ବୀର ସୁରେନ୍ଦ୍ର ସାଏ ବୈଷୟିକ ବିଶ୍ୱବିଦ୍ୟାଳୟ

वीर सुरेंद्र साई प्रौद्योगिकी विश्वविद्यालय

Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology


Dr. Mihir Kumar Sutar

Assistant Professor

Qualification : B.Tech. (IGIT Sarang), M.Tech. NIT Rourkela, PhD: Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee

Specialization : Machine Design and Analysis, Robotics

B.Tech. (IGIT Sarang), M.Tech. NIT Rourkela, PhD: Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee

Machine Design and Analysis, Robotics

1. Teaching: 12 Years
2. Research: 12 Years

Graduate Level :
  1. Mechanics of Solids
  2. Machine Design I
  3. Machine Design II
  4. Machine Dynamics II
  5. Engineering Mechanics 
Post Graduate Level :
  1. Mechanical Vibration Analysis
  2. Composite Materials
  3. Experimental Stress Analysis
  4. Automatic Control Systems

  1. Machine Design and Dynamics
  2. Fault Diagnosis
  3. Robotics
  4. Composite/Functionally Graded Material

Ph. D. Candidates : 01 (On goining)
M. Tech. Candidates : 09 (completed )
  1. One of the journal paper entitled “Forward kinematic analysis of in-vivo robot for stomach biopsy” has received that top 20 articles in the journal.
Life Time Member of Institute of Engineers India Ltd.
  1. Seed Grant Project from TEQIP III of ₹ 50,000/- (2021)
  2. Seed Grant Project from TEQIP III of ₹ 1,00,000/- (2016)

