ବୀର ସୁରେନ୍ଦ୍ର ସାଏ ବୈଷୟିକ ବିଶ୍ୱବିଦ୍ୟାଳୟ

वीर सुरेंद्र साई प्रौद्योगिकी विश्वविद्यालय

Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology


Dr. Jyoti Ranjan Mohanty


Qualification : BE-IGIT, Sarang, ME-REC Rourkela, PhD- NIT Rourkela

Specialization : Machine Design; Fatigue & Fracture; Composite Material

BE-IGIT, Sarang, ME-REC Rourkela, PhD- NIT Rourkela

Machine Design; Fatigue & Fracture; Composite Material

27 Years

Graduate Level : Machine Design; Mechanical engineering measurement & control; Advanced mechanics of solids; Machine dynamics
Post Graduate Level : Fatigue, Creep & Fracture; Composite materials; Automatic control system; Advanced theory of machines & mechanisms

Natural fibre composite; Fatigue & Fracture

Ph. D. Candidates : 02 (completed); 03 (continuing)
M. Tech. Candidates : 16 (completed); 01 (continuing)
Life Member, Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE)
  1. Principal Investigator of DRDO Project-ERIP/ER/1203119/M/01 - 2014, “ Development of ultrasonic absorbent composite material using date palm leaf fiber”, 7.358 Lacs.
  2. Co-investigator of DRDO Project-ERIP/ER/1203150/M/01 - 2015, “Study of propagation of ultrasonic waves in solvent mixture used in preparation of natural fiber from agricultural wastes”, 8.285Lacs.

