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वीर सुरेंद्र साई प्रौद्योगिकी विश्वविद्यालय

Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology


Prof. Jaydev Rana


Qualification : BE (HONS)- UCE BURLA -1992, ME (HONS)- UCE BURLA- 1994, Phd - IIT kharagpur (2001)

Specialization : Production Engg.

BE (HONS)- UCE BURLA -1992, ME (HONS)- UCE BURLA- 1994, Phd - IIT kharagpur (2001)

Production Engg.

29 Years

Graduate Level :
  1. Introduction to Mechanics of Solids
  2. Fluid Power Engineering
  3. Dynamics of Machines
  4. Principles of Machine Tools
  5. Non -Traditional Manufacturing
  6. Industrial Management
  7. Heat Power Engineering
  8. Machine Design-I
  9. Theory of Metal Forming
  10. Metal Casting and Welding
  11. Manufacturing Science and Technology – I
  12. Inspection and Quality Assurance Engineering
  13. Inspections and Metrology
  14. Metrology Quality Control and Reliability
  15. Production and Operation Management
  16. Entrepreneurship
  17. Manufacturing Science and Technology - II
  18. Industrial Engineering and Operation Research
  19. Operation Management
  20. Basic Manufacturing Processes
Post Graduate Level : Industrial Engineering, Modern Manufacturing Methods, Theory of Plasticity and metal Forming, Rapid Prototyping, Laser Processing of Materials, Thermal Power Plant, Operation Management

  1. Broad research area is in the field of non-traditional machining. I have started my M.E thesis in 1993 on Electro Discharge Machining (EDM) where, I had developed a simplified thermal model on EDM. Subsequently, I had done my Ph.D. work on laser transformation hardening at IIT Kharagpur. In this field, I had developed a numerical model to predict the hardness at any depth of a low carbon steel specimen due to interaction of a particular set of laser and process parameters (i.e. spot size of beam, power of beam and scanning velocity of beam). Besides this, some experimental works had been done to validate the model as well as to search for a new structure due to laser heat treatment on a low carbon steel specimen.
  2. During the period of teaching profession, I have guided many B-Tech, M-Tech students for their projects in the field of nontraditional machining, conventional and nonconventional process optimization (single response and multi-responses). production and performance testing of biodiesel, harnessing of solar energy for domestic use. I have guided four Ph.D. scholars in the field of non-conventional machining. Presently, three other research scholars are continuing their Ph.D. works in the field of Wire-EDM and ECDM.

Ph. D. Candidates : 04
M. Tech. Candidates : 25
  1. Awarded Honours degree both in B.E and M.E.
  2. Awarded NCC ‘B’ certificate in Aug. 1990
  3. Awarded NCC ‘C’ certificate in Aug. 1991
  1. Life member in Indian Society of Technical Education. (No. LM-34629)
  2. Life member of Institution of Engineers (India) (No : M-137657-2)
  1. In the capacity of H.O.D. : I was looking after for the purchase and installation of two major equipments (i.e. Instron make UTM of 10 ton capacity and Piezo-electric Force Dynamometer) costing Rs 55 lakhs funded by DST-FIST (from February 2009 to July 2014).
  2. AICTE - MODROB project costing Rs 7.56 lakhs for “Modernization of Materials Research Laboratory” (2010-2013).
  3. AICTE - MODROB project costing Rs 2.8 lakhs for “Machining Performance Evalution of CVD/PVD Coated Carbide Al2O3 ceramics and CBN/Diamond cutting tool inserts”. (in June 2014).