International Publications

  1. Ramya Prakash Sahu, Mihir Kumar Sutar, Sarojrani Pattnaik (2021). "A Generalized Finite Element Approach towards the Free Vibration Analysis of Non-uniform Axially Functionally Graded Beam". Scientia Iranica, SCI, Impact Factor: 1.435, paper accepted for publication.
  2. Sarojrani Pattnaik, Mihir Kumar Sutar (2021). "Enhancement of Ceramic Slurry Rheology in Investment Casting Process". Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (2021), https://doi.org/10.1007/s13369-021-05834-x. SCI, Impact Factor:2.334.
  3. Sarojrani Pattnaik, Mihir Kumar Sutar (2021). "Influence of Ultra- Sonic Drilling on Colloidal Silica Based Ceramic Moulds for Investment Casting". Sillicon, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12633-021- 01166-5. SCI, Impact Factor:2.670.
  4. Sarojrani Pattnaik, Mihir Kumar Sutar (2021) "Effect of Saw Dust Content on Slurry Rheology and Mechanical Properties of the Investment Casting Ceramic Shell". International Journal of Metalcasting, vol. 15, pp. 470–487, https://doi.org/10.1007/s40962- 020-00478-3. SCI, Impact Factor: 1.805.
  5. Sarojrani Pattnaik, Mihir Kumar Sutar (2021). "Advanced Taguchi- Neural Network Prediction Model for Wire Electrical Discharge Machining Process". Advanced Taguchi-Neural Network Prediction Model for Wire Electrical Discharge Machining Process. Process Integration and Optimization for Sustainability, vol.5, pp. 159–172. https://doi.org/10.1007/s41660-020-00148-1. (Scopus).
  6. Satyajit Dwivedi, Sarojrani Pattnaik, Mihir Kumar Sutar (2021). "Tensile properties and regression analysis of natural fiber and intralaminar mat reinforcement". Materials Today: Proceedings, vol. 44(1), pp. 1783-1787. (Scopus).
  7. Sarojrani Pattnaik, Mihir Kumar Sutar (2021). "Analysis of surface roughness of high carbon steel by WEDM". Materials Today: Proceedings, vol. 44(1), pp. 1765-1769. (Scopus).
  8. Prafulla Kumar Sahoo, Sarojrani Pattnaik, Mihir Kumar Sutar (2021). "Investigation of the Foundry Properties of the Locally Available Sands for Metal Casting". Sillicon, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12633-020-00677-x. SCI, Impact Factor:2.670.
  9. Mihir Kumar Sutar, Abinash Nayak. (2020). "Composites and Effects of Discontinuities on Its Performance: A Review", Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series C, vol. 101, pp. 203-217. (Scopus).
  10. Prafulla Kumar Sahoo*, Sarojrani Pattnaik, Mihir Kumar Sutar (2020). Investigation on the Influence of Different Additives on Properties of Green Sand Mould. Materials Science Forum, Vol. 978, pp. 29-33. (Scopus).
  11. Prafulla Kumar Sahoo*, Sarojrani Pattnaik, Mihir Kumar Sutar (2019). "A State-of-the-Art Review on Manufacturing and Additive Influences on Sand-Cast Components". Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Vol. 44, pp. 9805-9835. SCI, Impact Factor: 2.334.
  12. Mihir Kumar Sutar, Pushpraj Mani Pathak (2019). Hybrid trajectory/force control strategy for the in vivo robot during stomach biopsy, Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering volume 41, 440, https://doi.org/10.1007/s40430-019- 1954-x, SCI, Impact Factor: 2.22.
  13. Madan Mohan Behera, Sarojrani Pattnaik, Mihir Kumar Sutar (2019). "Thermo-mechanical analysis of investment casting ceramic shell: A case study". Measurement, Vol. 147:106805. SCI, Impact Factor:3.927.
  14. Prabhat Pradhan, Mihir Kumar Sutar, Sarojrani Pattnaik (2019). "A state of the art in Functionally Graded Materials and their Analysis". Materials Today: Proceedings, Vol. 18(7), pp. 3931-3936. (Scopus).
  15. Sasmita Kar, Saojrani Pattnaik, Mihir Kumar Sutar (2019). "Development of Pseudo ductile behavior of carbon fiber reinforced composites-An Overview". Materials Today: Proceedings, Vol. 18(7), pp. 4315-4321. (Scopus).
  16. Alok Ranjan Pradhan, Sarojrani Pattnaik, Mihir Kumar Sutar (2019). "Improving the Filling System for a Defect Free Casting: A Review". Materials Today: Proceedings, Vol. 18(7), pp. 2887-2892. (Scopus).
  17. Sarojrani Pattnaik, Mihir Kumar Sutar (2019). "Graphene Base Nanocomposites: An overview". Materials Today: Proceedings, Vol. 18(7), pp. 5432-5437. (Scopus).