International Publications

  1. Subhakanta Nayak & Jyoti Ranjan Mohanty (2017): Optimization of operating parameters for abrasion of areca sheath reinforced polymer composite: grey based Taguchi approach, Int J Plast Technol, DOI: 10.1007/s12588-017-9198-z.
  2. Subhakanta Nayak & Jyoti Ranjan Mohanty (2018): Study of Mechanical, Thermal, and Rheological Properties of Areca Fiber-Reinforced Polyvinyl Alcohol Composite, Journal of Natural Fibers, DOI: 10.1080/15440478.2018.1432000.
  3. Subhakanta Nayak & Jyoti Ranjan Mohanty (2018): Influence of chemical treatment on tensile strength, water absorption, surface morphology, and thermal analysis of areca sheath fibers, Journal of Natural Fibers, DOI: 10.1080/15440478.2018.1430650.
  4. Subhakanta Nayak & Jyoti Ranjan Mohanty (2018): Polyvinyl Chloride Reinforced with Areca Sheath Fiber Composites—An Experimental Study, Journal of Natural Fibers, DOI: 10.1080/15440478.2018.1534186
  5. Subhakanta Nayak & Jyoti Ranjan Mohanty (2018):Tribological behaviour of benzoyl chloride modified areca sheath fiber reinforced polymer composits, Indian Journal of Fiber & Textile Research, CSIR, NISCAIR.
  6. Pradeep K Jena, Subhakanta Nayak & Jyoti Ranjan Mohanty (2019): The effect of chemical treatment on the properties of vetiver fiber: A potential candidate as reinforcement in composite fabrication, Journal of Natural Fibers.
  7. J R Mohanty. Prediction of Fatigue Life of 8090 Al-Alloy Using Beta Mode. International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology, 2017:6(2):56-60.
  8. Mohanty JR, Verma BB, Ray PK. Evaluation of overload-induced fatigue crack growth retardation parameters using an exponential model. Engineering Fracture Mechanics; Elsevier; 2008;75(13):3941–3951.
  9. Mohanty JR, Verma BB, Ray PK. Prediction of fatigue crack growth and residual life using an exponential model: Part I (constant amplitude loading). International Journal of Fatigue; Elsevier; 2009;31:418–424.
  10. Mohanty JR, Verma BB, Ray PK. Prediction of fatigue crack growth and residual life using an exponential model: Part II (mode-I overload induced retardation). International Journal of Fatigue; Elsevier; 2009;31:425–432.
  11. Mohanty JR, Verma BB, Ray PK. Prediction of fatigue life with interspersed mode-I and mixed mode (I & II) overloads by an exponential model: Extensions and Improvements. Engineering Fracture Mechanics; Elsevier; 2009;76:454–468.
  12. Mohanty JR, Verma BB, Ray PK, Parhi DRK. Application of artificial neural network for Predicting fatigue crack propagation life of aluminum alloys. ARCHIVES of Computational Materials science and Surface Engineering; 2009;1(3):133-138.
  13. Mohanty JR, Verma BB, Ray PK, Parhi DRK. Prediction of residual fatigue life under interspersed mixed mode (I and II) overloads by Artificial Neural Network. Fatigue Fracture Engineering Material Structure; Blackwell; 2009;32:1020-1031.
  14. Mohanty JR, Verma BB, Ray PK. Determination of fatigue crack growth rate from experimental data: A new approach. International Journal of Microstructure and Materials properties; Inder science; 2010;5(1):79–87.
  15. Mohanty JR, Verma BB, Ray PK, Parhi DRK. Application of artificial neural network for fatigue life prediction under interspersed mode-I spike overload. Journal of Testing & evaluation; ASTM; 2010;38(2):1–11.
  16. Mohanty JR, Verma BB, Ray PK, Parhi DRK. Application of adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system in modeling   fatigue life under interspersed mode-I overload. Expert System with Application; 2010;37:3075–3087.
  17. Mohanty JR, Verma BB, Ray PK, Parhi DRK. Application of adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system in modeling fatigue life under interspersed mixed-mode (I and II) spike overload. Expert System with Application; 2011;38(10):12302–12311.
  18. Mohanty JR, Das SN, Das HC, Swain SK. Effective Mechanical Properties of Polyvinylalcohol Biocomposites with Reinforcement of Date Palm Leaf Fibers. Polymer composite; 2013; 34(6):959-966
  19. Mohanty, J.R.; Das, S.N.; Das, H.C.; Swain, S.K. Effect of chemically modified date palm leaf fiber on mechanical, thermal and rheological properties of polyvinyl pyrrolidone. Fibers & Polymers. 2014, 15(5):1062-1070.
