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वीर सुरेंद्र साई प्रौद्योगिकी विश्वविद्यालय

Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology

About Department

The scope of Mechanical Engineering :

Mechanical Engineering is a branch of engineering and technology, which deals with the favorable application of the laws of nature in micro/macro level. In the micro level the effect of quanta of energy bundle prompts the development of new areas of study, such as the nuclear fission/fusion to the generation of electricity and power without disrupting the eco-system. Development of power from both conventional and non-conventional sources of nature breeds the Power Plants. Then, the macro level analysis creates the opportunity to study the material and its properties which leads to the science and art on designing prospects. For this reason, our faculties are imparting some fundamental knowledge to all students enrolling in engineering.

During the under graduate study we inculcate the basic fundamentals of engineering to ensure that a young brain could allow to understand any thing happening under this solar system.Hence, someone will visualize the breadth and length of Mechanical Engineering. After that, the Post Graduate (PG) study enables one to educate himself to unveil the secrets of natural laws in a particular area, so that it promotes a skilled professional. The Doctor in Philosophy (Ph D) in this branch opens a mindset to understand, analyze and answer the questions ‘How and Why’ in a particular focused area. In other words the in depth study starts only after graduation level, which aims to foster awareness among the budding technocrats, researchers and scientists.

The curriculum of this branch is designed and furnished by seeking the most recent trends to keep pace with international standard. The opportunity of up gradation and revision of curriculum by peer groups enables the engineering graduates of our branch to sustain in any situations in fast changing scenarios. For this reason, our department is recently accredited by the peers of AICTE team for 5 years from 2006. During last 5 decades, this branch produced high standard self motivated professionals (around 3500) of this land to serve the humanity both nationally and internationally at par excellence.

Scope of a Graduate Mechanical Engineering :

After being a graduate engineer in this stream the multifarious opportunities are likely to be explored for becoming a leading professional.

  • Design and Thermal analysis of different componets, machines and power generators.
  • Non-conventional Energy resources for development eco-friendly Power Plants.
  • Nuclear Power, Thermal Power and Solar Power sectors.
  • Metallurgy, Powder Metallurgy, and Nano-Technology.
  • Aeronautics, Naval and Marine Engineering.
  • Robotics, FMS, CIM and Non-conventional Machining.
  • Simulation, Modeling and Control of different plants/processes/industries.
  • Non destructive testing and Quality Control of high pressure vessels, Weldings etc
  • Management in manufacturing, personnel, marketing, quality etc.
  • Entrepreneurships development in Small, Medium and Large scale industries.
  • Development of different software related to management/industrial/educational applications.
  • Teaching and Research in various fields like heat, power, design, mechatronics etc.

Department's Vision & Mission

Department Vision :

To be recognised as a centre of excellence in education and research in the field of mechanical engineering by producing innovative, creative and ethical mechanical engineering professionals for socio-economic upliftment of society in order to meet the global challenges.

Department Mission :

Mechanical Engineering Department of VSSUT Burla strives to impart quality education to the students with enhancement of their skills to make them globally competitive through:

  • M1: Maintaining state of the art research facilities to provide conducive environment tocreate, analyze, apply and disseminate knowledge.
  • M2: Fortifying collaboration with world class R&D organizations, educational institutions, industry and alumni for excellence in teaching, research and consultancy practices to fulfil ‘Make In India’ policy of the Government.
  • M3: Providing the students with academic environment of excellence, leadership, ethical guidelines and lifelong learning needed for a long productive career.

Research and Development

  • Alam J, Panda S*. Exploring Tribological Behaviors of Profile-Shifted Spur Gears: An Experimental Investigation, Tribology Transactions, 2024, https://doi.org/10.1080/10402004.2024.2369185.
  • Alam J, Panda S*. A Comprehensive Approach for Analysing Optimized Profile-Shifted Gears with a Focus on Tribological Parameters., Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Mechanical Engineering., 2024 DOI : 10.1007/s40997-024-00794-7
  • S. Sahoo, P. Patro and H. Barik, Thermal and hydrodynamic analysis of nanofluid flow in a circular pipe using euler-granular mixture model, Multiphase Science and Technology 36 (3), 79-99, (2024).
  • D. K. Sethy and P. Patro, Parametric study and development of a correlation for Nusselt number in Nanofluid jet impingement, Multiphase Science and Technology, 36(3), 1-18 (2024).
  • Deepak Kumar Mohapatra, Chitta Ranjan Deo, Punyapriya Mishra, Chandrakanta Mishra, Investigation of Mechanical Attributes and Dynamic Mechanical Analysis of Hybrid Polyester Composites for Automotive Applications, Fibers and Polymers, Pages 1-19
View All Publications
  • Projects Applied to SERB, AICTE INDIA
  • Seed Grant project sponsored by TEQIP-II,VSSUT, Burla
  • Research project sponsored by TEQIP-III, VSSUT
  • "Performance enhancement of a slotted fin heat sink: An Experimental and Computational investigation" funded by OSHEC(Odisha State Higher Education Council)
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Departmental Activities View all


