symposium on advances in Automotive Technology-2013,14(KIIT SAAT-2013,14) (Link:http://www.kiit.ac.in/kiitsaat/)
  2. Research Co-ordinator, School of Mechanical Engineering, KIIT University (Till: 5/11/2012).
  3. In-charge of Research and Consultancy SME, KIIT University (in past).
  4. Member of Research Selection Committee, SME, KIIT University.
  5. Centre Superintendent of supplementary examination-June-2011, SME, KIIT
  6. Member, Board of studies, School of Mechanical Engineering, KIIT University.
  7. Faculty-in-Charge of Green Engine Technology Center, SME KIIT University
  8. Member, Central Technical Purchase Committee, KIIT University
  9. Warden, Atri Hall of Residence, VSSUT Burla
  10. Member, Board of Studies, ME department, VSSUT Burla


Present Address : 
Department of Mechanical Engineering , VSSUT Burla
  Permanent Address : 
Flat-206, Saptarshi Home,Patia, Bhubaneswar-751024