  20. Sahu, V.K.; Anil kumar, J.K.S.; Mohanty, J.R.; Verma, B.B.; Ray, P.K. Effect of low-temperature overload on fatigue crack growth retardation and prediction of post overload fatigue life. Aerospace Science & Technology. 2014, 33(1):100-106.
  21. Mohanty, J.R.; Das, S.N.; Das, H.C. Tribological behavior of acrylic acid modified date palm leaf reinforced polyvinyl alcohol composite. Tribology Transaction. 2014, 57:546-552.
  22. Mohanty, J.R.; Das, S.N.; Das, H.C. Effect of fiber content on abrasive wear behavior of date palm leaf reinforced polyvinyl pyrrolidone composite. ISRN Tribology, 2014, 10.1155/2014/453924
  23. Mohanty, J.R.; Das, S.N.; Das, H.C., Mahanta, T.K., Ghadei, S.B. Solid particle erosion of date palm leaf fiber reinforced polyvinyl alcohol composites. Advances in Tribology, 2014, 10.1155/2014/293953.
  24. Mohanty, J.R.; Mahanta, T.K.; Mohanty, A.; Thatoi, D.N. Prediction of constant amplitude fatigue crack growth life of 2024 T3 Al-alloy with R-ratio effect by GP. Applied Soft Computing, 2015:26:428-434.
  25. Niladri Sarkar, Gyanaranjan Sahoo, Tanmayee Khuntia, Proxima Priyadarsini, Jyoti Ranjan Mohanty, Sarat K. Swain. Fabrication of Acrylic Modified Coconut Fiber Reinforced Polypropylene Biocomposites: Study of Mechanical, Thermal, and Erosion Properties. Polymer Composites, 2015: DOI: 10.1002/pc.23887.I.F-2.004.
  26. Jyoti R Mohanty. Investigation on solid particle erosion behavior of date palm leaf fiberreinforced polyvinyl pyrrolidone composites. Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials, 2016: DOI: 10.1177/0892705715614079, 1-14.
  27. J R Mohanty. Prediction of post overload fatigue crack growth life of HSLA steel under mixed-mode (I and II) spike overload by using genetic programming. International Journal of Engineering and Computer Science, 2016:5(11):18856-18870: doi: 10.18535/ijecs/v5i11.25.
  28. J R Mohanty. Genetic programming approach to predict mode-I overload-induced fatigue life of aluminum alloys. International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 2016:41(1):85-89: doi: 10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V41P216.
  29. J R Mohanty. Prediction of post-overload fatigue crack growth life of 7075 Al-alloy under mixed-mode (I and II) spike overload using a BP artificial neural network. International Journal of Scientific Research and Education, 2016:4(11):6024-6031: doi: 10.18535/ijsre/v4i11.05.
  30. J R Mohanty. Fatigue Crack Growth Life Prediction of 6061 Al-Alloy under Load Ratio Effect by Using ANFIS. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 2016:3(11):199-204: doi: 10.22161/ijaers/3.11.30.
  31. P. Mahana, N. Prasada, J R Mohanty. Fresh Martensite Formation from Reversed Austenite Phase in Medium Manganese Steel During Intercritical Annealing. Transylvanian Review, 2016:XXIV(11):841-849: ISSN: 1221-1249.
  32. J R Mohanty. Fatigue Life Prediction of 6082 T651 Al-alloy under Low Temperature Spike Overload by ANFIS. International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, 2016:5(12):21036-21043: doi: 10.15680/IJIRSET.2016.0512155.
  33. J R Mohanty. Low Temperature Fatigue Crack Growth Test and Life Estimation of 7475-T7351 Al-ally by ANN. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 2016:3(12):19932-19935: doi: org/10.22161/ijaers/3.12.48.
  34. J R Mohanty. Constant amplitude fatigue crack growth life prediction of 8090 Al-alloy by ANFIS. International Journal of Engineering and Computer Science, 2017:6(1):19932-19935: doi: 10.18535/ijecs/v6i1.13.
  35. J Dehury, J R Mohanty, S Biswas, V BhagaT. Physical, Mechanical and Water Absorption Behavior of Bi-Directional Jute/Glass Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Composites. International Journal of Engineering Research, 2017:6(1):1-6: doi: 10.18535/ijecs/v6i1.13.
  36. J R Mohanty. Low temperature fatigue crack growth life prediction of SA312 type 304L steel by using genetic programming. International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development, 2017:4(1):49-55: doi: 10.21090/IJAERD.04018.
  37. J R Mohanty. Prediction of Fatigue Life of 8090 Al-Alloy Using Beta Mode. International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology, 2017:6(2):56-60.
  38. J R Mohanty. Modelling of Fatigue life of 6082 T6 Al-alloy based on Genetic Programming. International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, 2016:6(1):300-308: doi: 10.15680/IJIRSET.2017.0601051.