International Publications

  1. Rana J., Mishra P.K and Prasad B.V.S.S.S., "A Transient Three Dimensional Thermal Model for Laser Heat Treatment of Finite Size Work pieces’’ Journal of Materials Processing and Manufacturing Science, Vol-5, April, 1997, pp 283-293.
  2. Rana J., Prasad B.V.S.S.S and Mishra P.K., "Case Hardening of Laser Treated Steel Specimen Using Energy Integral Method". Journal of Materials Processing and Manufacturing Science, Vol-6, Jan, 1998, pp229-238.
  3. Rana J., Goswami G.L., Jha S.K., Mishra P.K. and Prasad B. V.S.S.S. "Experimental studies on the microstructure and hardness of laser-treated steel specimens". Journal of Optics and Laser Technology, Vol- 39, 2007, pp 385-393.
  4. Rana J., Suar S. and Bhoi R.K., "Optimization of Process Parameters in Laser Drilling Using Taguchi Technique", International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Research, Vol-4, No. 1-2, Jan- June 2008, pp. 77-78.
  5. Rana J., Prasad B.V.S.S.S. and Mishra P.K., "Optimization of Process parameters for CO2 Laser transformation hardening", Published in International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Research, Vol. 4, No. 3-4, July- Dec, 2008, pp. 75-81.
  6. Rana J. and Pradhan P., "Optimization of Process Parameters for Ductile and Brittle materials in Surface Grinding", Published in the International Journal for Manufacturing Technology and Research, Vol. 5, No. 1-2, Jan-July, 2009, pp. 74-80.
  7. Pradhan P., Rana J and Mishra C., "Effect of hardening on fatigue life of C-40 steel’’ Strength, Fracture and Complexity, Vol. 7, 2011, pp. 273-283.
  8. Satapathy B.B., Rana J. and Maity K.P., "Effect of Process Parameters in Laser Drilling", International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Vol-6, No.18,2011, pp. 2258-2262.
  9. Satapathy B.B., Rana J, Maity K.P. and Biswal S., "Optimization of Process Parameter in Laser Percussion Drilling". International Journal of Creative Mathematical Science and Technology. Vol. 17, No.25, 2012, pp. 17-25.
  10. Satapathy B.B., Rana J. and Maity K.P., "Quality Optimization of microhole in Laser Drilling" IOSR Journal of Engineering, Mar-2012, Vo. 2(3), pp. 382-388.
  11. Satapathy B.B., Rana J., Maity K.P. and Biswal S. "Experimental Study in the process parameters in Laser Percussion Drilling". International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research Vol. 4, Issue-5, May-2013, pp. 36-39.
  12. Mohanty U.K. and Rana J., "Parametric Optimization of EDM process using Weighted signal to noise Ratio". International Journal of Material Sciences and Manufacturing Engineering, April 2015 Vol. 42, Issue- I, pp. 1187-1193.
  13. I Nayak and J Rana., "Selection of a Suitable Multi-response Optimization Technique for Turning Operation", Decision Science Letter-5, July 2015,pp 129-142.
  14. B.B. Satapathy ,J.Rana and K.P.Maity,"Numerical prediction of hole profile in laser drilling process and experimental validation",International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,Published online on 28th Oct.-2016.
  15. I Nayak, J Rana and A.Parida., "Performance Optimization in Electro Discharge Machining using a suitable multi-response optimization techinque", Published online on 9th Dec.-2016 in Decision Science Letter (Volume-6-2017,pp 283-294).