  18. Mihir Kumar Sutar, Sarojrani Pattnaik (2015). “Neural Based Controller for Smart Detection of Crack in Cracked Cantilever Beam”, Materials Today: Proceedings, vol. 2(4-5), pp. 2648-2653. (Scopus).
  19. Sarojrani Pattnaik, Mihir Kumar Sutar (2015). “Multi Objective Optimization of the EMS processed IC by Grey-Fuzzy Method”, Materials Today: Proceedings, vol. 2(4-5), pp. 2555-2563, 2015. (Scopus).
  20. Mihir Kumar Sutar, Pushpraj Mani Pathak, A.K. Sharma, N.K. Mehta, V.K. Gupta (201). “Inverse Kinematic and Control of 4- Degree of Freedom Wire Actuated In-Vivo Robot,” Journal of Systems and Control Engineering, vol. 229(2), pp.77-91, 2015, SCI, Impact Factor- 1.714.
  21. A. Garg, C.S. Vikram, S. Gupta, Mihir Kumar Sutar, P.M. Pathak, A.K. Sharma, N.K. Mehta, V.K. Gupta (2014). “Design and Development of In-Vivo Robot for Biopsy,” Journal of Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines, vol. 42, pp. 278-295, 2014, SCI, Impact Factor – 2.286.
  22. Mihir Kumar Sutar, P.M. Pathak, A.K. Sharma, N.K. Mehta, V.K. Gupta, (2013). “Forward Kinematic Analysis of In- Vivo Robot for Stomach Biopsy,” Journal of Robotic Surgery, vol. (7), pp. 281- 287. (Scopus)
  23. L. Sardan, Mihir Kumar Sutar, P.M. Pathak (2013). “A Geometric Approach for Inverse Kinematics of a 4-link Redundant Manipulator,” Robotics & Autonomous System, vol. 61(12), pp. 1306-1313. SCI, Impact Factor- 3.12.
  24. Mihir Kumar Sutar (2012). “Finite Element Analysis of a Cracked Cantilever Beam”, International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Studies, vol.1 (2), pp. 285-289, 2012.
  25. Mihir Kumar Sutar, D.R.K. Parhi (2010). “Smart Detection of Damage in a Cracked Cantilever Beam using Artificial Intelligence”. Noise & Vibration Worldwide, vol. 41 (5), pp. 26- 36. (Scopus).
  26. Mihir Kumar Sutar, Sarojrani Pattnaik (2010). “Vibration Characteristics of a Cracked Cantilever Beam under Free Vibration,” Noise & Vibration Worldwide, vol. 41(9), pp. 16- 21 (Scopus).
  27. Sarojrani Pattnaik, Mihir Kumar Sutar (2010). "Supply Chain Integration in Relation to Manufacturing," International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Industrial Engineering, vol. 1 (1), pp.79- 84.
  1. Mihir Kumar Sutar, P.M. Pathak (2017). “Bond graph Modelling and Control of Hyper-Redundant Miniature Robot for In-Vivo Biopsy”, Bond Graphs for Modelling, Control and Fault Diagnosis of Engineering Systems By Ing. W. Borutzky, pp. 451-495, Springer Publication, doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-47434-2_13.
  1. TEQIP Sponsored Faculty Development Programme on “Product Manufacturing and Analysis: Inculcation of Newer Methodologies” PMAINM-2020, (9th – 13th September, 2020), Mechanical Engineering Department, VSSUT Burla.
  2. Organizing Secretary of Workshop on Advances in Mechanical Engineering (AME-2015), Department of Mechanical Engineering, VSSUT, BURLA, 10th -11th July, 2015.
  3. Coordinator of QIP Short Term Course on Eclectic Modelling and Analysis Techniques in Mechanical Engineering (EMATME-2016), Department of Mechanical Engineering, VSSUT, BURLA, 11th -16th April, 2016.
  4. Co-convener of TEQIP Sponsored Two Days National Workshop on Technical Advancement in Manufacturing and Processing of New Materials (TAMPNM-2016), Department of Mechanical Engineering, VSSUT, BURLA, 9th -10th April, 2016.
  1. Coordinator, SRIC Office, VSSUT Burla, 2015 to till date.
  2. Faculty Advisor Dramatic Club, VSSUT Burla 2016-17 and 2017-18.
  3. Member, Deptt. Board of Studies, Mechanical Engineering, VSSUT Burla since January, 2016 till date.
  4. PIC, Time Table Committee, Department of Mechanical Engineering, VSSUT Burla, 2016-2018.
  5. PIC of Materials Testing Laboratory, Department of Mechanical Engineering, VSSUT Burla since 16th February, during 2015-2019 and from 2021 till date.
  6. Faculty Advisor of Mechanical Engineering Society, VSSUT Burla from 2015 to 2018 and from 2019 to till date.
  7. Assistant Warden, Vasistha Hall of Resident, VSSUT during 201-2017.
  8. Dept. NAAC Committee Member, Mechanical Engineering, VSSUT Burla since 05th February, 2015 till date.