National Publications

  1. Mohanty, J.R.; Das, H.C.; Mohanty, A.C. A comparative study of fatigue life prediction of 7020 Al-alloy under load ratio effect. Indian Journal of Engineering & Materials Sciences, 2014:21:179-188.

International Conferences

  1. P. K. Jen, J R Mohanty, S. Nayak, Chemical Treatment of Vetiver Grass Fibers and Their Effect on Tensile Strength, National Seminar on Recent Advances inProduction Engineering & Engineering Design, RAPEED-2018, ABIT, Cuttack, December 27-28, pp. 40-46, 2018.
  2. S. Nayak, J R Mohanty, Effect of Surface modification of areca sheath fibers on water absorption, National Seminar on Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering, RAME-2017, CEB, Bhubaneswar, December 15-16, pp. 31-38, 2017.
  3. Anil K Sai, J R Mohanty, B B Verma, P K Ray, Effect of low-temperature overload on fatigue crack growth retardation, Annual conference of The Metals and Minerals Society (TMS), Washington State Convention Center, Seattle, USA, Feb 14-18, 2010.
  4. Arvind Joni, P. K. Ray, J. R. Mohanty, B. B. Verma. Comparison of constants in wheeler model under single overload and spot heating conditions.Proc. of National Conf. on Emerging Trends in Nano Technology and Innovations in Design and Manufacturing, N.I.T, Rourkela, Feb 18-19, 2006, p 323-339.
  5. J.R. Mohanty, Arvind Joni, P. K. Ray, B. B. Verma. Determination of crack coefficients for a single edge-notch tension specimen using FRANC2D program. Recent Trends in Mechatronics, Nanotechnology and Robotics, RTMNR-2006, April 15-16, 2006, N.I.T, Rourkela, p 742-751.
  6. Mohanty JR, Verma BB, Ray PK. Prediction of residual life of HSLA steel under constant amplitude fatigue loading interspersed with spike load. Proceedings of NCMSTA’08 Conference National Conference on Mechanism Science and Technology: from Theory to Application. November 13-14, 2008; National Institute of Technology, Hamirpur; p 510-519.
  7. J R Mohanty, B B Verma, P K Ray, Evaluation of fatigue life using an exponential model, National Seminar on Advances  in Materials Technology NSAMT-09, NIFFT, Ranchi, March 05-06, 2009.
  8. S. Nayak, J R Mohanty, Chemical treatment of areca sheath fibers and their effect on tensile strength, National Seminar on Recent Advancement in Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Materials, RAMEEM-16, GITA, Bhubaneswar, April 29-30, pp. 82-85, 2016.
  1. One day seminar on “Text classification methods using N.L.P computed linguistics & use cases” delivered by Mr. Sobhan Hota; Data Scientist, SUA, on 17/01/2013
  2. One day seminar on “Pattern Design, Copy right, Trade mark, Trade secret, Valuation & Licensing” delivered by Er. Sameer Panda, on 13/02/2013
  3. One day seminar on “Odiya Wikipedia” delivered by Mr. G. Pothal, Research consultant, SRIC, IIT, Kharagpur, on 26/07/2013
  4. One day seminar on “Carbon foot print & Global warming” delivered by Dr. A. K. Patra, IIT, Kharagpur, on 08/10/2013
  5. One day seminar on “Nano-Technology” delivered by Prof. (Dr.) K. L. Chopra (Padmashri), Former Director, IIT, Kharagpur, on 17/12/2013
  6. One day seminar on “Cyber Physical System” delivered by Prof. (Dr.) L. N. Pattanaik, Rtd. Dean, I. I. Sc., Bangalore, on 17/12/2013
  7. Two days national level workshop on “Recent Trends in Industrial & Mechanical Engineering RTIME-2016” held on 12th & 13th March’2016 at VSSUT, Burla.
Prof-in-charge University seminar; Warden; Member University Examination Committee; Vice-president ISTE
  1. Special training on LabVIEW at SRM University by NI India Ltd.
  2. Special training on Industrial Hydraulics at Ahmadabad by Bosch-Rexroth Ltd
  3. Life member ISTE
Present Address : 
Qr. No. 3R/25; VSSUT, Burla. Mechanical Engg. Department VSSUT, Burla, Sambalpur Odisha
  Permanent Address : 
Qr. No. 3R/25; VSSUT, Burla. Mechanical Engg. Department VSSUT, Burla, Sambalpur Odisha