Tech Talk on Cloud Computing Innovations, link will be added soon

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Guest Lecture on Future of Web Development

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Panel Discussion on Startups & Entrepreneurship

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Awards and achievements View all

24, Jan

Utkarsh Odisha 2025 at Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology (VSSUT) BURLA


24, Jan

National Conference on Chemical & Bio-Science on 25-26 March, 2023 organized by Chemical Engineering Department


Programme Educational Objectives:

The educational objectives of Mechanical Engineering of VSSUT, Burla are to prepare its graduates:

  • PEO1: To demonstrate successful professional careers with strong fundamental knowledge in Science, Mathematics, English and Engineering Sciences so as to enable them to analyze the Mechanical Engineering related problems.
  • PEO2: To acquire competency in solving real-life problems and to design/develop sustainable and cost effective products according to the prevailing socio-economic context.
  • PEO3: To acquire technical knowledge in specialized areas of Mechanical Engineering such as Materials, Design, Manufacturing and Thermal Engineering with a focus on research and higher studies.
  • PEO4: To improve self-reliant capabilities, soft skills, leadership qualities in order to excel the entrepreneurial skills to serve the nation and the society responsibly and ethically.
  • PEO5: To provide opportunity to work and communicate effectively in a team and to engage in the process of life-long learning.

Long Range Goals :

  • To establish Advance Research Centre for characterization of our minerals, products and the pollutants.
  • To attract research oriented faculties with high caliber to face new trends in technological scenario.
  • To develop knowledge centers in Rural areas  for the development of farmers,artisians,carpenters,blacksmiths and other sects.
  • To develop a research group for providing proposals, suggestions and simulation results to Government, Industries and software companies.
  • To develop young scientist group for studying the new renewable sources of energy.
  • To train the common people by workshops for protecting the ecosystem.
  • To conduct research for adding values to steel,silicon,coal,aluminum etc. instead of selling to other developed countries.
  • To conduct research on tidal,wind,solar,nuclear energy for making pollution free vehicles, industries.
  • To conduct research on the water management of rivers to control flood and drought.
  • To conduct different training programmes for preventive maintenance, rural technology, human resource management etc.
  • To publish high quality research articles,books,journals etc from our knowledge centre.
  • To aware the common people about the global warming, pollutants and the remedial measures for  saving our planet from destruction and annihilation during this century.

Short Range Goals :

  • To educate and imbibe technical,philosophical,psychological,social, and environmental knowledge to our beneficiaries for peaceful cohabitation in the present world.
  • To impart quality teaching and research in various areas as per our expertise.
  • To encourage the faculties for updating and upgrading their knowledge as per requirement.
  • To organize faculty development programmes in different specialization.
  • To conduct technical festival, cultural programmes for encouraging the budding engineers and faculties.
  • To conduct different seminars and technical talks in our Mechanical Society.
  • To encourage the students felicitation with awards in Mechanical Society.
  • To organize and conduct national/international level technical festival for students in the arena of ‘INNOVA’.
  • To promote our students for participating in national level contests.
  • To dissemination technical thesis and research papers by expert committee.
  • To evaluate the performance rating of our students/faculties/other staff by e-learning center.
  • To invite experts from different fields for delivering talks in our department.

Words from Head of Department :

Our department is established in 1956.This department is the mother branch of all other branches/streams. The committed faculties are teaching with dedication for achieving academic excellence during last decades. Our alumni have proved their efficiency in India and abroad by serving in multifarious capacities. Presently our department is accredited by AICTE for five years because of its academic excellence. Our curriculum has been revised for B.Tech and M.Tech students keeping in view the competitiveness of the different industrial/software sectors. We expose our students to different industries/software companies/national laboratories after the sixth semester during summer vacation. Because of the quality and sincerity of our students, various core and software companies are recruiting our students at par with IITs/NITs.

Sl. No. Programme Degree/Specialization Present Intake Year of Establishment
1 B.Tech Mechanical Engineering 120 1956
2 M.Tech Heat Power Engineering (HPE) 18 1972
3 Machine Design and Analysis (MDA) 18 1972
4 Production Engineering (PE) 18 1972
5 Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering 08 Awarded 30 Continuing 1972

Mechanical Department Building

Mechanical Department Building

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