Invited Lectures

  1. Design, Development and control of in-vivo robot for stomach biopsy, Department of Mechanical Engineering, PMEC Berhampur, 27th January, 2017
  2. In-Vivo Robotic Surgery: A Review, National Seminar on Recent Advancement in Mechanical Engineering Materials, RAMEEM-2016, GITA Bhubaneswar, 29-30th April, 2016.
  3. Some basics of Bond Graph Modeling in Robotics, QIP Short Term Course on Eclectic Modeling and Analysis Techniques in Mechanical Engineering, EMATME, VSSUT Burla, 11th – 16th April, 2016.
  4. Modelling of Surgical Robot: A case Study, QIP Short Term Course on Eclectic Modelling and Analysis Techniques in Mechanical Engineering, EMATME, VSSUT Burla, 11th – 16th April, 2016.
  5. Advances in Surgical Robotics: A Case Study, TEQIP Sponsored Two days National Workshop on Advances in Mechanical Engineering (AME- 2015), 10th – 11th July, 2015.

Journals Reviewed

  1. Design Development and Analysis of Centrifugal Blower, Paper ID- IEIC-D-15-00119, Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series C.
  2. Experimental Investigation of the damping behaviour of the particle damping in the transient vibration, Paper ID- IEIC-D-00226, Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series C.

Editorial Board Member of Journal

  1. Journal of Advancements in Robotics

Conferences/Seminars/Workshops/Short-term Course Attended

  1. International Workshop on “Recent Trends in Mathematics & Applications”, (IWRTMA-2016), 1st – 2nd August, 2016, VSSUT Burla
  2. National Seminar on “Recent Advancement in Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Materials”, (RAMEEM-2016), 29th – 30th April, 2016, GITA Bhubaneswar.
  3. QIP Short Term Course on “Recent Advances in Manufacturing Engineering”, (RAME-2016), 18th – 23rd April, 2016, VSSUT Burla.
  4. TEQIP Sponsored Two days National Conference on “Technological Advancement in Manufacturing & Processing of New Materials”, (TAMPNM-2016), 9th – 10th April, 2016.
  5. QIP Short Term Course on “Intelligent Robotics, Contol & Communication”, (IRCC), 04th – 09th April, 2016, VSSUT Burla.
  6. Two Days Workshop on “Recent Trends in Industrial & Mechanical Engineering”, 12th – 13th March, 2016, VSSUT Burla.
  7. Workshop on “Ubiquitous Computing”, 31st January, 2016, VSSUT Burla.
  8. Workshop on “Management Capacity- A Technical Education Perspective”, 29th – 30th January, 2016, VSSUT Burla.
  9. Gian Initiative for Academic Network initiated Course on “Special Topics in Robotics”, 7th – 21st December, 2015, IIT Kharagpur.
  10. QIP Short Term Course on “Advances in Manufacturing Systems and Processes”, 30th November– 5th December, 2015, VSSUT Burla.
  11. National Seminar on “Recent Advancement in Material Sciences”, 14th – 15th November, 2015, VSSUT Burla.
  12. Recent Advances in Civil Engineering (RACE-2K15), 7th – 8th November, 2015, VSST Burla.
  13. Short Term Training Programme on “Design of Experiments: An Optimisation Tool”, (DOEOT-2014), 22nd – 25th December, 2014, NIT Rourkela.
  14. International Conference “1st International & 16th National Conference on Machines and Mechanisms”, (iNaCoMM-2013), 18th -20th December, 2013, IIT Roorkee.
  15. Short Term Course on “Technical Paper Writing”, 14th – 15th May, 2010, IIT Roorkee.
  16. Staff Development Programme on “Advances in Planning & Quality Control in Manufacturing & Service Organization”, 13th – 25th July, 2009.
  17. National Workshop on “Simulation, Modelling & Control”, 1st – 2nd February, 2008.
  18. AICTE-ISTE Sponsored Short Term Training Programme on “Energy Sources: Its Conservation & Management”, (ESCM-2008), 23rd – 28th June, 2008, IGIT Sarang.
  19. National Conference on “Recent Trends in Soft Computing”, 19th – 20th January, 2008.
  20. National Workshop on “Finite & Boundary Element Methods in Engineering”, 27th Feb.- 1st March, 2007, SIET Dhenkanal.
  21. National Symposium on “Decent Developments in Industrial Maintenance Management”, 22nd April, 2006.
  22. Course on “UNIGRAPHICS”, 14th May- 13th June, 2005, CTTC Bhubaneswar.
  • Software Skills
    • Modelling Software
      • SOLIDWORKS 2015
      • CATIA
      • ProE
      • Unigraphics
    • Analysis Software
      • ANSYS 14
      • Abaqus
      • ADAMS
Present Address : 
Department of Mechanical Engineering, VSSUT Burla, Odisha.
  Permanent Address : 
Housing board colony, Plot No. 20/1 Chandrasekharpur, Bhubaneswar, Odisha