International Conferences

  1. Rana J., Biswal B.B. and Bhoi R.K., “Study of the Crater in EDM by a Thermal Modelling”, 16th AIMTDR, Dec. 8-10, 1994, Bangalore, India, pp. 652-657.
  2. Kajale S.R., Rana J., Prasad B.V.S.S.S. and Mishra P.K., “Experimental and Numerical Estimations of Threshold Power Intensities by Pulsed Nd-YAG Laser Machining”, In. Proc. National Laser Symposium IRDE, Dehradun, Feb-1995, pp. 326-327.
  3. Prasad B.V.S.S.S., Rana J., and Mishra P.K., “Numerical Estimation of Three Dimensional Temperature Distribution for Laser Heat Treatment of Finite Size Workpieces”, Proc. Of 3rd ISHMT-ASME, Heat and Mass Transfer Conference, Dec. 29-31, 1997, IIT, Kanpur, India, pp. 685-690.
  4. Rana J., Goswami G.L., Jha S.K., Mishra P.K. and Prasad B.V.S.S.S., “Theoretical Prediction of Threshold Power Intensity for Transformation Hardening of steel and experimental verification using Pulsed Nd-YAG Laser”, Annual Technical Meeting, Indian Institute of Metals, 15-16, Nov., 1999, IIT, Kanpur, India, pp. PD-21.
  5. Rana J., Goswami G.L., Jha S.K., Mishra P.K. and Prasad B.V.S.S.S., “Effect of Process Parameters and their Co-relation for case Hardening of Steel Using Pulsed Nd-YAG Laser”, Annual Technical Meeting, Indian Institute of Metals, 15-16 Nov., 1999, IIT, Kanpur, India PD-22.
  6. Bhowmick T.P., Dhar N.R. and Rana J., “Development of an Electrochemical Grinding (ECG) Machine”, Proc. Of 7th Annual Paper Meet and 2nd International Conference, The Institute of Engineers, Bangladesh Mechanical Engineering Division, Oct.  25-27, 2001, pp. 143-150.
  7. Bhowmick T.P., Dhar N.R. and Rana J., “Development of a Grinding Dynamometer for an Industrial Model”, 4th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Dec. 26-28, 2001, Dhaka, Bangladesh, pp. 57-61.
  8. Rana J., Panda, D.K. and Bhoi R.K., “Laser Drilling- A Qualitative Approach”, 20th AIMTDR, BIT, Mesra, Ranchi, 13-15, Dec., 2003, pp. 343-348.
  9. Rana J., Panda, D.K. and Bhoi R.K., “Determination of Material Removal Rate for Brittle Materials in Abrasive Jet Machining”, 21st  AIMTDR Conference, V.I.T., Vellore, India, Dec.-2005, pp. 1005-1010.
  10. Maity K.P. and Rana J., “Micro-drilling by Laser-A Review published in CD of  All India Seminar on Applications of Laser in Aerospace Engineering, Ahmedabad, 19-20 January, 2008.
  11. Satapathy B.B., Rana J., Maity K.P., “Quality Optimization of Micro-hole in Laser Drilling” Published in International Conference on Advanced Materials, Manufacturing, Management and Thermal Science (AMMMT-2010), Nov. 18-19, 2010.
  12. Mohanty U. and Rana J., “Performance Evaluation of EDM process of high carbon steel” Presented in the National Conference on Trends in Innovations in Mechanical Engineering at Dr. M.G.R. (Educational Research Institute), University, Maduravoyal, Chennai, Tamilnadu on 17th April, 2015.
  1. Organized three National level students seminars (Jan-2000, Jan 2001 and April 2002) for Manufacturing Science & Engg. Deptt. in the capacity of Advisor MSE society.
  2. Organised four Seminars (From July 2012 to November 2012) in the capacity of Prof. I/C Institute Seminar. The details are stated in the following.
    • First Seminar on dt. 30.04.2012 by Er. S. Nayak, Aluminous 1977 batch Mechanical, Chairman, NCAIA, on Man Making Nation Building Application of Engg. Technique for Better Human Life.
    • Second Seminar on dt. 06.08.2012 by Er. R.P. Panigrahi, Ex Sr. G.M. OCL Ltd. Rajgangpur on Total Quality Management.
    • Third Seminar on Dt. 07.11.2012 by Prof. M.L. Kansal Prof. W.R. D & M, IIT Delhi, on Analysis of Urban Water Supply Schemes.
    • Fourth Seminar on Dt. 24.11.2012 by Prof. A.K. Kesari, Prof. Civil Engg. Department, IIT Delhi on Emerging Technologies in Water Sector for Sustainable Development.
  1. Working as
    • Member of Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)
    • Member of Board of Studies
    • Member of Academic Council
    • Head, School of Chemical & Bio-Science
  2. Worked as
    • Convener,Reception ,Registration and Accounts for Diamond Jubilee Celebration,18-19 Mar. 2017.
    • Member of Board of Management of VSSUT Burla, from March 2012 to  November 2015 (3 years 8 months)
    • Members of Finance Committee from1.1.2013 to 31.3.2016
    • Dean Faculty and Planning from 01.01.2013 to 31.3.2016 (3 years 3 months)
    • Convener University Committee for Prospective Planning (UCPP) (1 year)
    • Chairman UPC as per the Provision of the University Statue during the tenure of Dean F & P. 
    • Coordinator for Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) during the tenure of Dean F & P.
    • HOD, Mech. Engg.
      • From 28.02.2009 to 27.02.2012. (3 years)
      • From 05.10.2012 to 26.07.2014. (1 Year 10 months)
    • HOD, Manufacturing Science & Engg. Deptt. From 10.04.2004 to 28.07.2005. (1 year 3 months)
    • Member of Academic Council
    • Member of a Conducting Board
    • Member of Board of Studies
    • Member of Departmental Academic Committee (DAC)
    • Chairman of Moderation Board
    • Member of Building and Works Committee
    • Superintendent, West Hostel from 10.01.2004 to 01.05.2006. (2 years 4 months)
    • Prof I/C, House Allotment Committee from July 2011 to December 2012 (1.5 years)
    • Asst. Superintendent of South Hostel for a period of 2 years
    • Part time NCC Officer for a period of 2 years.
    • Vice President Students Common Room Society for 2 years.
    • Vice President Students Literary Society for a period of 2 years.
    • Prof I/C Production Engg., Lab. From July 2003 to Dec 2011 and developed the laboratory.
    • Developed Course Curriculum for the Mech. Engg Dept. for B.Tech & M. Tech Programmes for 2010-2014.
    • Active member of University time table committee for 2 years and
    • Member of J.E.E. 2001.
Present Address : 
Dr. Jaydev Rana, Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department VSSUT Burla, Sambalpur-768018, Odisha Phone: +919438865899
  Permanent Address : 
Dr. Jaydev Rana At- Maheshpur Po- Sultanpur, Via-Dehurda Balasore-756036, Odisha